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A/N: How do we think the fair is going to go down? Who will be there? Please vote and enjoy this chapter, lovelies! 💋



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Stupefied by or as if by alcohol or a drug.

     After going home to change into slightly warmer clothes, everyone met up at the fair one town over. It was a fairly small town whereas the fair itself was packed full of people from all around. I had changed into black jeans with holes in the knees as well as a baby blue long-sleeved sweater so I'm feeling pretty good right now. I'm hanging around Skye right now while everyone else is off doing their own thing. Scout is getting us drinks at one of the food booths.

"So... we haven't talked about what happened," Skye said with a smirk on her face as we sat down at a table. I cocked an eyebrow, apparently completely oblivious to whatever she was talking about, "What happened?"

"Don't play dumb. Elliott, the covers, scary movie night," She said with a roll of her eyes playfully and I felt my cheeks instantly warm. I laughed nervously, "There's nothing to talk about, that's why."

"He was touching you. Under the blankets, while you looked like you were about to explode from the sexual tension," She laughed and if I could physically blush anymore, I would be doing so right now. This is so embarrassing. After days of not bringing it up, I thought she would've forgotten by now, but apparently not.

"Skyyye," I whined as I rested my arms on the table and dug my face into my sleeves embarrassingly. She laughed heartily at my state, not giving up until I heard the familiar sweet voice that belonged to my sister, "What's so funny?"

I lifted my head to meet her eyes as she sat down next to Skye and I groaned. Now Scout's going to know and ask millions of questions.

"I was just asking her what was up with Elliott touching her underneath the covers Monday night," Skye said cheekily and I gave her the bird as Scout handed me a bottle of a mysterious alcoholic beverage. Scout's eyebrows shot up in surprise and she gaped at me, "Cammie! What the hell?!"

"I don't know! Plus it wasn't like he was touching me.... there..." I said sheepishly and Scout giggled as Skye pulled her into her side. "So where was he touching you?" She asked accusingly. I bit my lip and pulled my eyes from her, taking a large gulp from the drink and it instantly burned the back of my throat, "Gah! What is this?"

"Vodka, now don't avoid my question," She said, raising an eyebrow at me and I groaned, "Sod off, Scout. He was just touching my leg... intimately. I don't know, okay? I told him to back off anyways."

She nodded her head as I took another sip, "Just be careful, word spreads and I don't want my virginal sister to have the reputation of a slag." Skye spat out her drink in laughter, "Scout, she's a virgin." I giggled and my sister shrugged, "She doesn't act like one!" I rolled my eyes, "I am a virgin, leave me alone. Just because you guys go at it like rabbits doesn't mean I have to be shamed, okay? And just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean I'm innocent."

"What are we talking about over here, ladies?" Carter asked as he popped up and slid in the chair beside me.

"Nothing-" I said at the same time as Scout replied, "Talking about how Cammie's a virgin."

I threw my head back and groaned, "Tell all of our friends, why don't you?"

I glanced at Carter who's jaw was dropped, looking me up and down, "How the hell are you a virgin when you look like... that?!" I blushed and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as Skye spoke up, "Ease off, she's Kings." I glared at her in annoyance, "I'm not a piece of property so I don't belong to anyone-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Scout smirked. I groaned as I stood up, "I'm going to go find Daniela and Mia, later, guys." They waved as I sauntered off to find my girlfriends.

After wandering about for ten minutes, I found the two at an apple bobbing station. I laughed as Andy caught an apple and yelled in excitement. My happiness died down whenever Mia went to go hug him but he shrugged her off and winked at a girl walking by him. What the hell was that about? Mia's disappointment was evident on her face and Danny hugged an arm around her shoulders. I walked over to the pair and Danny's face lightened when she saw me, "Hey, bitch! Wanna smoke with us?"

"I don't smoke," Mia and I said simultaneously. We looked at each other and laughed as we followed Daniela behind an outside bathroom.

"Why behind an outside bathroom if it's legal here?" I asked curiously as she fished a spliff from her pocket and she laughed, "It's called a porta-potty, Cam. And because there are kids all around this place, I'm not completely crazy." I nodded in understanding, I didn't realize there were children everywhere. Mia fished the phone out of her pocket and groaned, "I forgot to show up to my parents for dinner tonight. I have to go, guys, love you!"

"Love you!" We shouted after the running Blonde and Danny leaned against the porta-potty, taking a long drag from the spliff.

"Have you ever tried smoking?" She asked and I shook my head, "No, I've always been curious but I've never had the opportunity." She grinned at me, mischief twinkling in her hazel eyes, "Here's your opportunity, Moore. Don't worry, I'm here. But if you don't want to then you don't have to," She said and I smiled at how kind she was being. Daniela was usually blunt, coming off as rude to others. She doesn't care about others' opinions about her because she is who she is and she has no reason to change. I admire that about her. She's the polar opposite of Mia.

I thought about her offer and I decided I wanted to try. I never classified weed as bad and there's no one I would trust smoking with for my first time other than her. I nodded and she handed the small spliff to me, gently instructing me how to use it. I placed it in between my lips and took a short hit off of it, inhaling and holding it for a second just as she instructed. I felt a cough building and she nodded, "Coughing is okay. It's normal."

Just as she said that a fit of uncontrollable coughs erupted from my mouth and she chuckled, "That's good, now hit it again." I nodded and did so, taking a bit of a longer drag this time. I did this about two or three more times and I started to feel relaxed as we talked about anything and everything.

"I probably need to get back to my sister and head home soon, love you, Danny," I said and kissed her cheek.

"Love you, Cammie, you guys be careful tonight. There are a lot of intoxicated people here," She winked and I giggled as I found my way back to the table. The only one there was Skye who was napping on the table, earbuds blasting through her ears. I winced, how can she handle her music that loud? I grabbed my drink and quickly finished it, not wanting to leave a bottle chilling around.

I discarded the bottle and went to go see if I could find Oli or Ryan, waiting for Scout to tell me she was leaving. So far, tonight has been great.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now