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A/N: We're in the double digits, baby! 😝 Hope you guys love this chapter and decide to vote on it! Comment your thoughts, I love to hear how the story is affecting you! <3



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Lacking knowledge or awareness.

    It's Friday, all of my assignments are done and turned into the hands of the professors. I'm going home to take a lavender-scented bubble bath to relieve the stress knots that have formed on my back and neck due to the lack of time I had this week to complete said assignments. After Dean and I spoke about him smoking, we went back inside to continue the movie night. Elliott didn't bother me anymore but was still friendly. I've gotten everyone's numbers in our friend group which makes me happy, I have friends.

Anyone of these people is just a call or text away if anything happens, that thought makes me smile to myself as I climb in my car and throw my book bag into the passenger seat. Driving in America was something I had to train myself to do due to the fact they drive on the opposite side of the road to England. I drove out of the parking lot and got onto the highway as I passed Missy's Diner.

  I decided that bubble-bath could wait because coffee was calling my name. I know what you're thinking, I know. What about tea? Aren't you UK people obsessed with tea?  Yes, everyone drinks tea but I hate it. I could never accommodate the taste, not even with loads of sugar or lemon.

  I pulled into the diner and grabbed my book of the week from my book bag and shut the car off. I locked the doors after stepping out and made my way inside quickly, seeing as the weatherman misinterpreted the supposed-to-be warm day. The sky was supposed to be clear and in the 80s whereas right now the sky is filled with grey clouds and it's in the low 50s. I found a secluded booth and not many people were in here today, surprisingly. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, it's four-thirty in the afternoon and there was a missed text on my phone from Carter asking something about a fair. My eyebrows furrowed and the waitress came by asking what I'd like to order. I told her just a black coffee and she went to go get it.

  I grabbed my book and opened it to the page I left off, reading intently just as I had planned to do before she brought my coffee back. I quickly put my desired creamer and sugar into it before sipping it slowly so I wouldn't burn my tastebuds off of my tongue; like the first time.

I went back to reading and sat my coffee down when I heard my name being spoken. I looked up and seen Oliver and he grinned as he slid into the empty booth seat in front of me. I smiled politely back at him, "Hi, Oli."

"My name sounds so much better with an English accent," he joked as the waitress came back by and he placed his order, thanking the woman who was nonchalantly flirting and who seemed to be not much older than us. Her hair was bright blonde and pin-straight. Her eyes were bright caramel brown, her lips were thin but beautiful and she was tiny. Nonetheless, she was gorgeous and her name tag read Emily.

  "She's pretty," I commented with a smile, taking another sip from the white mug. He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, but she's also Ryan's ex so no thanks." My eyebrows furrowed at the new information, "Ryan dated her?"

"Yeah, she broke his heart," he said with a frown evident on his face and I suddenly no longer liked the girl that was waiting on our table, "Well she's a tosser for letting him go, he seems like a catch."

"Tosser, that's a good one," he chuckled as she sat his sandwich on the table with a wink and sauntered off, purposefully shaking her hips and I giggled at her attempt at seduction. I put my book on the table, obviously not going to read it in the company of my friend. "So what's going on between you and little King?" He asked and I pursed my lips, "We're just friends. Just like you and me."

He laughed and stuck a fry in his mouth, "But I don't try to hug on you all the time nor do I look at you the way he does, don't get me wrong, you're hot as hell but off-limits."

I blushed at the compliment, "Off-limits?"

  "When the King brothers are hung up on someone they usually get what they want, trust me. Has Dean taken you to the park yet?" He asked with humor dancing in his eyes. This is the second time someone has brought up Dean taking me to the park without me even saying anything about it. I decided to finally ask.

"How does everyone know about the park? I never told anyone."

"Dean takes all of the girls to that park. Don't take it personally though, he's not very creative," he chuckled, biting into his sandwich and immediately half of it was gone. My eyes bulged at the sight, how does someone have such a big mouth?

"Girls, plural?" I asked, suddenly feeling upset. Why should I be upset though, it's not like we were in a relationship anyway. Oliver nodded, swallowing his bite and taking a drink of his Pepsi before speaking, "He's a frat boy, of course, he had plenty of girls. Most frat boys are like that with the exception of Ryan and Elliott. They were frat boys who didn't participate in partying and women, unfortunately I was."

Oliver is oblivious to the fact that this information is upsetting me a bit. Did I want to be with Dean? No, but that doesn't mean I hadn't developed a tiny crush on him. Will I be with Dean after hearing the news that he's a player? No, but it's still unsettling.

  The diner door opened and Elliott walked in with Ryan. They were rough-housing and Ryan spotted Oliver instantly, "Hey, man, everyone's going to that fair tonight. You comin'?" Oliver looked at me and I nodded with a grin, it sounds fun so why not. Elliott spotted me and winked, making me blush instantly. Why does he have that effect on me? It's so annoying.

  Ryan slid in the booth next to me and Elliott slid in front of me seeing as Oliver went to the bathroom. I grabbed my phone and texted Carter back, "I think we're all about to leave. Meet us at Missy's?"

  So much for that lavender-scented bubble bath, huh?

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now