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A/N: Everybody is making friends, how do we feel about Cameron dropping hints about her past? Any guesses on what is making her so guarded? Please vote and enjoy this chapter, you beautiful fuckers! <3


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(Of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable.

"I fucking love pizza, yo," Carter moaned into his pizza and I giggled as Ryan slapped the back of his head playfully, "Don't moan in your pizza, weirdo."

Dean laughed as Oliver groaned, someone shot him on GTA and made him start his mission of delivering a car completely over. It's been about five minutes since Dean bought an extra two pizzas for everyone, I've already eaten my two slices so I'm content in my recliner while watching everyone. Skye is currently shouting at Oliver what to do while he flips her off and Scout giggles from on top of her lap. I don't think I've smiled so much in so long a time. I was in England the last time I smiled before the thing happened. I shuddered thinking about it.

"I brought beer!" A very deep voice yelled as the front door busted open. My head whipped around just as Dean groaned, "Go awayyy." It was Elliott. He smirked at his little brother and it was only then did I realize they look more different than they do similar.

Elliott was very tall, maybe in six foot five or six whereas Dean was six foot even. Dean had caramel, light brown hair whereas Elliott had dark brown hair. Dean only had a few tattoos scattered here and there but Elliott was covered. Dean was muscled, but Elliott was moreso. Dean has dark hazel eyes whereas Elliott has piercing light green eyes. Dean's voice was an average male voice whereas Elliott had a very deep, leathery voice. Sometimes you can't even understand what Elliott is saying because it's so deep.

Elliott sat in the beanbag chair right beside the recliner and looked up at me with a grin that showed his gorgeous white teeth, "Don't pepper spray me again, please."

I tensed up, I didn't tell Dean about Elliott taking me home and I don't know why I suddenly feel guilty about it. I gave him a glare and looked over at Dean who looked confused, "Pepper spray?"

Elliott chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, this one got wasted at your party and I had to take her back to Daniela's-"

"Obviously," Daniela said through a mouthful of pizza and I cringed at her bad manners. Bad manners or just American? I never know the difference.

"I thought you said you left early?" Dean asked and I opened my mouth to defend my tiny little white lie, but Elliott beat me to the punch, "She was probably too embarrassed by the fact she didn't know where she was or who I was or why I was carrying her because she jumped from my arms and sprayed me with her pepper spray and almost jumped out of a two-story house."

Everyone started laughing and shaking their heads at my embarrassing experience and I felt my face turn red. Elliott put his hand on my knee and rubbed as his laughter died down, "Don't be upset, it's okay. Want a beer?" I nodded and he grabbed a canned beer that read BudLight on the bright blue can, handing it to me. He never removed his hand and I looked over at Scout. She smirked at me and Skye winked as Dean scowled at his hand. I made no point to remove his brother's hand because I'm already anxious, I don't want to add any awkward tension to the atmosphere on top of that.

I popped open the tab and took a sip, it's really gross but according to Daniela, it's supposed to be gross. I cringed at the bitter taste, it was not subtle at all. I put my drink in between my crossed legs as I focused on the screen to which Oliver was playing. Ryan was telling him what to do and Carter was pitching in every now and then. Skye was watching intently and Scout was scrolling on her phone. Mia was touching up her makeup in Andy's lap as Daniela was rolling up a spliff. I've never smoked skunk before, but a lot of people back home really enjoy it. It's natural, I tell myself. It's okay. It's not like before.

I looked at Dean who was laughing at something Andy said when Ryan's voice perked up, "Dude, deliver the car, stop fucking selling the drugs. Which profit is better anyways? The car, dumbass!" I giggled and Andy laughed, "I don't know, ask Dean about the drug profit. I'm sure he could tell you or not considering he used it all."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and the game stopped immediately as Oliver and Ryan glared at Andy, Elliott's grip on my knee tightened and Dean looked angry.

"Shut the fuck up, Cooper," Skye said with a monotonous tone and Scout looked just as confused as I did, same as Mia.

"What are you talking about, babe?" Mia asked innocently and Andy shrugged, "Dean used to be a bad drug addict-"

"W-what?" I stuttered shakily, I can't have another drug addict in my life. I can't do it. Scout stiffened and so did Skye. I looked down and seen Elliott confusedly look up at me, not understanding why I'm so baffled by this.

"Anybody want a joint?" Daniela asked with humor lacing her voice and I felt a panic attack brewing in my stomach. Dean uses drugs. I can't put myself through a life with drug users again. It almost killed me last time. "Skye," I heard Scout's soft voice whisper. Scout is afraid of confrontation so she depends on Skye to speak her thoughts which is why Skye is so good for her. She knows my sister so well, even better than me at times.

"Yeah, babe. Everybody, get the hell out please, we'll talk to you guys tomorrow," Skye said as Scout climbed off of her lap and the pair stood up.

"Are you okay?" I heard Elliott ask as his hand removed from my skin and he stood up. I tried to nod but I felt nausea build up at an immensely quick pace. I ran up the stairs into my bathroom and spilled my guts into the toilet as I heard Skye's voice tell Dean, "She can't be around drug users. If you haven't stopped, don't come around her again."

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now