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A/N: Quick, wasn't it? I hope you guys love their story! Please vote and enjoy, ladsss.💋



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(Of a person) having a cheerful disposition.

   "All done, take a look!" Scout said excitedly whilst Skye grinned at me from behind her. I walked over to the full body mirror and scanned everything, one by one and damn! I look wicked!

My hair is straightened whereas it's usually in its natural tight curly form. My makeup is done minimal, enhancing my features but its paired with a deep, red wine-colored lip. I was dressed in Scout's mustard-yellow flowy dress that reached just above my knees. The neckline dipped down and showed a bit of cleavage, but not so much as to me being named a daft cow. The sleeves were short and stuck to my arms which I liked and a small mustard-yellow bow was on my hip. I was wearing my chestnut-colored sandals that wrapped around my ankles and big toe, showing off my toned calves. Accenting the outfit, I had on my over-the-shoulder chestnut-colored purse.

  I did a twirl as Scout instructed and beamed at my reflection, I feel pretty.

  "Thank you so much, Scout," I gushed as I hugged her and she bit her lip, smiling, "You deserve it."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang and I blew out a breath I didn't even know I was holding as I walked to the door. "Good luck, Cam!" Skye shouted and I couldn't stop the silly smile that spread across my lips when I opened the door, revealing Dean dressed in a floral, short-sleeved button-up tucked into black slacks. His eyes scanned my body in adoration before a toothy grin graced his lips beautifully, "You look beautiful, Cammie."

I blushed and stepped out, shutting the door behind me as he leads me to his car. We each got into the car and Dean didn't stop driving until we reached an elegant looking restaurant. The place screamed extravagant and expensive the minute I stepped inside. As if that wasn't enough to prove how much money you have to possess in order to dine here, we approached a man behind a small alter who asked if our names were on the list. We're on a list to eat?! These people have lost the plot!

  I wrapped my arms around myself nervously as Dean conversed with the man. It's clear as day that he's been here numerous times, he knows the ropes around everything. We were soon seated into a booth, champagne being poured in our glasses as they took our order. I ordered a small salad and small chicken breast with roasted carrots while Dean ordered their supposedly infamous lobster dish.

  "So, girlfriend, tell me something about you that I don't know," He said with a soft smile. I thought for a moment, "I'm allergic to tomatoes, what about you?" He chuckled at my confession before thinking, "I'm going to college for a degree in law."

I smiled at his ambition, I love it when my significant other has his future planned. I'm not used to it, though. "Tell me three things about yourself, three things you like, and three things you dislike, anything," I said, eager to get to know the man in front of me.

"I'm in a fraternity, I have six tattoos, and I'm a year sober today," He said with a proud smile and I gushed at his accomplishment, "Congrats, Dean!"

"Thanks, now three things I like... hmm... I like rap music. I like movies and I like Christmas, it's my favorite," I could see the excitement glistening in his eyes as he moved onto the last part of my quiz, "I dislike rock music, all of it. I don't like those weird shows like The Vampire Journal and Grey's Anatomy. I don't like pineapple either, it's like the worst fruit."

  I tried not to pout at his answers, we are completely polar opposites so far. I don't like rap music, my genre of choice is rock. I don't like Christmas because of things that have happened to me around that time of year. The Vampire Diaries is my favorite TV show of all time and pineapple is my second favorite fruit, right behind strawberries.

  "Your turn," He said as the two of us took a sip from our glasses. I thought for a moment, "My middle name is Aaliyah and I prefer it over my first name. I'm going to college to get a business degree so I can open my own salon. I prefer to read rather than attend public outings."

He nodded curiously, motioning for me to continue and so I did, "I like jewelry but I hate necklaces because they always make me feel like I'm being choked, it's weird, I know."

  I laughed at the weird look on his face, "I like potatoes, they're my favorite food." His face scrunched up in disgust, "Potatoes will make you fat." I felt my heart clench, am I fat? I immediately began to feel self-conscious in this dress, placing my arms over my belly. I laughed nervously, "I fancy tiger lilies, they're my favorite flower." He smiled, "Those were mom's and Elliott's favorite flower, that's cool." I blushed at the mention of Elliott's name and decided to finish answering the quiz, "I don't like tea, it's gross. I don't like the show The Walking Dead, it freaks me out-"

"That's the best show of all time!" He all but whined and I suddenly felt as if I didn't want to be here anymore. Why does it feel like we have no connection? Why does it annoy me every time he tells me something I feel the exact opposite about? Why... why do I keep comparing him to someone else? I need to give it a chance.

  "Enjoy, Mr. King," A waiter said as he sat our plates down in front of us. Dean beamed at me expectantly, "This is my favorite restaurant, I've tried everything on the menu and trust when I say there's not one bad dish!"

  I had a confidence boost for my food and cut a piece of chicken, taking it into my mouth. Not... what I expected. The chicken was very dry with little to no seasoning at all. I swallowed and politely smiled up at him and he grinned, "Told you!"I hummed in response, not wanting to argue his very wrong statement. I took a bite of a roasted carrot and almost spit it back out. It was disgusting, it didn't even taste like a carrot; it tasted like grease. We sat in silence as I picked at my food and he devoured his.

  After an awkward drive back to my house, I realized that maybe I'm not ready to dive into a relationship yet. What other reason would there be for tonight to be such a disaster?

  He parked the car and walked me back up to my door. He spun me around to kiss me, but I backed my face away slowly with a frown. His eyebrows met in confusion, "Tonight wasn't good for you?" I decided to not hurt his feelings, "Tonight was great, Dean. But we should take this... slow." He nodded in understanding and all of a sudden my door opened, Elliott and Ryan in uniform walking out of the house.

  Ryan grinned at me, "Hi, Cam, you look good. We were just leaving." I nodded, Skye was probably playing games with him. "Heading to work?" I asked and he nodded with a look of content on his face, "Nightshift is awesome. See you guys tomorrow?"

  I nodded at his question and noticed Elliott leaning against the pillar on my doorstep. He winked at me and bent down to kiss my cheek, "Bye, Cameron. See ya, brother."

  I blushed but didn't make a face, that would be weird to do in front of Dean. As Ryan and Elliott sped off on Elliott's motorcycle, Dean turned to me with an undecipherable expression masking his face. "Are you okay?" I asked and he blew out a harsh breath, "I don't like how close you are with Elliott. Stay away from him, okay?"

Oh, no...

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now