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A/N: What's going to happen? Are Salvatore and Elise okay? Will Elliott be okay, what about Cameron? So many questions, hopefully, this chapter sums it up for you! Vote and enjoy, shitheads! 💋



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Violent or damaging disorder; chaos.

    "Stay here, Cam, don't move," he said harshly and grabbed a gun out of the back of his waistline. My heart was pounding at a murderous pace, my body frozen as if I made one single movement it could be the end of my life. I choked up, fearful tears brimming my eyes as he slowly walked to the door and peeked out from the crack. He had his finger on the trigger as he looked back at me, "Go into your bathroom and lock the door behind you. Don't let anyone in unless it's me."

  I nodded and quickly ran to my bathroom. I shut the door behind me quietly and locked it, sitting in the corner. My breathing did not fail to let me know that I was scared. I'm terrified more for Elliott than I am of the situation in general. I heard the sound of the doorknob jiggling and my heart started racing before I heard a familiar voice, "Cammie? It's me, Salv. Open the door."

   I sighed a breath of relief and got up, unlocking the door. He walked in with Elise trailing behind him closely. I instantly locked the door and looked at them both. Elise was trembling whereas Salvatore just looked pissed.

"What the bloody hell is happening?" I asked in a hushed tone and Elise opened her mouth to speak but Salvatore beat her to it, "These guys walked in, three of them. They were looking for you and then they just started fucking shooting. Elise and I both had our guns on us so we were okay, but one of them survived. He's fucking skilled, Cammie."

   "How skilled?" I gulped, fearful for El's life now.

  "Very skilled."

I inhaled sharply and grabbed the pistol from Elise's hand, thanking God I took self-defense classes once I arrived in New York. Their protests behind me were ignored as I slipped out of the bathroom to find him. He can't get hurt or I'll never forgive myself. I took it off of safety and looked around the corridor for a safe escape. I slowly crept into the hallway and placed my back against the wall as I peeked into the living room where I saw Elliott being held at gunpoint. I took no time firing my gun, hitting the mysterious man in the chest.

  My heart started racing as my chest rose up and down quickly as a result of my panicky state and Elliott dropped his gun, running towards me. He grabbed my face in both of his hands, searching me for wounds. I shook my head, "I'm o-okay... are you?"

   He let out an exasperated breath and nodded, grabbed the back of my head as he pulled me into a tight hug. My face smashed in his chest as he held me close and I could slowly feel my cold-hearted façade breaking away every second that went by with him holding me. I need to stop this. What happened tonight is precisely why I can't be with Elliott. When we're with each other bad things happen. I don't want to be the reason he gets hurt just because I'm so selfish that I want to be with him regardless of the facts. I feel so sick that I just killed someone, self-defense or not.

I pulled away from him and stood up on my tiptoes, kissing Elliott like it would be the last time I kiss him. Because it will be the last time I kiss him. He placed his hands on my hips and I placed the gun down on the table beside us so I could wrap my arms around his neck. He lifted me up and leaned my back against the wall as his large hands squeezed my thighs. He nipped my bottom lip and I accidentally let a small mewl slip from my lips. His muscles tensed immediately afterwards and I know it's up to me to stop this kiss before it goes too far and I cower out.

   I pulled my head back breathlessly and wriggle out of his arms, landing on my feet. He cocked an eyebrow at me and I feared to look directly in his eyes, scared that I would break.

"Elliott... we can't-"

"Can't what, Cameron? Just say it," he demanded, anger lacing his tone. He already knows what I'm about to say and I feel my heartbreaking.

"El..." My frail voice cracked out, my arms holding my stomach so I would know this is reality.

   "Don't beat around the bush, Cameron, just say it," he demanded much more clear now and I flinched from the how much emotion was put behind his command. I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out. He took a step back, indefinitely allowing space to come between us and I already want to just crawl in his arms and never let him go. But I must remain vigilant and to my word.

  "W-We can't be together... anymore," I whispered, a lone tear falling from my eye and my heart clenching. I feel physically sick to my stomach as I spit the words out and he inhaled sharply, nodding to himself. I felt nausea churning in my stomach, but I had to remain strong in front of him. I wiped the tear without him noticing and looked up at him. He looked at me and studied my face before nodding and walking close to me.

"Goodbye, Moore," he whispered before kissing the top of my head and walking out of my life. My hand instinctively raised to my chest as my heart was physically hurting now. I looked to my right where I heard a commotion and seen Salvatore and Elise standing there, pity filled faces. Before I could say anything, I ran to the kitchen and fell to my knees, spilling my guts into the trashcan.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now