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A/N: More information spilled, how are we feeling about this Noah character? Please vote and enjoy, remember that italics means flashback! 💋



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Cause severe and extensive damage to.

"So that's why she had a panic attack? Because that tool gave her drugs..." Elliott pieced together and I raised up, shaking my head. I looked over at Scout who's face was tear-streaked and blotchy. Skye smiled hesitantly at me as if silently asking if she should continue. I shook my head, "Thank you, mate, but I think I have it now..."

She nodded at me and rubbed my back, I climbed off of Elliott's lap and into my spot on the bed. Scout reached down and gave me a tight hug before whispering in my ear, "I'm here if you need me. Just yell, okay?" I nodded and they left quickly. I breathed in deeply and looked into Elliott's bright green eyes. They were soft and understanding as he placed his hand on my crossed legs. His hand was comforting and I smiled softly, "I'm going to tell you the rest, just... please don't freak out on me."

"I would never judge you, Cam," He said sincerely, his truth meeting his eyes. I nodded and continued my story.


-Halloween Night, Sr. Year-

"Where is Noah?" I asked one of the jocks and he pointed to a room where all the booze was stored. I huffed and followed directions into the kitchen. He was drunk and late. He was supposed to pick me up for the Halloween dance at school but he blew me off to party with his mates. He knew how important this was to me and he was the one who asked me to be his date. Why would he do this? I know we've gotten into a few arguments here and there, but I didn't think it was bad enough for him to blow me off.

"Noah!" I announced upon arrival and he whipped around to face me. He was holding a gun, a small pistol in his hand.

"Hey, baby! Look what I have!" He said with a goofy grin. He bent down and snorted some crushed up pills, motioning for me to do the same. This was our daily thing now. Every day he's around me he encourages me to get high and I do, to make him happy and to fulfill my addiction. Never in my life did I think I would be an addict but he made that completely possible.

"Put the gun down, Noah, you're plastered. Let's get out of here, go to sleep, yeah?" I suggested, weary at the fact he was slinging a gun around in his drunken stupor. He chuckled, "My little puppy, always following me around and doing what she's told."

Did he just call me a dog?

"Noah, please..." I pleaded. I walked over to him and put a hand on his arm. He ripped away from my grasp and scowled, "I have something new for us to try, party police." I nodded, anything to make him put the gun down. He led us out of the room and to a vacant one. He pulled out a little baggy of white powder, rendering me instantly confused. How is this new?

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now