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A/N: We had a chapter full of drama! What are our thoughts on Oli and Danny? Elliott took his precious time making a move on Cameron, huh? Also, who do we think tapped on Cameron's shoulder? Enjoy and vote, shitheads!💋



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Providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis.

  I whipped around and that's when I noticed her. Valerie freaking Adams! I shrieked in excitement and she grinned, reciprocating the excited scream, throwing her arms around my neck.

"Oh my God! What are you doing here?!" I squealed as she dragged me away from the dance-floor. She laughed heartily as she handed me a shot of vodka. We clinked glasses and threw the shot back but due to the fact I've already had one too many, it didn't burn as badly this time and I didn't even cringe from the manky taste.

  "I'm visiting my aunt Barbara for the next week, we should go out sometime!" She yelled over the music and I nodded excitedly with a silly grin on my face.

After my accident with Noah, all my parents told her was that I had to move to America with my sister considering Scout graduated early. I didn't get to tell her goodbye in person, but I assume she was okay with it considering Scout was receiving letters from her addressed to me. Scout informed me that she wrote back as me, we didn't tell anyone about rehab or anything, but Valerie knew about Noah and what he put me through. She understood that I needed a clean slate. Then one day, she just stopped writing.

"That... sounds awesome, I'm so glad you're here!" I slurred with a giggle and she handed me another shot whilst smirking, "So who was that gorgeous lad you were just kissing?"

I don't know what it was, maybe it was the fact she called him gorgeous or the way she was eyeing him across the dance floor where he danced with Danny and Oliver, but it rubbed me wrong. It made me jealous. I was jealous over Elliott. My hips involuntarily started swaying with the music as his head turned to me and we made eye contact, causing me to blush and I threw the shot back. He winked and his eyes scanned my dancing body. His tongue darted out and he licked his bottom lip as he watched me, making me feel insanely sexy.

  "Did you see that? He just winked at me!" She squealed and my stomach churned at her excitement so I decided to correct her, "I think you read that wrong, Val, it was definitely me."

She laughed at me and took a swig of her drink, "Don't be conceited, Cammie, it was me. I think I'll go talk to him, be right back!" She placed her drink on the bar and sauntered over to him in her mini skirt and tank-top.

Just as I was going to stop her angrily, I had a gut feeling to just stay back. If he likes me like he says he does, then she won't be a problem. I was drunk and my legs were beginning to feel like jello so I sat on a barstool, watching as she sauntered up to him. She began moving her hips and placed a finger on his bicep. He looked down at it with disgust clear on his face and nudged her touch off of him. He began conversing with his friends once again until she invaded. He rolled his eyes and maneuvered away from her touch as he walked towards me. He grinned at me once he saw me and placed his hand on my thigh, "Hey, mamas."

His nickname for me caused the cliche butterflies to erupt in my belly and I giggled drunkenly, "Mamas... I like that."

I looked towards Val where a man approached her, his back facing me. But even his back looked eerily familiar. Whatever he said to her caused her to pout and she looked at me, grinning. I took a sip of the drink Elliott had in his hand, water. Then the man turned around, locking eyes with me and I spit out my drink. Elliott looked towards me with concern lacing his features, "What's wrong?" Oh, how I wish I wasn't so drunk.

"El, take me home, please, please," I begged, tears lacing my vision and his concerned features never softened, but he didn't question me. He nodded and helped me off of the chair as tears slipped from my eyes. My chest hurts and I feel like I'm going to vomit. My breathing is quickening and I'm about to have a panic attack.

  "Elliott... panic," I wheezed out and his eyes widened once he realized what I was trying to say. He picked me up bridal style and slapped multiple bills down in front of the bartender. He rushed us out of the door and sat me on a bench outside, sitting beside me quickly. I tried catching my breath and between Elliott rubbing my back and me trying to focus on my breath and not throwing up, I leaned over and spilled my stomach's contents on the concrete sidewalk. He held my hair out of my face and rubbed my back as I continued vomiting, feeling much better already. Once I was done, I wiped my mouth with my hand and Elliott handed me a piece of gum. I gladly took it, chewing the spearmint flavored gum.

I was drunk and seeing Valerie brought back memories of Noah, I definitely could not have seen him. Not here, it would've been too big of a coincidence. I sighed and looked over to Elliott, "I'm sorry, I'm gross."

"You're not gross, just drunk," he chuckled. I nodded in agreement, sobering up immensely from my now empty gut.

I sighed and looked over at him, he is so handsome, why did I try to stay away from him for so long? Maybe I was scared of rejection... or maybe it's because I'm scared to fall in love again. We see how well that went with Noah. But Elliott isn't anything like Noah, at all.

"I'm going to bring my car around, I'll be right back," He said and gave my hand a little squeeze before jogging off to wherever he parked his car.

"Replacing me already?" A voice came from behind me and I shot up, grabbing my pepper spray out of my bra, turning around to spray whoever it was. I sprayed the person and they yelled in anger, punching the spray from my hand. When I looked closely, that's when I noticed him.


Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now