49. Ren - 6 Months Later

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"Bet you never thought you would see this day, did you Renny." Kyo jumps on my back, almost knocking us both over to the ground. A hat fell off my head, as we gathered outside the school.

I laugh as I push him off, and bend down picking up the blue graduation hat and resetting it on my head. "No, I never imagined I would ever graduate." I smile as I wear the graduation robe over my suit, as I gaze at my friends.

"You sure came a long way." Rikuta whispers.

"And we all have Shinji Higashi to thank for that." I turn to see Hiroshi walking up to us in his own Blue robe and hat. My friends grow silent, as they still don't feel comfortable to bring up Shin in case I break down again.

"Yah, we have Shin to thank for me getting here today. If it wasn't for him, I would have dropped out and never met you Shi-kun." I smile and pull Hiroshi into a hug, not letting the mention of Shin's name push me into depression any more. When we returned from my Cousin's place seven months ago in November, I finally told my friends everything. About Shin and what happened.

"You look..." I turn to see Aidan walking over.

"...Handsome Renny!" Nadia finishes and kisses my cheek. She then walks over and grabs the front of Kyo's robe, and pulls him into a huge kiss before us all. "And you look hot, spicy hot babe."

We all burst out laughing, as Kyo blushes madly at Nadia's actions and words. Since they started dating, Aidan and her have spent less time together, but this has given him a chance to also meet a girl. Which leaves Rikuta alone.

"So when are we setting you up with someone?" I nudge him playfully and he chuckles.

"No need for that." He laughs as his black shoulder length hair blows in the breeze.

"No, you need someone!" Kyo sighs. "I have never seen you once go out on a date."

"I don't need you to find me anyone." He shrugs it off, like it was no big deal.

"Why not?" The twins ask him in unison.

"Have I never told any of you about Sarah yet?" He asks confused.

"Sarah?" We all ask in confusion.

"Yah, my girlfriend..."


Rikuta chuckles nervously. "No? Oh, my bad. I met her during Christmas holidays when my family went on vacation. She doesn't live here, but in the City."

"Well that explains all your trips to the city." Kyo laughs out.

Rikuta nods his head. "Yah, she is just finishing her first year of college. I met her when I took a tour of the campus, she was actually my guide. What can I say? She fell for me. she fell hard."

I shake my head. "Wonder why." I laugh out and hug Hiroshi to my chest. "God. I can't believe we are all graduating together."

We all glance at one another and my friends chuckle.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"Its more the fact that you, Ren Ozawa, the boy who wanted to drop out in junior year. That you are our valedictorian, is more a shocker then anything." Kyo laughs out.

I gaze down at my blue robe, and see the gold sash hanging over it. Hiroshi hugs me and I smile down at him.

"Shinji would be so proud of you today Ren, graduating top of all your classes. The highest grades in the year, I know I'm proud of you."

"Thanks." I whisper and sighed out happily as I look to the sky. "Thanks Shin." I chuckle softly knowing this is all because of him.


"And now, let's introduce this year's Valedictorian. A student who at one point, spent the majority of his days in my office for detentions." I shyly blush hearing this. "But who has turned his life around. His grades exceed all those in his year, and his determination caught the eyes of all the faculty teachers. Who I may say has gotten into one of the hardest Veterinary schools there is, from his grades and focus."

I glance at Hiroshi who is seated in a different location and he smiles brightly at me.

"Please give a warm hand to Ren Ozawa."

I stand shyly and make my way from my seat, and up onto the stage. I smile and shake Mr. Nakahara's hand.

"I am proud of you Ren, you lived up to your Cousin's name."

I smile knowing Toshi is in the crowd with Miyuki, along with his best friend Ryuuzaki and his fiance Hikaru. "Thank you sir, this is such an honor."

I walk up to the podium and gaze out at the sea of blue gowns and caps before me. My eyes meet Hiroshi's, and I smile as I glance down taking a breath, then up once more.

"On the behalf of the graduation class of Okayama High, I want to thank everyone for coming. But more so a huge congratulations to my fellow classmates. We have sure all had a long ride, but here we are. Our life in High school is over, but this is far from the end. No. This is only the beginning. High school is ending yes, but our lives, our futures, are only just beginning. I would never consider this the end, my life only moves from Okayama to the City, once fall comes around. A new home, a new school, meeting new friends, having a new life form before our eyes. But One thing is for sure, my time spent here. The memories and friends I made. Those are for life. Every moment, every friend, every life changing mistake I had made. I wouldn't take it back, not any of it. Because without any of it, I wouldn't be standing here before you today. I went through a rough time. I lost someone very dear to me, and I almost gave up on life because of him, but I pushed on not wanting to have him looking down at me and being unhappy. But then I met this new guy, and I found myself in a month's worth of detentions and my grades failed miserably. But with the help of friends, and my beloved boyfriend. I am standing here today giving this speech. Thank you..."

I nod my head as the gym fills with claps and cheers, and I make my way back to my seat. I pass by Kyo and we high five grinning brightly at one another. I then find my seat once more, and wait for them to start passing out the diplomas.


"Ren!" I turn to see Hiroshi run to me happily as he jumps into my arms. "Your speech was beautiful!"

I blush madly. "Was it? I was as nervous as hell." I chuckle shyly.

"Well it didn't show." I spin around to see Toshi. "Congrats Cuz."

I smile at Toshi. "I'm just happy you came."

"And miss today? My little cousin's graduation? Never!"

"Your speech was quite inspirational." I turn to see Ryuuzaki smiling at me. "Hey Kiddo, its been a long time." He stands taller than Toshi, his brown shaggy hair blows in the breeze.

"It has." I smile up at one of the guys who always inspired me. I feel a tug on my sleeve and I see Hiroshi smiling shyly, and I grin pulling him close. "Hey Hikaru, thanks for making time with your busy schedule. Can I introduce you to my boyfriend Hiroshi Saito, he is a huge fan of yours"

Hiroshi blushes madly, as the short guy with bright red hair smiles at him. "Thanks, though honestly, my book isn't that special." He mumbles back shyly.

"But it is! it helped me so much." Hiroshi bursts out then blushes only to make Hikaru blush.

"Ahh my Hika is still not quite a people person." Ryuu chuckles and kisses his head of dyed bright red hair.

"Shut up!" Hikaru Yamashita mutters and Toshi laughs out.

"See Hiroshi, just like our little Renny!"

"Shut up!" I grumble, and everyone bursts out laughing.

"I hate you all!" Both me and Hikaru say at the same time, causing everyone else to laugh harder as we both blush faintly.

"Well." Kyo smiles happily with his arms around Nadia. "Guess this means Party time!"

We all burst out into laughter, as I smile around at all my friends who are basically family to me. I know without them, I would have lost myself a long time ago. But here I am, together with them all about to start our new lives.


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