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The state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried.

  In this case, it was the first two. Annoyed and frustrated. I can't find my classes.

  It's my freshman year of college, my sister, Scout, won't answer her phone. Scout's girlfriend, Skye, is sick and out of school so I can't ask her for help. My two best friends, Daniela and Mia, are in different classes and the late bell has already rung. I look over my class schedule paper and sigh, leaning against the wall. I placed the wrinkled sheet of paper in my bookbag and put my face in my hands.

  "What a great start to the day," I mumbled with a snort.

  I was about to kick-off of the wall and try to find my class one last time before I heard laughter and conversation close by. My eyebrows furrowed and I peeked my head around the thick pillar. My eyes landed on three boys rough-housing in the halls. They were all really tall with obvious muscles built onto them. They looked like walking college Gods. Those were the seniors, I've already been warned by Daniela.

  Just as I was about to peel my eyes off of them, one of the boys lost focus on the conversation and his eyes landed on me. I immediately felt myself blush by his gaze. His tongue flicked out to lick his bottom lip as his eyes scanned my body. It seemed like slow-motion. Cliché, right?

  Once his eyes came back up to meet mine, he shot me a crooked grin and I felt my knees turn to jelly. Now I know why Daniela told me to stay away, they're players, Gods. I tore my eyes off of them and turned around, racing upstairs to find my class once more.


  "Lunch is the best part, you'll come to see," Daniela said with a wink.

  I nodded as I chewed on some fries. I was sitting at a table with Scout and Daniela, I have no idea where Mia is.

  "How is Skye feeling today?" I asked Scout and she thought for a moment, "She said she feels a lot better but wants to take the day off so she's one hundred percent better for Monday."

  Mia walked up with her tray and took a drink from her coffee, "I still will never get over how gorgeous y'all's British accents are." I smiled, "I like the American accent so I guess it works out."

  Daniela laughed as she swallowed the bite of her chicken sandwich, "I bet Skye feels good enough to go to King's party tonight, huh?"

  Scout laughed and nodded, "Of course. It's a party, she'll be there. We all will, that means you too, Cam."

  I rolled my eyes and took a drink of my sweet tea, "American sweet tea is forever superior. And I don't want to go, I need to read the homework for Monday."

  Daniela threw a fry at me and I curled my nose in disgust as it looped through one of my natural curls, "You're going with me! King's parties are always fun."

  "Why is this Dean boy having a party anyway? Shouldn't he be doing his school work? He's a senior, after all," I frowned, tossing the fry onto my plate.

  Mia giggled, "Dean throws a party every Friday and Saturday night, get used to it. Besides, it's your first party and your life doesn't have to revolve around getting on the dean's list in college."

  I smirked, "The dean's list is honorable. Tell me three good reasons why I should party like a rabid teenager rather than stay in with my studies?"

  "Uhm, for one, it's fun and you don't even know nor exercise what that word means," My sister said and I lifted my middle finger at her. She laughed and shook her head as Daniela spoke.

  "Two, you need to have at least one epic college party experience to tell your grandkids!"

  "And, it's fuuuun," Mia begged with her bottom lip popped out. I sighed, "I don't have anything to wear anyways, guys."

  Daniela grinned at me, "Yay! You can wear some of my clothes. I'm so excited," she clapped and I shook my head, chuckling.


  "Mia, please, that's enough lipstick," I protest and she grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at her, "We are going out tonight looking like baddies, now shut up and let me cake your face, you beautiful bitch."

  I sighed and let her finish my makeup as Skye styled my hair, "You look fucking good, Cammie." I smiled and thanked her as they both finished what they were doing.

  "Here, put this on," Daniela said as she tossed me a piece of fabric with black trousers- I mean jeans- and a maroon cardigan. I suck at the American lingo. "And don't wear a bra!"

  My jaw dropped, "Danny! I have to! My... boobs aren't small." She giggled and rolled her eyes, "Just because you have double daisies doesn't mean you have to wear a bra with every outfit. That shirt is thick enough to hide most of the nipple line and it will support the girls, go put it on!"

  I giggled and walked to the bathroom as I heard Skye laugh and say, "Double daisies, really, Daniela?"

  I took my bra off, as requested, and slipped on the black fabric. It was a spaghetti-strapped black crop-top. Danny was right, it does support my chest and my nipple lines weren't visible unless you deliberately looked for them. I slipped the jeans on and looked at myself in the body-length mirror, the knee was cut out and there were slit/holes down the right leg. I slipped Daniela's cardigan on as well as my black vans.

  I have to admit, it was a cute outfit. My hair was pulled into a high ponytail, my naturally tight curls were clearly noticeable. I told Skye to never try and tame them, it hardly works. I had loose curls that shaped my face and my eyes were painted with a dark smokey eye, accentuating my light green eyes. My lips were the same color as the maroon cardigan, I can definitely say I am kind of feeling myself right now.

  I think I might be ready for my first party.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now