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A/N: What are our opinions about the so-far characters? Elliott is a hunk, amirite? Please vote on the chapter, fuckers!💛

A/N: What are our opinions about the so-far characters? Elliott is a hunk, amirite? Please vote on the chapter, fuckers!💛~*~

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The process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas.

Studying is a long process, but in order to succeed, I must continue to do so. Which is why I'm not sure why I allowed my sister to drag me to a local café diner when I'm supposed to be studying for the test in my Calculus class tomorrow.

Scout, Mia, and Skye were sitting at the table with me. I'm not honestly sure what their conversation is pertaining to considering I'm picturing myself fail this test tomorrow. Why did I come out again?

"Earth to Cam! Are you in there?" Scout asked, snapping her fingers in my face. I looked at her with a bored expression whilst I pushed her hand from my face, "You just popped my personal bubble. Big time. Keep your hands to yourself."

She smirked and motioned beside me with her head, "The waitress wants to know what you want."

I awkwardly turned to my left and seen an elderly woman dressed in the diner attire with a smile on her face, "What can I get for you?"

"Just a coffee will be fine, thank you," I replied meekly as the bell to the diner rung.

"Miiiiaaaaa," A voice rang out and we girls turned our heads to match the voice with a face. It was a group of men, all of whom I do not know. Although, one boy looks familiar. He's the one who was looking at me on my first day of school.

"Girls, this is Andy and his friends," Mia said with a grin as he kissed her cheek. Oh. I didn't know she had a boyfriend.

"Hello, ladies. I am Andy, this is Carter," he pointed to a short dark-skinned man who had the most beautiful brown eyes I could ever fathom. Carter nodded his head at us with a small smile, "Ladies."

"And this is Dean, everyone knows Dean," Andy finished and Jesus Christ, the man who checked me out at school is Dean bloody King! And his gorgeous brother was my drunken savior!

  His eyes were a beautiful hazel color, his hair was a fluffy caramel color and his complexion was tan. He had a slight dimple in his chin that deepened when he smiled. Dean walked to the table and plopped down in the chair in front of me with a grin, "Hello again, gorgeous."

  I bit my lip and looked down, pieces of my hair curled in front of my face. I suddenly felt self-conscious that I was bare-faced. Soon, the waitress returned with my coffee and took the boys' orders as they took their seats.

  "So, England, how come I've never seen you around?" Dean asked and I rolled my eyes at his corny nickname, "I'm a freshman. I took a gap year to better myself for college, hence why my sister is a year ahead."

  "Well, England, it's-"

  "My name is Cameron," I interrupted, quite tired of the little pet name.

  He grinned, "Feisty. I love it."

I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless, he's charming. I took a sip of my coffee as Carter looked at me, "You look bored." I chuckled at his bluntness, "I want to be home studying, but this one-" I nudged Scout on the shoulder, "wanted me to come out as if Dean's party on Friday wasn't enough."

  "You were at my party?" Dean asked with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

  "Yeah, your bro-"

  "I had to leave early," I cut Skye off with a subtle smile. For some reason, I feel guilty with Dean knowing that his brother took me home, although both he and his brother just recently met me. Skye furrowed her brows at me in confusion but nodded, accepting my decision to not tell Dean.

  The waitress came by and placed everyone's food in front of them. I continued sipping my coffee and listening in on everyone's conversations when I felt someone tap my foot from underneath the table. I looked up and Dean was smiling slightly at me, "You okay?"

  I nodded, "Yes, I'm about to leave, actually." I got up and placed a five-dollar tip for my coffee and paid for it upfront. I came back and looked at Scout who was too busy participating in a heated debate with the others to notice I was leaving. I grabbed my jacket and put it on and muttered an ignored bye to everyone before walking out of the cafe. I walked to my car but before I could open it, it was opened for me. I looked up to meet the face of Dean who was grinning, "M'lady."

  I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully, "Thanks, Dean."

  "No problem, Eng- Cameron," he corrected himself and I nodded my head at him as I climbed into the car. I started it up and he shut the door. I rolled my window down and seeing as he wasn't going anywhere, I had the urge to invite him over for some reason, maybe it's because he's cute or maybe because he's lingering around me.

  "You could uhm... you could come over and help me with my studies?" I asked awkwardly as I twiddled my fingers nervously. He beamed brightly at my request and nodded, jogging over to the passenger side of the cheap little black car. He climbed in quickly and I turned the radio on high enough so there wasn't an awkward silence between us.

  "Thanks for inviting me, Cammie. Can I call you Cammie?" He asked nervously and I nodded as I put the car in drive and began to drive to the home that I shared with Scout and Skye, "Of course, all of my friends do."

  I noticed him fight a smile in my peripheral vision and also smiled. He's cute and nervous, that's different. All of the boys back in England are cocky and full of utter shit so the change in personality is quite nice.

  "Friends. I like it although I plan to be more," He said proudly.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now