17. Ren - 2 Years Ago

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The movie plays in the background, completely forgotten to the both of us. The sound of the TV gets muffled out, by the sound of our moans and heavy breathing.

I lay on my back on his bed, gazing up into Shin's insanely beautiful eyes. My eyes close as I arch my back. Shin moves his lips across my neck, sucking here and there as he goes.

"Shin..." I whisper. "I, AH!" My body jolts, as he finds a very sensitive area at the base of my neck.

"Damn Ren, you sure know how to turn me on." He whispers. I feel him slip his hand up underneath one of my newly bought button up shirts.

"We can't, not right now." I whisper as I push his hand out from my shirt.

"Why? We both want to." He whispers seductively.

"Your parents could come home any moment." I whisper weakly.

"No, they won't be home until later this evening. Just a little bit Ren? I know you don't want me to stop."

I give in to his soft kisses. I wrap my arms around his body, and flip us over so I am now straddling his hips.

"Fuck Shin." I groan as I lean down and kiss him deeply.

I sit up and gaze down at him. He grins and runs his hands up my body, and begins to unbutton my shirt. "Button ups were a good idea to buy, this is fucking hot." He whispers as he slowly unbuttoned my shirt.

I blush as my shirt, now fully undone falls open. Shin pushes himself up, and positions my body to sit in his lap while I wrap my legs and arms around his muscular body. My hands run through his short brown hair as I moan out in pleasure, from his kisses across my bare skin. I let my head fall back

"Ren. I am happy I was able to meet you." Shin whispers into my ear, sending shivers through my body.

"Me too Shin."

"May I?" I gaze into his brown eyes that are encircled with green. I feel his hand roam down my bare chest. My breathing begins to pick up, as I feel him glide his finger along the top of my jeans.

I am too embarrassed, and shy to mutter a single word. All I can manage is to shyly nod my head, while my face is on fire from my blush.

I feel Shin unbutton my jeans, and slowly unzip my zipper. My breathing grows heavy, just as he is about to put his hand in my pants.

"Shinji we're home!"

Shin's and my eyes grow wide, as I fly off of his lap. I quickly re-zip my pants back up and rush to button up my shirt.

"You said they wouldn't be home until later!" I hiss out in a whisper, with a bright red face.

"They're never usually home this early!" He whispers back. "Come here." Shin grasps my hand and pulls me down onto his bed, while he flops down on the floor with his back against the bed.

We both stare silently at the TV, as we hear his bedroom door open.

"Shinji Hun, oh! I am sorry, I didn't know you had a friend over."

"Sorry mom. Hope it is no trouble." Shin smiles sweetly at his mother.

"No of course not. I am happy you were able to make a friend so quickly."

"Mom, this is Ren Ozawa. He also, actually lives across the street from us."

"Nice to meet you Mrs Higashi." I smile kindly at her.

"You as well Ren, if it is alright with your parents. Stay for dinner, I will order you both some pizza to eat while you watch your movie." She smiles and goes to leave the room.

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