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A/N: That last chapter was pretty fun, what do you guys think? Are we ready for drama yet? Sit tight, vote, and enjoy, Lil shitheads! 💋



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Spoken or done without preparation.

"It's so cold!" Scout slurred, rubbing her bare arms as we continued our journey to only God knows where. Danny drunkenly laughed alongside me, we both told her to grab a sweater but she thought she could be invincible to the cold breeze outside.

"I told you," I hiccupped and stumbled over a rock but Danny grabbed my arm before I fell. Scout rolled her eyes and pouted at my cockiness as we rounded the corner where cars were passing in slow motion. It definitely wasn't slow motion but because of how much alcohol I've consumed it seemed that way. I miss Elliott- why the hell is everything so slow? I will never drink this much again if it means my stomach won't feel this knotted.

All of a sudden, Danny gasped loudly, making my ears hurt. Scout jumped and nearly fell backward from the sudden sound and turned to scowl at Danny, "What the heck, Daniela?"

"Look! Let's get tattoos, I'll buy!" Danny squealed and even though I know I'll regret it in the morning, it sounds like a good idea for the time being. Scout looked hesitant, she hadn't drunk nearly as much as the rest of us girls. Even Skye is plastered back home, most of the guys too. Ryan and Elliott weren't plastered when we left, it might be a different story when we return considering it's already eleven at night.

  Danny turned around once we reached the open tattoo shop and eyed us carefully, "Act sober!"

I bit my lip to stop from laughing and Scout laughed softly as Danny opened the door, acting weirdly sober. Scout made a funny face at me and I giggled quietly as Danny conversed with the bulky man in the back to get everything sorted.

After a while of whispering to my sister, Danny came back out and stumbled, but she played it off well. Danny got her tattoo first and didn't make a face. She wouldn't let us see it, but she got it on her wrist. I hope this doesn't hurt too bad. I sat in the leathery chair and he wiped my bare wrist with an alcohol wipe. The strong aroma stung my nose and I scrunched my face. Rock music played in the background as the man conversed with Scout about how it's our first tattoo, aside from Danny, of course. He shaved my wrist to ensure there would be nothing in the way of the ink that would soon penetrate my skin.

  I cringed as he dipped the tip of the tattoo machine into the tiny cup of black ink. He wiped a small dab of vaseline on his rubber glove. I looked away and I heard him stifle a laugh at my reaction, "I'm going to start now. It'll be over soon, swear."

I nodded and thanked God he wasn't an arse about it. If I wasn't so drunk, I definitely wouldn't have made it this far. He wouldn't have even been able to touch my skin with that alcohol wipe. I heard the incessant buzzing of the machine and Danny gave me a thumbs up, "It just feels like a little couple of pinches, Cammie, I swear it." I nodded and gulped, the alcohol was still making me quite woozy.

The needles touched my skin and she was right, it did just feel like a couple of pinches. It didn't hurt too bad besides the annoying sting. I cringed a tiny bit when he went deep on a spot but it was quickly over. Scout watched my expression and I could tell she was about to pass out from the nerves. While the tattoo artist was too busy concentrating on my wrist, Danny made Scout take a couple of drinks from the flask she carried in her pocket. Scout instantly looked much calmer and I grinned.

Soon, the buzzing stopped and I felt a cold sensation that felt much like water putting out a fire on my skin. I looked over just as he set a clear bottle filled with green liquid down on his table. He wiped my skin and placed a transparent bandage on my wrist, "Take that off tomorrow and put A&D cream on that until it heals."

I nodded and thanked him just as Scout took my place. I looked down and seen a Nirvana face that marked my once virgin skin. My first tattoo... Danny got both Scout and me into that band when we met her, it's a symbol of our friendship I guess. I smiled down at it and Danny showed me her matching one. The tattoo artist was calming Scout down as Danny and I stood by laughing.

My eyes widened once I remembered the fact that we didn't tell anyone we were leaving and the tattoo shop door opened, revealing a frantic looking Ryan. Once he spotted me he audibly sighed and looked relieved. Danny gulped, we're all so screwed!

"The guys are out looking for you girls! Why didn't you tell everyone you were leaving- why the hell is Scout getting a tattoo?" He asked, surprised.

"I forgot, that was my bad," Daniela admitted and I shook my head, "We all went outside and then just... kinda wandered off. Sorry."

Ryan nodded and grabbed his phone from his pocket, texting what I assume was the rest of the guys. He slid his phone back in his front pocket and eyed me, "You're still hammered, aren't ya?" I giggled and placed my finger in front of my lips, telling him to hush. He chuckled and Danny swung an arm around my shoulders, "Ryan, why won't you get a tattoo?"

"I don't want one right now, that's why," He laughed and she pouted before Scout came trotting up to us with a child-like grin on her face. She held up her matching tattoo and squealed quietly. I laughed and high-fived her while Danny paid for our artwork. Ryan approved of Danny's choice and drove us home seeing as he had obviously sobered up. Once we reached the house, a familiar tattooed hand grabbed my arm and yanked me upstairs angrily.

  Oh no...

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now