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A/N: Dun, dun, dunnnn. What do we think of Salvatore's feelings for Cameron and vice versa? Who's weirded out by it and who stans is? Or maybe who is feeling both? Please vote and enjoy, motherfuckers! 💋



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Seemingly absurd or self-contradictory.

   "Y... You like me?" I asked, completely dumbfounded. He nodded with a serious look on his face, "I have since I first met you at the store, Cammie." I looked down, trying to rack my brain around this madness that he just spewed from his mouth. How does Salvatore like me? I'm an ordinary girl with baggage too heavy to hold. He nor Elise know anything about my old life. They don't even know Elliott's name or my sister's; as far as I know, they don't even know that I have a sister.

  "That's... absurd," I scoffed, he must be joking. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked genuinely confused, only adding more to my confusion as well. "How is this absurd?" He asked and I shook my head, "I- I don't know. I just can't possibly figure out what you see in me."

"At first it was your beauty. Then as I conversed with you, it was your kindness. Then as I became your friend, it was your intelligence, your laughter, your good days and bad, your messiness and cleanliness together, your favorite foods and the way your eyes light up when your favorite song comes on the radio."


  "I like you, Cammie. Let me in. Let me show you that you deserve happiness," he said softly and I hadn't realized until now how close he had gotten to me. I looked up at him with my lips slightly parted and his eyes began flickering back and forth between my eyes and lips. I kept my eyes fixated on him until his lips connected with mine. I breathed in deeply, taking in how he tasted and felt on my lips. His hands lifted to my hips and my hands kept glued to my sides. This feels so wrong yet so right.

"Hey, Cammie, have you seen Salva- oh," Elise's voice came through my room and I jumped away from him, my hand immediately touching my lips. My heart was beating fast from an adrenaline high and Salvatore scratched the back of his neck as he cleared his throat awkwardly, "I-I was just leaving."

   "Mhmm," Elise smirked at him as he walked away awkwardly.

  I threw on a loose, pale pink sleep gown that reached the middle of my thighs and then underwear before peeling the towel off from underneath me, desperately hoping she wouldn't mention anything from just now.

"And what was that, exactly?" Her beautiful French accent filled my room and I sighed, "I-I'm not sure, Elise..."

   "That seemed pretty intense to me, man. I knew he was into you but I never knew he'd act on it so soon," she giggled and I bit my lip to stifle a giggle of my own as I pushed my covers back and climbed into my soft bed. I pulled the covers over my legs and sat up as Elise sat criss-cross in front of me. She combed through her hair with her fingers as she looked at me, waiting for me to spill what she had just walked in on.

  "He told me he liked me and I've been feeling very unsure if I look at him as a friend or something more lately... then when he kissed me I got mixed signals as if I was doing something wrong... but Elise it felt so good," I frowned and she gave me a soft smile as she laid her hand on my arm, reassuring me, "You're scared of giving yourself to him, babe. I'm not entirely sure what happened with you and that hunk of a man all those months ago, but I do know that it fucked you up. You're still healing. Maybe Salvatore can help you heal."

I nodded and exhaled sharply, "My sister's wedding is next week. Wanna come with me? I still have to ask Salvatore."

   "I didn't know you had a sister, what the hell?"

  "Yeah, her name is Scout. Her girlfriend's name is Skye and they're basically a match made in heaven," I said, smiling as I thought of all their cute moments in front of me. Skye treated my sister like a queen. I wouldn't want anyone else to be marrying my sister, honestly.

Elise smiled but then frowned, "What day is it?" I opened my bedside table drawer where I kept the invite and opened it, "Next Friday at four."

   "Shit! I have meetings that entire day," she groaned and fell back onto the bed dramatically with her palm to her head. I smiled softly at her and shrugged, "It's okay. I'll text you pictures." She sat back up with a grin on her face, "Promise? I'm a sucker for weddings."

  "Pinky promise," I giggled and we hooked pinkies. She smiled at me, getting off of the bed and grabbing my towel. She disappeared into the bathroom and once she came back, the towel was gone. She must have disposed of it like I should've, "Thank you." She winked at me and left the room. I smiled to myself and my fingers involuntarily made their way to my lips again, touching the spot he kissed.

The kiss was by no means anything like Elliott's and mine. Elliott's was explosive. Filled with love, lust, desire, power, intimate and exotic feelings. Salvatore's kiss felt normal. How a kiss looks in the movies, a normal kiss between two people that are fond of each other. Elliott's love for me was consuming and all-too powerful. It was so epic that it gives me whiplash to even think of it. But it's over, done, and Salvatore is here now. Maybe I can spend the rest of my life yearning for Elliott. Loving him from afar, longing for his touch and embrace. Wanting to hear him tell me he loves me just one more time. Or maybe I can realize that life is too precious to dwell on things not meant to be. Maybe I can realize what's in front of me and take opportunities every chance I get.

   And I think Salvatore is an opportunity I want to take.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now