Tears come to my brown eyes, as Ren hangs up the phone. I sit there silently as I slowly close my phone.
"So he's safe?" Rikuta asks, afraid. "I never should have given him the vodka. He wasn't himself when he came to me. I knew that yet. But the look in his eyes."
"Ren is fine." I quickly smiled at Rikuta. "He said he is with his cousin. Where does his cousin live, I need to see him right now, I know he said not to come that he needs to be alone, but Ren shouldn't be alone right now."
"Toshi lives three hours away by bus, he lives in the city." Kyo sighs out. "Damn it, we should have known he would run to him."
"Why?" I ask.
"Because Ren has never seen Toshi as his cousin, but as his big brother. He goes to him for everything." Kyo whispers.
"Yah, if he doesn't come to us, it's straight to Toshi." Rikuta speaks up. "How the fuck did we not think to contact Toshi last night!" Rikuta asks Kyo, still upset with himself for giving him the vodka.
"So he lives in the city you said? What's his address."
Both boys looked at me. "You're not actually considering going there are you?" Kyo asks.
"Yes. I know Ren told me not to, he said he is unstable right now, but that is even more reason for me to go!"
Kyo and Rikuta look to one another and smile. "He is safe with Toshi, but even with his cousin the smallest thing may push him deeper over the edge. Ren thinks what's best is for him to be alone, but he is so wrong." Rikuta speaks.
"If anything you should be with him Hiroshi. The one thing Ren needs most in his life right now to help him through, this is his little Shi-kun!" Kyo grins at me as I blush shyly.
"Ren might be mad to see me though. He said he doesn't want me to throw away my life for him like Shin did."
"That idiot, missing a couple days of school won't throw away your chance at art school. The situations are completely different." Kyo mumbles. "Go to him."
"What about your dads?" Rikuta asks.
I weakly smile. "I will tell them the truth, they will understand."
"You sure about that?" Kyo chuckles. "From what Ren has told us, your father Daichi may just murder him for what he did to you."
"He won't be happy, but he will understand better then anyone. What's his cousins address." I ask once more and Kyo grins, scribbling it down on a random piece of paper. "Thanks." I smile as I leave the club house, and rush across the street home.
After a very heated discussion with my parents, I am now in my car driving towards the city. I think back on that conversation and sigh.
"Father, I don't care what you say, I am going!" I yelled at my father Daichi. "Ren is hurting and I can't have him be alone, Father I love him!" I started to cry as I walked up to him hugging him. "You of all people should understand why I have to go to him."
He sighed and glanced over my shoulders at Nori. "You're right. Ren reminds me so much of myself at his age. I was troubled back then too, and Nori was the one who helped me through it. If your dad never ran after me when I ran away, I don't know where I would be right now."
"That is why I need to go to him. He tried to kill himself in the past, when his boyfriend died. I have to make sure he doesn't get that bad again. I can't lose him, I love Ren so much."
"Daichi hun..." Nori walked over and hugged us both. "Hiroshi needs to do this." He smiles at Daichi as he kisses his cheek. "Just like I did for you."
Daichi nods his head. "Fine. I will contact the school, saying you will be absent for a couple of days. But I refuse you to bus with strangers. Take your car, plus you will get there quicker. And Mister you better call us once you arrive safely."
So here I am now. I am almost at the city, with my bag of some clothes and toiletries packed. "Ren, I hope you're ok." I whisper as the city lights come into my view.
I looked up how to get to Ren's cousin's place online, as I followed the directions it gave me. I soon find myself in front of the building that Kyo and Rikuta told me about. With my bag over my shoulder, I walk over to the intercom and take a deep breath. On the list of Tenants I see T. Ozawa. I push the button by his name as I wait patiently.
"Hello?" A male's voice speaks out.
"Uhh my name is Hiroshi Saito, I'm here looking for Ren." I shyly whisper.
There is a silence as I hold my breath. "Come on up!" It sounds like the person is smiling.
I hear a buzz and the door unlocks, as I pull it opened. I rush to the elevator as I quickly send my dads a text, letting them know I made it safely. I jump into the elevator and wait patiently. Stepping out of the elevator my heart is pounding, as I find myself in front of his door. Nervously and shyly, I raise my hand and knock on it.
A second later a guy older than me by a couple years opens it. He has green eyes and brown hair that sticks up just like Ren's does. "So your Ren's little Shi-kun huh?" He smiles at me. "Ren just finished telling me all about you, you are as cute as he said." He grins seeing me blush shyly. "Hey Renny!" He shouts over his shoulder. "You have a cute little visitor here to see you!" He grins pulling the door open wider, as I see Ren walk up behind him.
"Shi-kun." He whispers his green eyes grow wide, as he freezes staring at me. "How?"
"REN!" I ran to him, dropping my bag and throwing my arms around his neck. "I didn't kiss him! you have to believe me!" Tears start to form in my eyes. "He kissed me. I tried to push him off me, but he was so strong!" I cry into his chest.
"Shi-kun, forgive me. I didn't mean anything I said." Ren whispers into my ear. "I was hurt when I saw you with Kenta. I let my anger take over, I was stupid." Ren pulls away slightly, only to cup my face in his hands. "I love you Shi-kun." He whispers and leans in to kiss me.
"Well..." I pull away blushing, only to see Ren's cousin smiling at us. "I have a feeling you're going to be camping out here too huh Hiroshi?" He smiles softly seeing my bag. "Well in that case, I need to go buy some food for dinner, I got nothing here." He walks over to the front door. "Oh and Ren. You're my cousin, and I love you dearly. But no sex on the couch, and stay out of my room!" His cousin winks at us, as he goes to shut the door. "Feel free to use the shower for your makeup fun." He winks once more, then leaves us alone.
My face is on fire.
"I can't believe you're here. You shouldn't be, you have to go to school." Ren sighs out as he pulls me to the couch.
"Ren I had to see you. I was so scared of what you might do." I whisper as I sit on his lap. "I was so afraid I might lose you."
"You're the one, that I may lose." Ren whispers. "If I lost you like Shin. Honestly I would have nothing. I am a mess right now Shi-kun. I lost my chance of Vet School, it would take a miracle to get accepted now. I just don't see anything in my future but you."
"Ren." I smile at him, and kiss his lips softly. "You will never lose me."
"Shin said the same thing. And because of me he is dead." I hear Ren whisper. His grip on me tightens, "I am so scared I will watch you die, just like Shin."
"Ren shh." I cup his face and kiss him. "I am right here, I am healthy and safe. You don't have to talk about it."
"You deserve to know what happened that night. Shin took me out on a date, after telling his parents about us two months before he turned eighteen."
I sit in Ren's lap rubbing his back, while my heart pains hearing his painful story. Ren cries into my shoulder, as he fully opens up to me with the pain that caused his heart to shatter.

Just Another Sappy Love Story
RomanceWith a painful past haunting his every move. Ren pushes himself further into his school work and studies. Determined to graduate the top of his class with perfect scores, his life takes a sudden change. Suddenly with crashing grades and stuck in det...