3. Ren

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My body storms into the detention hall completely pissed off. My eyes dart to the black haired boy sitting at a table, as my hands clenched into fists. His brown eyes meet mine, and I have to bite my tongue to not start yelling at him.

"Ren take a seat." I do as the teacher who got stuck with us for a month says. I drop my school bag on a table across the room from that fucker. "Now that you are both here, you both know what you did was wrong." I groan out in anger. "Now Mr Nakahara and I agree that for you both to learn your lesson and never do it again. You both are responsible for cleaning the mess you made."

My head snaps up to the teacher. "This is not fair! I did nothing!" I shout out.

"Ren please." I instantly shut up not wanting to cause more trouble for myself.

I groan and I turn my head to see him looking at me. I glare at him as his cheeks blush pink and he looks at the table. "I will lock up the detention hall, so leave your belongings in here and follow me."

We both stand leaving our belongings, and follow after the teacher in silence. I noticed Hiroshi walks slightly behind me, I turn my gaze to him and he is staring at the floor as he walks.

Exiting the school we walk around back, and I stop walking as I gaze at the wall where Rikuta held me against him. His strong hands cupped my face as he kissed me deeply. I had my eyes closed and I whispered Shin's name. To be honest I am ashamed of doing that with my dear friend. He willingly kisses and holds me. He was the one who told me to close my eyes, and to pretend his touches are that of Shin. To think a straight guy friend would do such a thing for his gay best friend.

"Ren!" I get pulled from my daze, as I rush to catch up with the teacher.

"Sorry..." I mumble as we stop in front of a huge brick wall. My eyes land on it and the spray paint that now covers it.

I even have to admit, the design is beautiful.

"Now I have things to see to. I will return in an hour, I expect to see some work done." The teacher motions towards the buckets and scrubbers, then walks away.

"Look I am sorry you got mixed up in this."

"Why the fuck did you do this anyways! Why would you vandalize the school!" I watch as he only shrugs his shoulders.

"Look you can just sit there and not help. I don't care, it is my mess after all."

"I can't do that, Mr Oda would notice if I didn't help." I sigh as I pick up the hose. Hiroshi squirts some soap into the buckets and I fill it with water. "I guess it is kinda pretty, what you drew."

"Yah. Art is my passion, it's the only thing in my life that I love." He whispers. I freeze as I stare at him. "What?" He looks at me confused.

I turn my gaze away. "Nothing, just I know someone else who said those exact words to me before."

"Look about lunch..."

"Don't sweat it." I mutter. "Just never kiss me again."

I watch his face burn red. "I don't want to promise that." I hear him whisper. "Honestly I was shocked to hear that you're..."

"Gay." I bluntly say.

"Yah, how long have you known?"

Shrugging my shoulders I guess I saw no harm in some small talk with him. "Since I was twelve." My green eyes glance at him. "You?"

"I always knew I was gay. Do you think we could hang out one day?" He caught me off guard with this question.

"I would rather not."

"Oh. Right, s-sorry." He grows silent as he starts to scrub away the spray paint. I grab the other bucket and go as far away from him as I could, and start to scrub the other side.

We spent the next hour in silence, until Mr Oda showed up and led us back to the detention hall. Grabbing my school bag, I throw it over my shoulder.

"I will see you both after school Wednesday."

Nodding my head, I silently leave the room. I sighed knowing I have tons of homework still to do once I get home. I could already be done most of it by now, but no I was stuck here for doing shit all. I exit the school and I start to walk down the street in silence. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I now have detention after school for the next month. This is a nightmare.

My ears perk up, as the sound of a rock getting kicked bounces on the road behind me. I turn my head around to see Hiroshi following me. "Why the fuck are you following me?"

"I'm not, I'm walking home." He mutters.

Ignoring him I turn down the quiet street of houses I live on. But I can't help but notice Hiroshi also walks down it.

"You live here?" I blurted out loudly.


I know all the neighbors on the street. My eyes grow wide as I gaze at the house directly across from mine. My heart rate starts racing. "No. No, please for fucking sake, say you don't live there." New neighbors moved in a couple weeks ago, but I haven't had the chance to meet them yet.

"Yah that's my place." I feel my face go pale. "You ok?" He takes a step towards me and I rush away from him and across the street. I unlock my front door and run up to my room.

"This, can't be happening." I throw open my bedroom curtains, that look across the street. My eyes go to his bedroom window, where I spent so many days and nights. My heart feels like it is cracking slowly, as I silently watch the lights turn on and I can see Hiroshi walking into that very room.

With shaking hands, I pull my phone from my jeans and dial Kyo's number.

"Dude what's up? Detention finally done for the day?" His voice sounded in my ear.

My voice however cracked, as I silently whispered into the phone. "He...Shin's room..."

"I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. I'm coming over." 

I nod my head knowing full well, he couldn't see me. Closing my phone, my body slides against the wall until I am now sitting on the carpet.

In under a minute, my bedroom door opens and Kyo walks in. His face shows worry as he sees me sitting on the floor below my window.

"Ok dude, what's going on?"

Unable to bring myself to speak words, I aimlessly point over my head and out the window.

"You said something about Shin's room?" I watch him walk to me and he stands next to me, until I hear him gasp out. "That fucker lives there now?" Kyo kneels before me. His brown eyes shine through his glasses, as his red auburn hair falls across his face.

"Out of all the houses in town, why did it have to be Shin's house?" I whisper.

"I can't get over the fact, that he kissed you like that today..." Kyo mumbled.

"Don't fucking remind me." Groaning my hands grip into my sandy blonde hair.

"Hey just think of this! Day one of your detention is over!" He smiles at me, trying to cheer me up.

"Yah. Just another fucking month to go."


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