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A/N: So you finally got her story, how heartbreaking was that? I cried writing it, honestly. Please vote and enjoy! <3



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A return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.

  "So you're okay, now?" Mia asked as she finished painting my toenails white for tonight. I nodded and Danny walked in the room, her nose in her phone, "Guys, you'll never believe what just happened uptown!"

I put the toe spacers in between my toes so I wouldn't smudge them by walking around. Mia screwed the cap back on to the polish as she looked towards Danny, "Nope, I give up. What happened?"

"Someone robbed Missy's! Gunpoint and everything and then the guy just disappeared!" Danny said and my eyebrows furrowed, why would anyone want to hurt Missy? She's the sweetest thing ever! People are so evil and cruel- its honestly pathetic. "That's screwed up," Mia said and I nodded my head in agreement, "Why couldn't they have robbed the club downtown instead? That would've made more sense."

"Speaking of the club, you guys in tonight?" She asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Why not? I finished all my assignments for the week and I have nothing new to study at the moment.

"I'm in," Mia and I said simultaneously. Daniela squealed in excitement before running downstairs, "Oli! Ellie! Ry! Scout, Skye! We're going clubbing tonight!!" Mia looked at me with a nervous smile, "So, Andy checked into rehab last night..." Good, I'm seriously glad he's bettering himself.

   "That's good, are you two okay?" I asked and she shook her head, fiddling with her hands, "No, I told him I didn't want to be in a relationship right now. I told him I can't forgive him yet. He told me he respects that and apologized to me." I pulled her in for a short hug, "I'm proud of you Mia, you should know your worth." She nodded and wiped a lone tear away, laughing at herself. "He also told me to tell you he was sorry, that he regrets putting his hands on you." I stiffened, the memories of that night coming back. That was two weeks ago.

  "Does anyone know where Dean is?" I asked and she frowned, shaking her head, "Rumor has it that he's off the chains, partying all the time. He hasn't even been to school." My heart clenched for the boy I once thought my friend. After a couple of days, I went to look for him only to find nothing. He doesn't want to be found, that part is obvious.

"Wanna go get dinner?" I asked as my toes finally dried and she nodded, "Who all is coming?"

"I don't care, let everyone know," I replied and she nodded, jogging out of my room to go downstairs. I opened my closet and grabbed a pair of Scout's high-waisted black jeans and my off-white knitted sweater. I slipped my feet into my black and white checkered shoes. I took my hair out of my messy bun and picked through the curls until my hair looked presentable enough. I decided to leave my face bare, not really wanting to spend time doing my makeup. I put more deodorant on and spritzed my favorite perfume onto my skin.

I glanced in the mirror and once I saw I was decent enough to go downstairs, that's what I did. I don't know what I expected to see once I reached the kitchen, but Daniela sitting on the countertop while Oliver kissed her passionately was definitely not on the list. My mouth fell agape. I knew they were flirting with each other for a while, but they are both naturally flirtatious people! I just thought they were joking, but they actually have a thing going on!

"Oh-" The shock fell from my mouth and Daniela instinctively pushed Oliver away, wiping her mouth with an embarrassed look on her face. "Cammie," She started and I chuckled. I put my hands up and motioned that I would keep my mouth shut as I exited the room.

"Heyyyy, little Moore," Ryan announced, his eyes glued to the TV screen as Skye rammed her video game car into a light pole. "Hey, Ry," I cringed once the big red letters rose on the screen, WASTED.

"Fucking shit, man, I was so close to finishing that mission!" She yelled in irritation, throwing Ryan the controller. He laughed and turned smug as he began his turn. I flopped onto the couch in between Scout and Elliott. I laid my head in Elliott's lap as I kicked my feet up onto Scout's. She scrunched her face up dramatically as she noticed my shoes, "Gross, Cammie!"

  I rolled my eyes playfully, "You know you love it, Jonsey."

Mia stood up after Ryan passed the controller back to Skye, "I need to make a phone call to the Rehabilitation Center and see if Andy is all checked in, then we can go." We agreed as she went to go make her call. Elliott lifted my head and grabbed my hair, splaying it out across his lap so he could play with it. Carter began arguing with Ryan about how he should've done something different on his car in the game, Skye was being all touchy-feely with Scout and Elliott began to stroke my hair.

Ever since opening up to him, I feel as if I can be comfortable in all aspects with him. I don't have to worry about walking on eggshells around him, afraid that the wrong thing will slip from my mouth. He's caring, he's sweet. I've never met a more genuine person than him.

"How'd you sleep last night?" He asked me. He does this every day, asking how I've slept because of my past nightmares. I shrugged, "I slept decently, thank you." He nodded as I turned my head up, looking up at him from on his lap. He looked down at me and grinned as I stuck my tongue out at him, "Silly."

"Alright, lovebirds, stop eye-fucking each other so we can go to Missy's, it's still open," Ryan said with a playful grin and I blushed, hard. I swung my legs off of Scout and hopped up, embarrassed. Were we really staring at each other and acting like a couple? I couldn't help but feel nervous around Elliott.

"We're taking my car, we'll meet you there," Elliott said as he swung an arm around my shoulder. I'm already pent up, I don't need to be alone with him right now. I don't really have much of a choice now, though, considering I'm already in his car.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now