26. Ren

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"REN OZAWA!" I flinched slightly, as I heard my mother's voice yelling from downstairs. "GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!"

I pick myself up from the floor, and look at my reflection in my mirror. My sandy blonde hair is messy. I am slightly paler than normal in the face, and my green eyes, they are red. Clearly showing I have been crying.

Taking a deep breath, I exit my destroyed bedroom and walk down the hall and down the stairs. My eyes land on not just my mother, but my father as well.

"SIT!" He growls, as he points to the living room. I follow after him and flop down on the couch. "Now explain yourself."

"What do you want me to say?" I sighed. "I fucked up, got suspended, end of story!" My voice is filled with attitude, as I honestly don't care anymore.

"Not only were you given the month of detentions for vandalizing the school. We were told, you have now been in multiple fights. Failing to finish and hand in your homework, your grades have slipped so far you are failing every course!"


"So? Is that all you have to say for yourself young man!" My father is pissed right off.

I shrug my shoulders. "Told you, I fucked up." I mutter. "Are we done here?"

"Hunny." My mom sits beside me. "Why were you fighting at school?" I look up into her eyes. I have her green eyes. She gives me a small smile. "Tell us."

"Look I never started them, well in a way I guess I did by throwing the first punch and all. But it was fucking Kenta's fault!"

"Don't blame others for what you started." My father sighs out.

"Well if he didn't keep picking on Hiroshi, I wouldn't have had to step in."

"Hiroshi Saito?" My father asks. I nod my head. "Why was Kenta picking on him?"

"Because if you haven't guessed by now. He is gay, and he is my boyfriend." I mumble. "I refused to sit by, and watch that fucker pick on and bully my boyfriend!" My hands turn into fists, just thinking about Kenta grabbing Hiroshi's wrist like he did. I bet he has a bruise there. I should have checked earlier, but I was so angry at school I forgot to.

My parents are silent.

"We thought since Shin..."

"Please don't." I groan out. "I am not over him yet, Shi-kun knows this. He is being patient with me."

"Way to save that detail until the end." I look up at my mother who hugs me. "How can we be mad at you now?"

"Because I still fucked up. Missing two months of school, that throws vet school out of my grasp." I mumble.

"I am going to go talk to Mr Nakahara." I look at my father. "See if there is anything you can do, to lessen the suspension."

"Probably not, he hates how I am the complete opposite from cuz." I groan.

"Does Daichi and Nori know about their son being bullied?" My father asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "No fucking clue."

"I will talk to Daichi, Hiroshi should have told his parents. He might have just been too ashamed to."

"Dad please don't!" I groan out.

"And as for you Ren." My father sends me a harsh look. "I don't expect you to treat this like some summer holiday! You will help your mother out around the house. I need to return to the office now." My mom nods and walks over to my father. I watch him lean down and kiss her softly. "I most likely won't be home for dinner, since my day got interrupted."

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