44. Ren - 8 Months Ago

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I am still a little nervous, as Shin holds my hand tightly as he leads me to the restaurant. It's not our favourite date spot like he said. He wanted to do something special for me tonight, I blush at that thought.

We enter a smaller restaurant that has a more romantic vibe to it. I can't stop the small smile from appearing on my face. I love when shin gets all romantic, it makes my heart race.

"After you Ren..." Shin whispers into my ear as he pulls out my chair for me."

"Oh." I blush red, knowing some couples are watching us. "Thanks." I sit down ignoring their stares, and gaze at the handsome man across from the tiny table. "This is really nice." I smile shyly.

"I should have done this a year ago, take you out on a proper date." Shin whispers.

"So why now Shin?" I ask, needing to know. "Why couldn't you wait the two months for your eighteenth birthday?"

"My parents left me no choice." He sighs, as a waiter pours us both some water.

"What do you mean they left you no choice?"

"I think they realized finally, you and I were more than friends." Shin smiles. "So they wanted to change that before we got really serious. They, well they started to set me up for an arranged marriage."

My green eyes grow wide as my heart pounds. "You're not going to, right?" I ask worried.

"Oh Ren." Shin smiles at me and holds his hand out over the table. I place mine in his softly, while blushing. "I told them I would never marry anyone besides my fiance Ren Ozawa. Lets just say, they weren't overly very happy."

I can't help but smile at him. "But Shin, what about law school?" I whisper squeezing his hand. "You have been working so hard towards that. They can hold your inheritance over your head to break up with me, so you cant get into law school."

Shin sighs. "About that, I was planning to tell you. I just didn't want you to blame yourself Ren, it was entirely my decision to make. And I would do it all over again if given the chance."

"Shin what did you do?" I whisper out my heart racing.

"I'm not going to law school."

"WHAT!" I blurt out. "No, you have too!" I ignore the harsh glares I get from others around us. They can all go fuck off for all I care. "Shin, why? It was your dream."

"Well now you're my dream." Shin whispers.

My green eyes grow wider. "You, y-you gave up on law school for me?" My voice is a whisper. "No Shin, I want to see you get accepted!"

"It's too late. I already missed the entrance exam to get accepted, for once High School is over."

"What the hell was more important to you, then going to take the entrance exam? You have been studying so hard for this our entire year together!"

"You Ren, you were more important."

I stare at him blankly.

"I had to make a huge decision, I got that. I chose what meant more to me. Law School or you Ren, I chose you."

"You idiot!" I can't help but get mad. "What the fuck happened to the whole no throwing your life away shit, that you harshly told me the day we first met!" I am pissed that Shin did this. "Why couldn't you have just gone to Law School, and be with me!"

"Because the damned entrance exam, was the same evening of our One Year Anniversary date!" Shin blurts out. "You were so damned happy about it! When I learned the exam date, it almost broke my heart. I couldn't postpone our big date, it wouldn't have been the same on another day, you would have been upset!"

"If you told me about the entrance exam, I would have been fine with it Shinji." I stand up. "You threw your life away for me! I have been doing everything I can, to make sure I get into Vet School to make you happy and proud of me. Then you turn around and pull this shit!"

"What the fuck do you want me to do Ren!" Shin stands and stares at me. He looks pissed and hurt, most likely just how I look.

"I want you to become a lawyer!" I scream at him. The entire restaurant is silent, as we argue back and forth. Even the waiters are too scared to ask us to calm down.

"I told you that life is gone. I will do something else instead, I will go to art school, who cares if it's not law school."

"I care! I fucking care! You should have told me Shin! I would have understood!"

"I didn't want to propose to you any other night, but on our Anniversary! There was nothing else I could do Ren. It's in the past. Law School is gone, get over it!"

"NO!" I yell. "Shin you're an idiot!"

"Then if I am such an idiot, maybe we shouldn't be together!" He yells clearly just as pissed at me. Neither of us are thinking clearly at what we are saying.

Tears form in my eyes. "Fine then!" I pull off the chrome engagement ring, and throw it at him which he catches. "Take that back. Every time I will look at it now, I will just be reminded that you threw your life away on my behalf without asking me first!"

"Whatever Ren." Shin turns his back on me, as the tears finally fall down my face. I watch him storm from the restaurant. I collapse into my chair crying for a couple of minutes, the restaurant is silent around me.

"Shit no, SHIN!" I scream, and jump up to race after him. I run out the door and look to find him. "SHIN I'M SORRY!" I scream out. Tears falling from my green eyes, I spot him as he stands at the road to cross it. "SHINJI. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" I ran towards him.

He stops on the sidewalk, and turns to me tears falling down his own face. "Ren I." He moves to take a step towards me.

My heart beats fast, as I hear a loud horn honk. "SHIN! WATCH OUT!"

My heart stopped beating in my chest, as I watched a car lose control going up onto the sidewalk.

"SHIN!" I scream, as I watch his body get hit right before my eyes. I watch in fear as Shin's body flies backwards, and lands in the middle of the street. "SHIN!"

I ran to him and dropped to my knees. There is blood everywhere. "Shin!" My hands are shaking in fear. "Shin, baby please open your eyes. SHIN!" I scream out, and lift his head pulling his body onto me covering myself in his blood. "No Shin! Wake up! Please!"

I am a mess of tears, as I hold Shin's body while a crowd begins to form around us. I hear sirens in the distance, but all I can think about is Shin.

"Wake up! You can't leave me!" I whisper as more tears fall from my eyes. "Please Shin, you have to wake up and marry me. I never got to tell you I love you, one last time."

Shin is not moving in my arms, as the ambulance and police arrive. I painfully already knew there was no helping him. I knew I was holding onto his lifeless body.

"Shinji." I lean down and kiss his lips. "Please don't leave me alone. I need you. I'm so sorry, this is my fault. If only I didn't start the fight. I killed you..." I cry harder as the police try to pry me off of his body.


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