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A/N: Oh no, our Cameron gave in. What do you think is going to happen? Vote and enjoy this chapter, babies! 💋



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Without consolation or comfort; unhappy.

It rang twice before it picked up and I heard shaky breathing on the other line. I called with a blocked number so he wouldn't save it and I blew out a shaky breath as his familiar, sexy, husky voice filled my ears, "Cameron, is that you?"

I felt tears instantly filled my eyes as I nodded, "Y-yes..."

I heard him take a sharp inhale before I heard him sniffle, "Cammie... I'm so sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it."

"It's okay, El, I forgive you," I whispered whilst wiping my tears with the back of my sleeve, "I n-needed to hear your voice..."

"Can I see you, Cam? I need to see you, I'm in New York," his confession made my heart jolt inside of my chest. I nodded, "Royalton, t-top floor... room three."

"I'll see you soon, Cameron," he whispered and I heard the dial tone, indicating he had hung up. I instantly felt the need to clean up, look presentable for him, but I'm way too drunk.

"Cammie! Did you drown in the drinks?" Elise's voice came from the living room. Crap! What am I supposed to do about them? I quickly made drinks for them and stumbled into the living room, "I'm gonna... go to bed. Too drunk."

   Salvatore laughed, "Breakfast will be ready for you bright and early, beautiful." I nodded and smiled sharply before turning on my heel and falling flat on my arse into the kitchen. I made a loud oof sound and once I tried to get up, I fell again. I groaned and heard the elevator to my flat ding as Salv walked into the kitchen, helping me up whilst he laughed at my drunken state. The elevator doors opened, only for Elliott to walk in; his eyes fixated on the arm around my waist.

"Who the fuck are you?" Both men asked, simultaneously.

"E-Elise!" I yelled, too drunk to argue. She stumbled into the kitchen with a glass of whiskey, "Salvatore, let her go- who the hell is that?"

I groaned and once I scanned Elliott's face, accepting the fact that he was truly here, a smile broke out onto my face, quickly. I unwrapped myself from Salvatore's protective grip and all but flung myself at Elliott. He caught me with ease and picked me up, my legs instantly wrapped around his torso. I placed both hands on either side of his face, kissing him deeply whilst tears poured down my cheeks.

"You smell like vodka, mamas," he whispered into the kiss and I giggled, "Elise's fault, she makes an amazing cherry vodka."

He placed me down to my feet as Elise and Salvatore stood shocked in my kitchen. Elise giggled and grabbed Salvatore's hand, "Let's go, they obviously need a reunion and we both need sleep. It's like eleven."

   I blushed at the fact we almost made out in front of my friends. He cleared his throat and I pointed the way to my room as he helped me walk to it. Once we reached my room, he shut the door behind him and I sat on my bed after taking my robe off. He walked to the wall-length windows, admiring the sight of the city. The city lights were the only thing besides the moon that illuminated my room at night and it was truly magnificent. He inhaled deeply, turning around to look around my room. He was in dress pants and a long-sleeved white button-up that was tucked into his pants. The sleeves were rolled up to his forearms and it was slightly unbuttoned. His usually slicked back, short hair was now long and tousled. He looked sexy.

"You really have made a home here," his leathery voice said quietly and I nodded, keeping quiet as I continued looking at him. Why did I leave him again? He truly does love me, he's the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on, he's all-around perfect.

"Elliott..." I whispered and his eyes fixated on me, making me feel slightly uncomfortable under his stern gaze. He walked over to me, his posture as straight as ever. He crouched down in front of me so that I'm now looking down at him from my bed. He took my hands in his own and kissed the top of each one. I inhaled sharply, my heart palpitating at such a small action.

"Cameron, why did you leave me?" He asked, his voice cracking; I had to turn my head so he wouldn't see me cry.

"I had to, El," I whispered, desperately trying to keep a steady voice and a straight face so I wouldn't break down in front of him. He shook his head, looking up at me, "No you didn't, you know that. You could've stayed and worked out everything with me. We could've beat the odds, Cam."

"I ki-killed Mia, El," I said, my voice cracking, "It haunts me. Noah killing Valerie haunts me. Noah killing himself in front of me haunts me! Dean's dead body haunts me, Elliott! The gunshot that resulted in Andy's death haunts me! But out of all of that, the thing that haunts me the most is what I imagine you felt like when you figured out I left you. And that's not right. I should feel more deeply about their deaths than I do about your emotions of my absence. It doesn't make any sense and I know it makes me sick in the head! I'm a bloody nutter and I don't know what to do about it. That's why I left, Elliott."


"No, Elliott, listen to me. I love you so much that I would excuse your behavior and actions over everything and that's not healthy. I need to find myself before I give any more of myself to you." I said, completely sober at this point. He nodded and I heard the faint sound of my elevator dinging. My eyebrows scrunched together as Elliott stood up, "Are you expecting anyone tonight, Cameron?"

"N-no... Who is that?" I asked, nervously and then I heard a gunshot.

And then three more.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now