I climbed out of the shower, grabbing a towel only to hand it to a shy bashful Hiroshi. "Thanks Ren." He whispers faintly, as he wraps it around his small naked body.
"You really are perfect, you know, coming here for me. I owe you everything. I love you so much Shi-kun" I smile softly at him, as I grab my own towel to dry off.
"You're cousin, Toshi right?" I nod my head. "Will he really not mind me staying here?"
"Nah, my cousin is the best. Me, Kyo and Rikuta always crash here in the summer. He loves it so no worries there."
"Ok. I would feel really bad if he didn't want me here." I smile at Hiroshi as he pulls clothes out from his little bag, and pulls them on his body as I slip on some of Toshi's.
Now both fully dressed, we leave the bathroom to find Toshi still not home yet from shopping. "Bet the idiot is taking his sweet time to give us alone time." I laugh out faintly as Hiroshi blushes. "He is so the type to do that."
My eyes follow Hiroshi, as he curiously walks around the living room looking at things. "Hey Ren look! it's the same photo from the trophy case at school!"
"Yah, I know..." I mumble. "That photo always gets me in trouble, everyone compares me to Toshi all the time. He was a straight A student at school. Popular, co captain of the soccer team. Teachers loved him. Then there was me, a slacker who skipped most classes wanting to drop out."
"But you changed Ren, you're not that guy anymore."
I sigh and walk up to Hiroshi to gaze at the photo. "If I have to retake my entire senior year to get into vet school, then I will. I refuse to let myself fall back into the guy I was before Shin came around."
"Ren, maybe you won't have to retake the year." Hiroshi gives me a small smile that makes my heart skip a beat.
"With missing two months of school I will have to."
"There might be a way you can still graduate with top marks, and get accepted into veterinary school. Just let me help you ok?"
"I need you to worry about your own school work, and getting into Art school first." I whisper brushing his black hair from his face, to gaze into his brown eyes.
"I have been meaning to tell you, then this all happened. Ren..."
"Don't tell me you are giving up on that dream for me too." I mutter in fear.
"No Ren." Hiroshi smiles brightly shaking his head. "I have already been accepted into art school. I found out the other day. I have been dying to tell you, but then you got suspended, and I felt it wasn't right to tell you then." He looks down nervously.
"You got accepted into art school?" My face brightens up. "Shi-kun! that's amazing!" I pick him up and spin his small body around, as he giggles out softly. "I'm so happy for you!" I cup his face, as I set him down, and kiss him passionately. But then a thought hits me. "Wait, what art school? where will you be moving too?"
He smiles and reaches up to caress my cheek. "To the art school here actually, in the city. Works out well right. I know the vet school you want to apply to is here as well, meaning we can still be together!"
The smile of happiness on Hiroshi's face right now, is truly the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. His brown eyes shine in happiness, as his smile radiates one onto my own face. Gazing at his happiness it's like a spark hits me inside my heart, and I know what I want in life.
"I will do anything to get into Vet school." I whisper determined.
"Good, because I already have an idea for that." Hiroshi smiles at me, as he leans up on his tiptoes to kiss my lips softly.
"I'm back!" The door opens to a grinning Toshi as he sees us kissing. "Darn, guess we came home too early."
Hiroshi blushes shyly as I look to Toshi in confusion. "We?"
"Yup! Picked this beauty up at the bus stop on my way home." Toshi moves to show a girl with grey eyes, and waist length black hair. I smile seeing her instantly, and run to hug her.
"Hi Miyuki. I missed you."
She smiles and chuckles softly. "Missed you too Renny. So is this your adorable little boyfriend Toshi told me all about?"
I look to see Hiroshi blushing madly, as I nod my head and introduce them.
Later that night we were all hanging out in the living room before bed, when Hiroshi saw something that caught his eye. I watch him walk over, and pick up a book from the book shelf.
"I love this book, it's so inspiring!" He whispers softly.
"Which one?" Toshi asks curiously, then only laughs when Hiroshi shows him the cover. "Ah, one of my favourites!" I see Miyuki giggling and nodding in agreement, and I look at the book only to also burst out laughing.
The look of confusion on Hiroshi's face was priceless. "What's so funny?"
Toshi smiles. "The author of that book, he is engaged to my best friend."
"Wait!" Hiroshi's eyes light up. "Does this mean you know Hikaru Yamashita?" Hiroshi stares at the cover of the book titled 'Why Me?'.
"Yah we know him, Ruu-chan is the absolute cutest!" Miyuki giggled more.
"Hikaru hates you calling him that." Toshi shakes his head.
"But it's so adorable! Just like him!" Miyuki smiles.
"How is Ryuuzaki?" I asked curiously. "Haven't seen him in ages.
"Well he did mention to me, that him and Hika want to come and watch you graduate. So you better get to work on that, huh Renny?"
I hiss out. "Fuck, they do?"
"Wait! Does that mean I will meet Hikaru Yamashita?" Hiroshi smiles excitedly, only making me groan more.
"Yah, yah. I will introduce you two." I mutter sighing.
Toshi starts to laugh. "Hiroshi, you will be surprised how similar Hika and Renny are in personality."
"Shut up!" I hiss, only making Miyuki and Toshi burst out into laughter. "We aren't that similar."
"No. You're very similar, two little hot heads." Toshi laughs happily.
"Any news on a wedding date yet?" I curiously ask, also trying to change the subject.
"Sadly no. Ruu-chan is so busy with book signings and what not, he hardly has any free time sadly. Hopefully soon though they will say their vows."
I smile at this. "Good. They are so perfect for one another." I look to Hiroshi and smile. I mouth the words 'I love you' to him silently, and I watch his face blush softly as he smiles shyly.
That night once Toshi and Miyuki went to bed, me and Hiroshi are left to snuggle on the couch.
"I really like your Cousin and Miyuki." He whispers sleepily.
"Yah, they really are the greatest." I let my hand stroke his hair softly, as my fingers play in the black strands. "Sleep Hiroshi, you're tired."
He nods his head yawning, only to snuggle up onto my chest more making me smile. "Love you Ren."
"I love you too Hiroshi. I love you so much..." I whisper kissing his forehead, as I hold him tightly to me until he slowly drifts off to sleep in my arms. I gaze down at his face and I smile softly. "I will get into vet school, you will be proud to call me yours Shi-kun." I whisper before joining him as I drift off to sleep myself.

Just Another Sappy Love Story
RomanceWith a painful past haunting his every move. Ren pushes himself further into his school work and studies. Determined to graduate the top of his class with perfect scores, his life takes a sudden change. Suddenly with crashing grades and stuck in det...