30. Ren

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Standing in my bedroom, I stare at my reflection. Dressed in those damn skinny legged black jeans Kyo picked out. I grab my shirt and pull my arms through the sleeves, and begin to button it up. My shirt is a long sleeved white button up.

"Why did I let Kyo talk me into buying these." I groan as I grab the black fashionable vest, and pull it over top. I button it up and stare at myself. I run my hand through my sandy blonde hair messing it up. I am wearing a pair of black sneakers and damn, I look like I am trying way too hard for this.

But at the same time, I can't stop the one thought from running through my mind. "Will Hiroshi like how I am dressed?" I shake my head and turn my back around and lean against the wall. I close my eyes as my back slides down until I am sitting on the floor. Memories of this morning run through my mind.

"REN OZAWA!" I heard my name being yelled, the moment I entered the back door to the house. I groan as I walk into the kitchen to see both my mother and father. "Care to explain why my liquor cabinet was unlocked, and a bottle of vodka is missing?" He glares at me angrily, shit he is pissed.

"I uhh..."

"You're grounded!" My father yells. I know I reek of vodka, and this makes him madder. "You are to go to your room and not leave this house for the next two weeks!"

"Sorry no can do." I mutter as I walk past him and towards the stairs.

"I said you're grounded!"

"And I don't give a fuck!" I turn around and stare at my parents.

"Ren, darling please don't be like this again."

"I have always been like this!" I scream out. "I don't give a fuck anymore, never have, never will!"


"NO!" I yell at my father. "You never were able to ground me in the past. What makes you think I will listen to you now!"

Suddenly a loud sharp slap sound echoes around the three of us.

I stare in silence at the floor. My green eyes wide in shock.

"You live under my roof, you will do as I say. And you are grounded. Get to your room!"

"Whatever." I grumble shoving him away from me.

"Ren I mean it! if you leave this house you're in serious trouble!"

"Don't give a fuck."

So now here I am, dressed for my big date that I am not supposed to go on. My parents both know I have a date tonight, and they both know how much they threaten me. I will still go no matter what.

"I am done giving a fuck." I mutter. I stand up and once again gaze at my reflection. I look good I guess. "Fuck I want to look good for Shi-kun." I sigh. I glance at my watch to see it is betting closer to three in the afternoon. "Eleven more minutes." I mutter. Though I am unsure how tonight will work. I wanted to take the car, but no way my parents will let me lay a finger on the keys now.

"Damn it." I grab my wallet and keys, putting them in my pockets then leave my bedroom.

"Ren." I turn to see my mother standing at the base of the stairs.

"I told you already. I am going whether you and father want me to or not." I mutter as I go to walk past her.

"Ren." She grabs my hand and I freeze. "You look so handsome." I turn to look into my mother's green eyes, my exact same eyes.

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