29. Ren - 1 Year Ago

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Laying on my bed, unable to stop the smile from spreading across my face. Raising my left hand up, my green eyes can't stop gazing at my engagement ring.

"I'm happy you like it." I turn my head, to gaze at the very man who gave it to me.

I roll over onto my stomach, pushing my body up with my arms. I grin as I throw my right leg over his body. I gaze down at Shin's half naked body, as I straddle his hips. "You gave it to me, how could I not love it?" I smile as I lean down and kiss him deeply.

Pulling away I smile softly. Shin's eyes are closed as a tiny smile graces his lips.

"I know you said this ring is temporary." I watch Shin open his light brown eyes. The green around the edges always pulls me into his gazes. "That you want to get me a more expensive one..."

"That's because you Ren Ozawa, you only deserve the absolute best." Shin grins as his hands slide up my bare legs. I feel his fingers glide over my boxers, until his hands reach my hips.

"I love that you think so, but Shin. You don't need to. This ring..." I hold my hand out between us. "It's perfect, I love it. I want to keep this one." I smile.

"You sure?" One of Shin's hands leaves my hips, as he gently takes my left hand in his. He pulls my hands down to his lips and kisses my ring finger.

"Yes I'm sure."

"Well I did pick this one because I thought it would suit you." He smiles. "Damn I can't wait. In just five months, I get to introduce you to everyone we know not as my boyfriend, but as my fiance." I feel my cheeks burn up hearing that word slip from his lips. "I love how you're still so shy." He whispers.

"Well when you say sappy things like that." I mumble under my breath.

"Ren I love you." He chuckles as I blush even more. "You're so cute."

"I love you too." I whisper.

"I need to thank you."

I gaze at him in curiosity. "What for?"

I watch Shin push his body up, and I move my position from straddling his hips to now sitting in between his legs. He hugs my back into his chest, with his arms around my body.

"For going along with my selfishness. It was cruel of me to ask you to date me, but to keep it a secret from everyone. I have regretted it this entire year, we have been together. I just wish I was brave enough to stand up to my parents and just told them the truth that first day."

I lay my head against his strong masculine chest. "If you did that Shin, then you would have lost out on the chance to get into law school."

I feel Shin's body tense up.

"What's wrong?" I lift my gaze from his chest to stare at his face. He is staring ahead straight at the wall.

"Nothing..." He pulls my head back against his chest. "Just let me hold you Ren."

I feel his strong muscular arms tighten around my slightly less muscular body. We both remain silent for some time, as I lean into Shin's body while his arms hold me tightly to him. I smile at the silence. It's not one of those awkward silences. No, it's one where we are both content and happy.

"I was thinking." Shin finally broke the silence.

"About what?" I smile at him.

"Well after we both graduate, we should get our own place to live together."


"Yah. Then we can be just like this all the time."

"But how could we afford that? I mean with affording rent. Then both Law and Vet School. I won't have any money for a place. I am going to have to get student loans as it is for Vet school, if I even get in that is."

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