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A/N: Big ole' hints were dropped about her past in the last chapter, do we have any theories yet? Stay tuned for this chapter, please vote and I hope you bad bitches enjoy! 💋



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Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.

    I woke up with a soft groan, a bright light piercing my eyelids. My eyes fluttered open and I blinked several times, trying to adjust to the harsh sun rays. I was warm, I felt at ease. I haven't slept this good in a long time. I tried to sit up, but something was holding me in place. My eyebrows met in incertitude. I glanced down and noticed a very big, very tattooed arm wrapped around my waist. My eyes widened as I followed the muscled arm all the way up to a hand... inside my shirt... right below my chest bone.

  Before I could question why the hell Elliott is in my room, in my bed and snuggling me- the memories of last night started pouring into my brain. I laid in my spot, blinking as I recollected the horrid memories. I'm so stupid! How could I have been so dense that I drank a drink I left unattended in a very crowded and public place?

  I heard a groan into the crook of my neck and my body tensed as it sent vibrations across my skin. My back was to his torso as he held me protectively. His legs were entangled in mine and his light purrs of snores were tickling my ear. I feel safe. I shouldn't feel okay about this. I was supposed to set boundaries. I'm not okay with this. I want Dean.

   "Oh shit, I'm so sorry," His deep voice came out of nowhere, scaring the bejesus out of me as I screamed and fell off of the bed. I landed on the hardwood floor with a loud thud, winding myself. I groaned, "Ouuchh."

  "Fuck, Cameron, are you okay?!" Elliott's concerned voice filled the room as I heard his footsteps run to my side. He grabbed me by my waist and lifted me, sitting me on the bed. Once again I felt as light as a feather around him. I snorted, laughing at my clumsiness before it turned into a full-on belly laugh. I held my stomach, it hurt to laugh so much. He began to chuckle himself and we both finally died it down. I cleared my throat awkwardly as I looked up at him, "Did you... um... did you change me?"

  "No, Scout did. I was going to leave, let Scout stay with you. She insisted I stay since according to her, I'm good with you," he rambled nervously and I smiled softly, nodding as he continued, "I didn't mean for us to end up in bed like that. You were just so sleepy and I don't even remember dozing off, I'm sorry-"

  "Elliott, it's okay, I promise," I reassured him and he nodded. For such a big, tough guy, he sure does get nervous a lot. "Thank you... for being here. I don't know what I would've done, honestly. You're my savior."

His signature lopsided grin appeared on his face and he nodded, standing up to stretch, "Anything for you, Cam. I'm going to get going, I have a few errands to run today but if you need me don't hesitate to call." I smiled softly and nodded, standing up. I stood up on my tip-toes and he bent down a bit as I placed a quick kiss on his cheek as a thank you and farewell. He winked at me and walked out of the room, leaving me to wallow in my thoughts.


  "It's for you, Cammie!" Skye shouted from downstairs only seconds after the doorbell rang. I sighed and put my book down, slipping my grey pajama pants on before jogging downstairs. I wrapped my hair in my black scrunchie, loose ringlets spilled from the messy bun on the top of my head as I opened the door and was faced with Dean. He smiled at me and engulfed me into a bone-crushing hug.

  "Are you okay? I heard what happened but Scout told me not to come over because you were finally getting rest," He explained as he let me go and I stepped outside, shutting the door behind me. Scout didn't tell him that his brother saved me and nursed me back to health alongside of cuddling me to sleep. That's probably a good thing.

  "I'm okay now. It was a terrible experience, but I'm okay," I said in a hushed voice and he grinned cheekily, the dimple in his chin popping, "Will you just be mine already?" My eyes widened at the boldness of his question. Maybe it's time to put myself out there? After last night, I think I might be able to handle a potential relationship. Plus, I don't want to spend the rest of my life held up and miserable because of my gross past. I know Dean has a history with a lot of girls, but I have a history with bad boyfriends. If I can get over my history, I can definitely get over his.

"Okay," I replied as a matter of factly. His eyebrows rose in surprise, clearly, he didn't think I would agree. I bit my inner cheek to stifle a laugh as he pumped his fist in the air, victoriously, "Yes! Hell yes!"

  "I'm picking you up at six tonight, be ready. Wear a dress and be ready for our first date as a couple!" He said and I nodded, excitement and nervousness bubbling in my belly. He gave me a kiss on my cheek before walking to his car and waving at me. I smiled to myself and walked back into the house. I checked the time and my eyes almost popped out when I realized I only had an hour to shower, get dressed and fancied up.


Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now