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Attractive or gratifying physically; especially sexually.

  After an appetizing dinner at Missy's and going home to change into club-worthy outfits, we all gravitated towards the club. We got in easily, apparently, Ryan, Oliver, and Elliott are well-known and respected. Danny dragged all of us girls to the bar and immediately ordered tequila and vodka shots for us.

"You sure we should be mixing colors with lightweights amongst us?" Skye asked with a smug expression on her face. I rolled my eyes playfully, "Piss off." She laughed and we all clinked shot glasses together as we threw back the tequila. The harsh liquor burned my throat and my belly going down but knowing what would soon follow made me happier. After everything with Dean and admitting things to Elliott, I deserve a night of letting loose.

  "Next one!" Mia shouted excitedly and we all laughed. We quickly threw back the shot of vodka and I cringed at the rubbing alcohol taste, "That's disgusting." Skye nodded, "It's cheap, of course, it's disgusting." Skye grabbed Scout's hand and twirled her around leading her to the dance floor where everyone's sweaty bodies were grinding against each other to the upbeat song. Mia grabbed Ryan and Carter, leading them away, leaving Elliott on the other side of the bar with Oliver, and Daniela with me.

  "So, what did I walk into earlier?" I asked, judgement nowhere in my voice. She bit her lip and looked away before turning towards me and whispering, "I don't know, really. It just... kinda happened. That wasn't the first time that's happened..."

"Kinda?" I asked, an eyebrow raised. She glanced at him and admired, I smiled slightly as I watched her. She seems like she really likes him, good for her. Maybe Oliver will be the type to tame her.

"We used to hate each other. Then it was like a passive-aggressive friendship where we constantly roasted each other, picking on one another for fun. Then one day when we were alone he made a dig about my hair being brighter than his future and I said something about how his personality is as shitty as he is. Then he like..." She trailed off, turning bright red and now I'm intrigued. Daniela has always been expressive about her sexuality and now she's blushing?

"Then he...?" I asked, urging her to continue and she blushed harder, "He kissed me and we ended up making out for like fifteen minutes. It almost got too far."

"So you fancy him?" I ask and she shrugged, "Even if I did it wouldn't matter, he's a player." I threw my head back and laughed at that, "So are you, Danny!"

She giggled and I felt arms snake around my waist. I stiffened and Daniela smirked at me, turning to leave. I cocked my head up and noticed it was Elliott. He let go of me with a wink and handed me a shot. I smirked, "Trying to get me drunk and take me home now, El?" He rolled his eyes, "Trust me, if I wanted to fuck you it would be in a state you would remember."

I felt a pain in my chest when he said if and not when. What is wrong with me? I shouldn't be thinking these things about him. I'll be twenty in a week, making him seven years older than me. He noticed the frown on my face and bent down to kiss my forehead, "When. Not if."

I blushed, hard and turned around quickly to go find Daniela after taking the shot. No way he knew what I was thinking about and no way did he have the guts to say that!

I found her and she grabbed my hips, pulling me to her as she danced with me. I laughed as she made a silly face at me, moving our dancing in a slow, sensual way- it contrasted against the upbeat music. I started feeling really tipsy, three shots is a record for me. I felt warm and happy, way happier than I have been.

"What's going on with you and Elliott?" She yelled over the music. I continued to dance with her as I shrugged, "Nothing, why?"

"That's bullshit and you know it! You're basically in love with him and he doesn't hide the fact that he's into you!" She yelled and I felt a blush spread up my neck. I giggled, "I'm smitten, but I know the feelings aren't reciprocated."

"Then he can tell you himself!" She yelled and my eyebrows furrowed, confused. She pointed behind me with a guilty grin, causing me to stiffen. She. Did. Not! I slowly turned around as she sauntered off, probably to go find Oli. Elliott was standing behind me with a serious expression on his face. My heart started pounding in my chest and I felt sick to my stomach, I can't deal with rejection right now. I turned back around to walk off, yes, I'm running from my problems. I felt a big hand grasp my forearm and spin me around. I ended up bumping into Elliott and he bent down, roughly, but passionately kissing me.

  My eyes widened in surprise but it didn't take long for me to melt into the kiss. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso so he wouldn't have to keep bending down to kiss me. We were in the middle of the dance floor, kissing like it was nobody's business. He tugged on my bottom lip gently with his teeth and I grinned as he let go and rested his forehead against mine, "Was my flirting not strong enough?"

I giggled, almost one-hundred percent positive that my face was as red as a tomato, "It is now."

He put me on my feet and I felt a tap on my shoulder as that eerily familiar voice whispered in my ear, "Long time no see, sexy."

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now