18. Hiroshi

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Once off the bus, I separated my hand from Ren's, as we made our opposite directions down the hall. We agreed to meet up in the library, once Homeroom was over. At my locker however, I feel a strong hand grasp my shoulder tightly.

"We need to have a little chat." A deep voice whispers harshly into my ear.

My body jumps as I spin around, and stare up into Kenta's blue eyes. His short brown hair hangs just across them slightly.

"I've told you. I don't have money." I whisper with a slightly shaking body, I am a huge wimp when it comes to bullies. Especially ones like two feet taller than myself.

"Shut up." Kenta growls out deeply.

"KENTA!" I watch him pull away from me, as I watch Rikuta storm towards us. "Stay the fuck away from Hiroshi."

"Stay the fuck out of this Jin." He growled glaring at Rikuta.

"I know you have no issue taking Ren in a fight, you have beaten him up plenty of times now this year. But mess with him or Hiroshi again, and you will have to take me on."

I have heard rumors about Rikuta Jin, he is one guy you do NOT want to piss off. No one has been able to take him in a fight yet, and it seems Kenta knows this as he pushes me away from him and into the lockers.

"Whatever, this is pointless." He growls as he walks down the hall.

"You cool?" I look up into Rikuta's green eyes.

"Yah." I mutter. I am a little uneasy around this guy.

"Cool, catch ya later then."

He goes to leave when I blurt out. "Rikuta, I need to know the truth!"

"About what?" He turns to face me, and walks over leaning against the lockers. I watch him cock an eyebrow at me to continue.

"About Ren, do you love him?"

"Ah." He chuckles. "Kyo told me after we left you with Ren in the club house, about you thinking I'm bi."

"Please tell me the truth." I whisper.

"Alright. I'm the fucking straightest guy you will ever meet." He winks at me.

"Even though you kissed him?"

"Honestly if you want the full truth, I still kiss him." I feel my face pale as I stare at the guy before me. His long black hair falls across his shoulders, as his green eyes meet my brown ones. "I don't love Ren in that way, just as a best friend. I kiss him to make him feel better, when he is really down in the dumps. Ren well, he is a special guy, once he gets depressed there is no other way to help him."

"So you kiss him? Even though you say you're straight?"

"Trust me Hiroshi." He places a hand on my shoulder. "I don't like him like that. I am into girls completely. Me and Ren, just have this really odd guy friend relationship." He smiles. "Honestly though, I want to see nothing more then for you and him to date, and become an official couple."

"I don't think that will ever happen."

"Kyo texted me this morning when he was on the bus, he said you two looked pretty cozy together sitting on the bus." I felt my cheeks burn red. "Just give Ren time."

"Will he ever tell me the truth about Shin?" I whisper. "I need to know what happened."

"I hope he will. You deserve to know." He gently punches my shoulder. "Hey, better get to homeroom before we're late, see ya!" He winks at me, and walks off with his hands in his pockets.

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