15. Shin - 2 Years Ago

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When I feel Ren kiss me back my heart starts to pound. With his back pressed against the brick wall, I pull away and gaze into his amazing green eyes that sparkle in the sun. His sandy blonde hair sticks up here and there, making him look so irresistible, almost like he just had sex.

"This weekend" Raising my hand to his face, gently I glide my fingers along his cheek causing him to blush like mad. "May I take you out on a date?"

His green eyes grow wide with shock. I can't stop the smile from showing on my lips, as he gets flustered and stumbles over his words.

"I uhh. W-well, I..."

I chuckle and lean in kissing his lush pink lips softly. "You're so cute." I whisper. "Besides yesterday you did promise to show me around town."

"Uhh, r-right. I uhh was going t-to go to the, uhh mall."

"Yah? Did you need to buy something?"

I watch him glance down shyly. "Well I want to buy some new clothes..." I hear him mutter softly.

I smile knowing he tried to dress nicer today, than he was yesterday. "Then may I come with you?"

"I uhh guess. If you want to..."

"Perfect. It's a date." I smile at him. God I could just gaze at him all day long. He truly is perfect. I hated my parents for moving us here. But now meeting Ren, I am thrilled we came to this small little town.

"Lunch is almost over." He whispers softly.

"One more thing Ren. This..." I take both of his hands in mine, and entwine our fingers together. "Can we keep this just between us?"

"Are you ashamed to be seen with me?" His voice sounded hurt. "I don't give a fuck what people think."

"It's not that at all. If my parents found out, they may disown me. I hate to ask this of you. I don't want to keep you a secret. But until I become 18 and an adult, I have no choice in the matter. As long as I live under their roof, I am not allowed to date, especially another guy."

"Strict parents huh?" I nod my head. "I understand. My friends will have to know. But they can keep a secret." He smiles at me.

"Thank you." I smile at him and lean in to kiss him once more. "Damn I could kiss you all day long." I sigh as I pull away from him.

"Why are you not allowed to date until you're 18?"

"My parents wish me to focus on schooling, and nothing but that. I plan to go to law school after graduation, so I need to focus on my grades."

"Wow, law school huh? That sounds tough."

"Well it's what I want to do, that and my artwork on the side."

"You really like art huh?" I see his cheeks blush red. "I mean I saw your sketch yesterday when we bumped into each other, it was really amazing." Ren bites his lower lip, and his green eyes stare down at the ground.

"Whats wrong?" I lift his chin up, with my hand so he looks at me.

"I always wanted to just drop out of school. Work for my buddies at the bar. You already have such a big goal for your life planned. When I told my mom this morning I want to graduate, she looked like she was going to cry from happiness. I can't even count how many detentions I have been in, and failing grades I have had."

"You don't need to plan a career path right now Ren, but I am happy you decided to take school seriously." I lean in and kiss his cheek.

"Is it selfish to do this, just so I can be with you?" He whispers so quietly I could hardly hear him.

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