4. Ren

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As morning came around, I woke up late as someone bangs on my bedroom door. "REN!" My mother's voice makes me jump up and out of bed. "Your bus leaves in fifteen minutes!"

"Shit!" I curse, as I run around my room in my boxers trying to find some clothes. I grab my pair of jeans from yesterday, and begin to pull them on. I felt odd almost, as if someone was watching me. Buckling my belt, I stand there shirtless as my gaze falls onto my window where the blinds were opened.

My eyes automatically look across the street, and I feel my cheeks burn slightly pink. Staring at me was a blushing Hiroshi. I walk over and pull my curtains shut, as my heart starts pounding. I don't know why, but knowing he was watching me while I was basically naked makes me nervous.

"It's because that fucker kissed me." He also confessed to having a huge crush on me. I groan as I grab a purple shirt and throw it over my head, messing up my sandy blonde hair as I do so. I don't care enough to fix it, as I rush to grab my school bag when my heart drops.

My eyes stare at my homework that I never did yesterday. "Fuck!" My mind goes to yesterday. I intended to do it once I got home from detention, but then I saw Hiroshi in Shin's old room. Kyo came over to cheer me up, making me completely forget about my work to be done. "Fuck today is already a bad start." I groan as I rush from my bedroom.

Not even having time to eat breakfast, I rush from my house just to see the bus pulling up to the stop. I push my legs and make it just in time.

"Slept in didn't you?" Kyo chuckles as I collapse next to him.

"Yah." I whisper. My eyes raise up to see Hiroshi walk onto the bus. Our eyes met one anothers, and he blushed instantly sitting down near the front.

"Hey Ren." I turn to see the guy sitting behind me get my attention.

"Oh hey Taka whats up?" I ask. He is a pretty decent guy, we are in a lot of classes together though we don't actually hang out together.

"Are the rumors true?" He asks. Suddenly I felt all eyes on the bus land on me. "You know the rumors Kenta was spreading yesterday about you being, uhh you know...gay?" He whispers the last word.

"Yah I'm gay." I hear a couple gasps on the bus. "Who cares though? I couldn't care fucking less about what you or everyone thinks." I grumble as I turn back around in my seat.

Sitting with Kyo, we chat about random shit when the bus stops and students gasp out.

"Look at his face." I hear a guy whisper.

I raise my head and my green eyes grow wide, as I see Kenta glaring daggers at me. His left eye is black and bruised. "Shit..." I mutter as I try to sink in my seat.

"Nicely done!" Kyo nudges my ribs.

"It's not funny." I growl out to my best friend. "He is probably going to murder me now."

"Well if he does, you know Rikuta will beat him to a pulp." I watch silently as Kenta storms down the bus, sitting at the very back.

Finally when the bus did arrive at school, we started to file off. Kyo smiled and with a wave, ran off towards a girl he is crushing on leaving me alone. Chuckling I go to enter the school when I feel a strong hand grasp my shoulder.

"Let's talk..." The deep voice growls in my ear and I have no other option but to nod my head.

I silently follow Kenta to the back of the school.

"Look about yesterday, and your eye. I'm sor..."

"Shut the fuck up you faggot!" His blue eyes shine with fire, as his short brown hair falls across them.

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