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A/N: Are Elliott and Cameron done... for real this time? How are we feeling about Skye and Scout's marriage? Please vote and enjoy this chapter, fuckers! 💋



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A private romantic rendezvous between lovers.

  "You may kiss your bride," the priest announced with a grin and I wiped the tears from my eyes as we all clapped. Skye winked at Scout and she blushed as Skye softly kissed her, dipping her down for the dramatics. I giggled as we kept clapping and they finally rose up. "Everybody, Mrs. Skye and Scout James!" The priest announced and everyone stood up, clapping as the two excitedly walked out of the room.


  "The bridesmaids and groomsmen should make their way to the dance floor to dance with the married couple," the DJ announced and my mentally groaned. Salvatore looked at me with a weird look, "You have to dance with your ex?" I nodded and planted a fake smile on my face, "I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Okay, babe," he smiled and I also mentally gagged as he walked away. I seriously need to tell him-

   "You seriously need to tell him you hate that. It's painful for me to witness," Elliott came behind me smugly as he led us to the dance floor where the slow music started. I rolled my eyes as I placed my hand in his and one on his shoulder as that hand grabbed my waist, "Then stop eavesdropping in on conversations that are none of your business."

  "You are my business. You're my future wife and mother of my children so of course, I'd make you my business," he winked as we swayed back and forth and I had to fight the urge to smile and roll my eyes at the same time. I ignored his comment and glanced at Scout and Skye who was completely oblivious to everyone around them as they soaked up this slow dance together. They're truly a magical couple.

I want that. But the question is with whom? Salvatore is nice, he's been an amazing friend and I could see where we could potentially be more. But my feelings for Elliott are bombarding my heart and brain every five seconds. I thought ignoring him would be much easier. I thought that keeping him out of my life would be much simpler, but it's not. I want Elliott and I need Elliott. I crave his touch, his words, his hugs, and kisses. I crave his love, time, and attention. The fact that he's literally a mafia leader keeps slipping my mind as those thoughts haunt my head. Maybe I don't care anymore? Maybe I'm at a place in my life where I'm stable enough to handle everything?

   "Come home, Cam," Elliott's whisper sent shivers down my spine and I then noticed that my cheek was rested on his chest as we intimately swayed together. It feels so good and so right. My breathing was starting to quicken as I felt his lips kiss the top of my head, "There's no reason for you to be so far away from me anymore. I love you, Cameron."

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now