8. Ren - 2 Years Ago

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Walking down the sidewalk my phone buzzes in my pocket. Pulling it out, my green eyes see the text message, as I let out a deep exhale.

KYO --It's the first day of classes Ren. You can't skip the rest!--

REN --Too late, just did.--

KYO --Did something happen in art class?--

REN --No. Well. I don't know, maybe?--

KYO --Ren, tell me what happened.--

Groaning in frustration, this was all the last thing I wanted to think about.

REN --Later, meet me at the old club house tonight. Get back to class now.--

KYO --Ok. I will bring pizza, so don't be full!--

Shoving my phone back into my jean pocket, I continue walking down the street in silence.

Yah my parents may get called that I skipped. But honestly, what can they do to stop me? Ground me again? Yah that never works out for them. I just don't give a fuck about school, and they both clearly know that.

Turning from the sidewalk, I walk into the small park where me and Kyo spent our childhood playing. Letting my shoulder bag fall to the ground, I slump my body down on one of the swings.

"The best perk to moving here? Well. I'm looking at him..."

I can't get what he said out of my mind. Is this guy gay? Does this mean that I may actually stand a chance at being with a guy like him?

Groaning in silent frustration, while I gently swing back and forth to clear my mind. Not realizing how much time has passed, I never did notice someone walk over to me.

"Why did you skip the rest of classes?" My head jolts up and I see Shin. My green eyes grow wide as I watch him sit in the swing beside me.

"I uhh.."

"Is this because of what I said?" He smiles as he gazes at me, with those amazing eyes of his. I can already feel my face blushing from his gaze. "You know, you're really cute when you blush." He lets out a light chuckle that makes my heart skip a beat.

"You think I'm cute?" I whisper quietly.

"Why did you skip classes?" He only asked once more. I only shrug my shoulders and lower my gaze to the grass below my feet. "Ren why?"

"Why the fuck do you even care?" I snap my eyes to him and glare daggers. "I don't give a fuck about the whole school thing. So who cares?"

"What do you mean you don't give a fuck?"

"Once I turn sixteen in two months, I am dropping out anyways. So it doesn't really matter in the end."

"You can't do that!" I watch in shocked confusion, as Shin stands up from the swing and towers over me.

"Why the hell not? It's my life and my choice."

"Because I refuse to watch you throw your life away!"

I stand from the swing and glare at him, my hands turn into fists as my body shakes with anger. "You know shit all about me. Why the fuck do you care so damned much, if I were to drop out or not? It is my life, not yours!"

My eyes suddenly open wide, as he reaches his hands out and cups my face in them. Before I can say anything else to him, he leaned in and captured my lips with his in a deep kiss.

"That's why..." He whispers softly. I am speechless as I stare at him. "If you keep skipping school and drop out, when will I ever get the time to talk to you? I don't want to see you throw your life away Ren. There must be something in this world that can push you into graduating. If you go to college, I know you can do any career you want. But if you drop out now, that life is ruined, before you even give it a chance."

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