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A/N: Oh, no! The date didn't go well, what are your thoughts about that? Please enjoy and vote!💛

A/N: Oh, no! The date didn't go well, what are your thoughts about that? Please enjoy and vote!💛~*~

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Treat (a person or animal) cruelly or with violence.

It's been a week since that horrid date with Dean, but that's all it was. Just a bad date. The day after we had a fun day just hanging out and we've been inseparable since. He's a really cool guy to hang out with and I think he feels the same way. He's supposed to come over and help me study for a maths assignment in a bit. Currently, Elliott, Oliver, and Carter were downstairs playing games with Skye and Scout while Daniela and Mia are in my room talking about random things.

"Cam! You're not listening!" Mia groaned as she tossed one of my fluffy pillows at me. I laughed and blocked it with my forearm, hopping off of the window sill to go sit on my bed with the girls. Danny looked at me and grinned, "So how is little King? Have you fuck-"

"Why's everything gotta be about sex?" Mia whined and Danny smirked, "Andy still holding off on you?"

My eyebrows raised at the information, "Andy won't shag you? Why not?" Mia huffed and scrambled to sit crisscross on my queen-sized bed, picking at her perfectly manicured fingers, "I don't know. He's coming in late, he won't even let me see his phone anymore. Yesterday... I caught him with a hickey on his neck but he swears it is from playing paintball guns or whatever with Dean and Carter."

I looked at her sympathetically while Danny rolled her eyes. Uh oh, here comes Daniela's lecture about needing to boss up. I've heard this one too many times. "Mia, baby, he's cheating on you and you know it. As your best friend, it's my duty to not sugarcoat things for you. Andy Cooper ain't shit, bitch! Boss the fuck up and date Carter or something, hell, even Ryan is single!"

"Oli, too!" I inputted with a smile on my face and I watched as Danny visibly tensed. Or he's not...

"But I love him," Mia said as she looked up at us, tears threatening to spill from her big doe-like blue eyes. I scooted closer to her and she laid her head on my chest, silently crying from the pain of the man she loves possibly giving his love to another. I looked at Danny who shot me a sad smile and she mouthed the words, "Be right back." I nodded, I know what that means, she's going to get alcohol.

Dean should be here by now, but he's not even texting me anymore. In fact, he stopped texting me about an hour ago. I feel conflicted, but I need to direct my worrying to Mia. She's heartbroken and I need to be there for my friend. I brushed my fingers through her naturally straight, dirty-blonde hair. It's silky smooth and smells of strawberries, per usual. "Mia," I said softly, "Look at me, Mia."

She sniffled and raised her head to look me in the eye as I had instructed her, "Yeah?" Her voice even sounds heartbroken. There are dark circles under her eyes, her eyes are swollen and puffy from her continuous tears, her nose is red from sniffling so much, her voice is shaky and cracked. I hug her to me and she hugs me firmly, obviously needing it, "It's going to be okay, you know?"

She unwrapped from around me and looked me in the eye, a silent and lonesome tear fell down her blotchy cheeks, "He's... he's an addict. H-he hits me when he's high..."

  My mouth gaped at this, Andy's a drug user? Oh my God... he's Dean's best friend, he would've known. He lied to me. Wait- did she just say he hits her? Oh, hell no! "Did you just say he hits you when he's high? As in...?"

She nodded sadly and lifted up her shirt, showing me fist-shaped bruises that littered her perfect, porcelain skin shades of brown, green, and yellow. I winced at the sight, feeling sympathetic. It didn't take long for said sympathy to turn into anger. I felt my ears boiling at how livid I was. "Does he live at the frat house?" I asked and she nodded just as Danny walked back in the room with a bottle of wine and our house cups. I growled lowly under my breath as I imagined him hitting her after getting high. Mia does not deserve that. No one does, truth be told.

  I tore my pajamas off of my body and grabbed a long-sleeved purple crewneck that I'm pretty sure belongs to Skye. I slipped on my light-washed blue jeans with holes in the knees and slipped on my black and white checkered vans.

  "Where are you going?" Mia asked, scared and I whipped my head around to look at her, tight curls falling from my messy bun as I did so, "I'm paying the frat house a little visit." Mia quickly filled Daniela in on what happened and Daniela threw her hoodie on, grabbing my keys in her hand, "I'm driving. Mia, stay here with Scout and the boys." She obliged to Danny's command, probably scared out of her mind. I don't blame her. Andy is triple her size, what the hell is he doing using her as a punching bag?

I stormed downstairs, fixing my messy bun so my hair would stay out of my face and flung the door open, vaguely hearing Elliott asking what was going on. Danny was hot on my heels as she climbed into the driver's seat and I the passenger's. Just as Danny was peeling out of the driveway, the backseat door flung open and Mia jumped in, "This is my problem, I want to be there at least since I know you girls won't back down."

You're bloody right we won't.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now