12. Ren

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Rikuta continued to drag me into the school, pulling me instantly towards the gym. As we got closer, the music only grew louder in volume. While he pulls me behind him, I try my best to keep up to him as my feet stumble and I almost fall.

"Careful Ren, don't want to ruin that pretty face of yours." He grinned looking over his shoulder at my now very flushed face.

"Well slow the hell down then!" Grumbling, I try to remove my hand from his grip.

"No can do!" Now he was only grinning bigger.

"Why the fuck not!" I hiss.

"Someone is waiting for you inside." He sends me a wink as I stare at him.

"Wait, what!" Gasping as I look at Rikuta, my eyes now wide.

"Yah we had someone call us this morning, asking if you would be coming tonight." Kyo chuckles from behind me, as he places his hands upon my shoulders to help guide me.


"It's a Surprise!" Both the twins sang out again in perfect unison.

"Wait, you two know as well?" I groan out sighing. How could all my friends go behind my back like this on me. "Look don't you dare try to fucking set me up on a blind date!" I growl out annoyed.

"Too late!" Rikuta laughed as he tugs my hand, while Kyo helps by pushing me from behind.

"Serious guys. I am leaving if you do!" I snap at them.

"Ren, trust us for once." Kyo sighed.

I stopped walking as I finally managed to free my hand from Rikuta's grip. "Why should I?" I ask gazing into Kyo's dark brown eyes.

"Remember before you and Shin started to date." He whispers softly. "You acted this very same way, and look how that turned out."

"Yah it ended in pure heartbreak." I mutter.

"Ren!" Rikuta grabbed my body and spun me around to face him. "There is a guy here crazy about you, give him a bloody chance!" I stare at him with wide eyes. "It's obvious you like him, so just stop thinking that you're cheating on Shin. Because you're not!"


"Did you truly dress like this, not thinking of someone in particular?" Rikuta grinned knowing he got me. "Look I know Shin bought you this shirt, and how the only times you ever wore it was when you went out on dates together. Because you wanted to look good, just for him. Come on Ren, you never wear fitted jeans like this except on dates!"

"T-that's..." I freeze, unable to speak. Everything he was saying is true. I bite my lower lip, as I look off.

"Look Ren." Kyo hugs me from behind. "We're not saying you have to fall in love with him tonight. Just talk to him. Spend some time together."

"I can't." I whispered quietly.

"Too bad!" Rikuta whispered into my ear. "It's time you moved on from Shin."

"You're all evil." I hiss.

"Yes we are!" The twins say in unison. The two of them pull me free from Kyo and Rikuta's grasp, as each one of them takes my arm in one of theirs. "ONWARDS!" They laugh as they drag me into the gym. I glance behind me to see Rikuta, and Kyo smiling at me.

"Dance with me Ren!" Nadia smiles and her brother lets go of my arm.


"I said dance with me!" She smiles up at me with those blue eyes of hers.

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