19. Ren

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I returned Hiroshi's kiss, with one of my own. I can't believe what I am doing. I know I need to move on from Shin, I know he will never return in my life. Him and I are over, that night, the night we fought made that clear.

I pull away and hold my head in my hands. "Sorry." I whisper.

"Take as long as you need." Hiroshi smiles softly up at me. He reaches out and takes a hold of my hand,as I place it on the table.

I turn my gaze to him. "Your eyes are so beautiful." I whisper causing his face to dust pink.

"Ren." he whispers shyly.

"Help me Hiroshi. Help me mend my shattered heart." I whisper as I then lay my free arm on the table, and lay my head on it. My green eyes watch him as he smiles slightly.

"Ren I want to, but in order for this to work, you need to be honest with me."

I stare at him in silence, I know where this is going. "No..." I whisper as I turn my face down towards the table, as it rests on my arm.

"Ren tell me what the hell happened between you and Shin. Why did you two break up?"

"I said don't push me!" I growl as I pull my hand from his, and grab my books and start shoving them in my bag.

"If he were to walk right through that door." I freeze as my green eyes stare into Hiroshi's brown ones.

"Don't." I whisper, pleading with him.

"Who would you choose? Me, or would you run back to the guy who broke your heart?"

"You fucking asshole!" I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder.

"You would choose him." He whispers tears in his eyes.

"You know fuck all!" I yell at him, as I storm from the library.

"REN! I'm sorry, please!" I hear the tears falling from his eyes, as I freeze in the hallway. "I want you to tell me everything, when you're ready."

"I'm not ready too." I mutter as I turn to face the smaller guy.

"Please forgive me, I am a huge idiot. I should have never asked about him like that." I see the sadness in his eyes, and guilt enters my heart for yelling at him. "Hey, we still have forty minutes until the second period starts, want to take a walk outside?" He asks in a quiet whisper.

I wanted nothing more than to run from him, but as I stand here gazing at him, I find myself holding out my hand for him.

"Yah, I think fresh air will do us both some good." I reply quietly.

Hiroshi looks at my outstretched hand, and a smile radiates from his face. He looks so happy, like a child who just found his lost puppy. I can't stop the small smile on my own lips, as I feel him place his soft delicate hand in mine. I squeeze his hand, as I entwine our fingers together almost instantly.

"Come on." I pull him from the school, and we walk around the grounds alone together.

"Ren I really am sorry."

"It's in the past." I mutter. I stop walking, and gaze intently into his brown eyes. "Hiroshi, look. I promise, one day I will tell you the truth. I just..." I pause as I take a breath and close my eyes. "I'm just not ready yet, ok?"

"I will wait as long as I have too. Where are we going?" He asks as I pull him further from the school.

"Somewhere we can be alone." I mutter as I lead him out of the school's sight. I drop my shoulder bag, and sit on a nearby grassy hill. Hiroshi follows and does the same. "Can I ask something?" I glance at the guy beside me then look back up at the sky. "If it's too personal, you don't have to answer."

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