14. Ren - 2 Years Ago

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Waking up earlier than normal, I made it quick on having a shower. I walked into my room wearing only just a towel around my waist, as I walked to my closet. Sighing I run my hand across my shirts. They are all so, not nice. I found a somewhat decent shirt, meaning that it doesn't have a bloody skull or anything bleeding on it. I pull the purple shirt over my head, and grab a pair of jeans. All my jeans have slight rips in them, with chains hanging all over them.

"Fuck I need to go clothes shopping." I mumble as I pull the dark blue jeans on. I gaze at my reflection in the mirror and reach down to my pants and unhook all the chains. I stare at myself, and tilt my head. I look a little better then how I would normally dress, but still it's not perfect. "But it's the best I can do for now."

In the mirror I watch my face burn red. "Why the fuck do I care so much about how I look or dress!" I sigh knowing that answer. I pictured Shin and how he was dressed in nicer clothes. "Did he honestly mean it, when he said we could give it a go if I cared about school?" I whisper to myself as I grab my school bag and exit my bedroom.

"This is stupid, I only met him yesterday. He probably meant nothing by it." I grumbled as I entered the kitchen. "Morning mom." I smile at my mother making her drop her cooking utensil in surprise.

"Ren! You're all ready for school?" She asked, shocked.

"Yah..." I scratch my head shyly. "About that, I am going to start putting more effort into my schooling. Mom, I want to go to college and get a proper career like dad." I mumble.

"Oh Ren!" she runs over and hugs me tightly.

"I want to be done with the whole detention scene if I can. I am going to do the best I can, to make you and dad proud of me." I smile at her.

"I am happy to hear that." She smiles at me. "Why the sudden change?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I am not exactly sure yet." I smiled to myself. "I need to go. Bye mom see you after school!" I grabbed an apple, and ran from the house.

"Ren!" I see Kyo exit his house at the same time, as he smiles at me. "So does this mean you're going to give him a shot?" He winks at me through his glasses.

"I don't even know if he meant that." I mumble under my breath. "But I do plan to take schooling seriously and graduate."

"Well done!" Kyo flings an arm over my shoulder and we both start laughing. "I notice you're trying to look different too." He grins at me, as he looks up and down my clothes.

"Yah well, shut up!" I gently shove him away, as he steps onto the bus before me. I follow after him as we walk towards the middle of the bus where an empty seat was. However instead of sitting there, Kyo suddenly flops down in a seat beside some cute girl who he starts to flirt with. I sigh and shake my head as I go to sit in the empty seat alone.

"Ren!" My head snaps up, as I find myself staring into his light brown eyes encircled with green. He waves me over, showing an empty seat beside him.

"Hi." I nervously say as I quickly change seats, and sit down next to him. I stare ahead, only to see Kyo turn around to glance at me and he sends me a wink. That bastard, he saw Shin before I did and sat elsewhere to give me an excuse to sit by him. "Damn he is sneaky." I whisper under my breath.


My face blushed red as I met Shin's gaze. "N-nothing." I stutter.

"You're blushing." He smiles. This only makes me blush even more. He leaned in close, whispering into my ear, "You're adorable." I sit there stunned, as I bite my lower lip. "So does this mean you took what I said to heart?"

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