39. Hiroshi

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School just wasn't the same without Ren here. It has only been two weeks since he has been suspended, and I already miss seeing him.

"Cheer up dude." Kyo throws his arm around me, while we walk together down the hall. "Ren will be back."

"I know. I am just worried I guess."

"Trust me Hiroshi, we all are. Being suspended like this, It could cost him his dream of Vet School. We are all afraid of him just giving up again. I won't lie. We all think there is a huge chance that after these two months, he just wont come back."

"He has to though." I whisper.

"And that is where you come in. Our dear sweet Hiroshi, you must make sure he does!"

"I think you would have a better chance with that Kyo. You two have been best friends for what sixteen, seventeen years now?"

"True, but I'm not fucking him." Kyo winks at me, causing me to blush a deep red. "Honestly though. You're the only thing that is making Ren smile right now. Yah he gets on fine with us, joking around and shit. But if anything came between the two of you, it would probably push him over the edge." Kyo sighed. "Come on, the others are waiting." He smiles as we exit the school, and make our way outside for lunch.

The weather is starting to get a little colder as it is already late November. But we don't mind as we wear jackets and still go out to sit on the grass.

"Hey losers." Rikuta grins at us as we walk over.

We sit down and Kyo goes to sit beside Nadia. He grins at her while she smiles in return. "Hey." He speaks softly.

"Hi." she smiles, as she leans her body against his.

They are really cute together, I know seeing his best friend like this would make Ren smile.

"Hey can I have a look at that?" I turn to see Rikuta right next to me. I follow his green eyes down to my sketch book. "Ren keeps telling me how amazing of an artist you are."

My cheeks turn red. "Oh, uhh sure." I nod my head. "It's embarrassing though." I mutter shyly as he flips it opened. I look to see Kyo, Nadia and Aidan in a deep discussion about who knows what.

"He was right." I look to see Rikuta smiling at the sketches I have drawn of Ren. "You will definitely get into art school. Does Ren model for you?" He laughs.

"No, uhh these are from memory." I whisper shyly.

I watch him flip to the latest sketch. "And this one?" His green eyes look into mine as he grins. "this one is pretty detailed for memory." His shoulder length black hair blows gently in the chilled air.

"He hasn't seen that one yet" I whisper embarrassed.

"Does he know you sketch him while he is sleeping?" Rikuta grins. I blush which causes him to place his arm around my shoulders. "You're fun to tease as well, just like my beautiful sweet Ren. But seriously, this picture?"

"I drew it, one night he stayed at my place." I whisper shyly. The picture is of Ren laying on his back on my bed. His chest is bare as he peacefully slept.

"Was this after he made love to you?" Rikuta chuckles. My red blush only gives away that answer.

I go to speak when my phone buzzes. I grab it and can't stop the smile from spreading on my face.

REN --I am going to pick you up after your Detention. Don't leave without me.--

HIROSHI --Ok. Meet me around back, If you get caught you may get in trouble.--

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