42. Ren

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Groaning ever so slightly, I open my green eyes to find an unfamiliar ceiling above me. "Oh fuck." I start to panic as I find an unfamiliar shirt on my body, while I am however thankfully still in my boxers. Please, oh please say I didn't hook up with some random dude last night. "What would Shi-kun thi..." My voice cuts off, as I remember what drove me to drinking last night.

I was so hurt and angry, that I allowed myself to sink into my depression, that I have fought so hard to move on from. Just seeing Kenta kissing him, my boyfriend. "Shit." I groan out as I sit up and hold my head in my hands. "I..." The entire memory of me freaking out at Shi-kun enters my mind. I was so harsh with my words, pushing him away from me.

"What have I done?" I feel the tears forming in my eyes. "Shi-kun isn't that type of guy!" I whisper pained at how much I overreacted. "He will never forgive me for this." I realize I never once let him explain. I never once listened to him. I just fell back to my old destroyed self. The guy who goes straight to drugs and alcohol, to solve all his problems. "I don't want to be that guy again." I whisper. Not only did I throw away the most amazing guy ever, but I turned on my own friends. I have never done anything like that to Rikuta before. He will never forgive me. If I were him I wouldn't.

My green eyes land on my cell phone that sits on the coffee table. I am too afraid to turn it on.

"Ren, what the hell am I becoming?" I whisper to myself..

I glance around the room I am in. I am totally freaked out. "Where the fuck am I?" I am not thinking clearly, as I am only beating myself up over how I acted yesterday. Standing up I nervously look around, when my eyes land on a picture. I walk up to it and I smile. It's the same picture in the school trophy case.

Toshi stands in the middle of the picture, holding the championship trophy with the captain of the soccer team who is beside him. Who also happens to be his best friend, Ryuuzaki Amano. Taking another glance around the room, I calm down recognizing my cousin's apartment.

"Fuck that's a relief, at least I didn't fuck some random guy, but..." I sigh running my hands through my sandy blonde hair. "Can I work this out with Shi-kun?" My eyes go back to my cell phone. Walking to it, I pick it up and flip it open and push the power button.

I wait the couple minutes for it to fully power on, and watch as my phone shows 29 missed calls. 13 voice mails. 52 unread texts.

I groan as I fall backwards onto the couch.

"Fuck..." I open the first voicemail and place my phone to my ear.

"Ren! Please! Let me explain! That kiss was nothing! He kissed me I swear! I tried to push him off, but he was too strong. Please Ren, you have to believe me!"

Tears form in my eyes as the second voicemail plays revealing Kyo's angry voice.

"REN YOU FUCKING IDIOT! NO YOU'RE NOT AN IDIOT! YOU'RE A COMPLETE AND UTTER MORON! Hiroshi just called me in tears, asking if I have seen you."

The message ends and the next one plays with Kyo's voice again.

Do you honestly think Hiroshi would cheat on you with the bastard who bullies him?! Come on dude! Think clearly about this! Where the fuck are you! I swear, I am going to kick you so hard in the ass!"

The next message is from Rikuta. Regret fills me as I clearly remember punching him. Not to mention how I spoke to him.

"Ren, look you're troubled right now. Fuck, if anything happens to you, if you do anything you can't come back from. Fuck that all falls onto me, I gave you the vodka. Ren look I forgive you, just please! You have to contact us!"

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