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A/N: So much drama right when we thought everything would be okay for a few chapters! What do we think about Mia now? Enjoy and vote, pretty babies! 💋



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Not being what it purports to be; false or fake.

"Why are you looking at Mia like that?" Danny asked in confusion. My fists are clenched and I'm looking at Mia with an accusatory glare. There's no way she should know. How does she know? Mia cocked an eyebrow at me and Andy was confused. Ryan was on the phone with Scout, telling her what everyone wanted for breakfast.

"What's wrong, boo?" Mia asked in a sickly sweet tone once again. I stood up from the couch and clenched my fists again, "How do you know about Noah?"

She smirked at me and crossed her arms, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Cammie. Perhaps you're still riled up from the drama upstairs?" As if on cue, more yelling occurred. Dean must've woken up. I glared at her and she kept her signature, innocent smirk. What does she know that she's not telling anyone?

"Dean mentioned you knew something about Noah and me in England. A bit dodgy coming from someone who hasn't mentioned anything to me. Spill," I demanded and Danny cut in, "Who's Noah?"

"Someone who fucked our dear little Cameron like the slut she is," Mia said nonchalantly and I growled at her, "He didn't shag me, he raped me! He got me into drugs and then tried to murder me by burning a house down with me in it! Who the hell are you to accuse me of shagging him when you're supposed to be my mate?!"

She looked taken aback but quickly collected herself.

"What the fuck? Mia that's low as hell," Danny spat at her, standing beside me with her arms crossed, trying to protect me.

"Poor little Cammie, always needing someone to protect her. You whine and bitch like my five year old brother," she laughed, looking at her nails. I took no time to think about what I was doing, I just did it. I lunged and knocked her on her arse.

"You gormless tosser!" I screamed as I punched her in the face. Pain shot up my hand as I felt her nose crunch under my blow. She screamed in pain, scratching at my arms with her hot pink claws, thrashing around to get me off of her.

"My cousin didn't rape you, girls willingly threw themselves at him! You were one of them! You're fucking delusional!" Mia screamed as she elbowed me in my ribs. I hissed in pain and grabbed her hair. I wrapped my fists in her dirty blonde hair and slammed her head into the floor. She screamed and I did it again until I felt arms wrap around me, lifting me off of her. I screamed in protest, desperately trying to get back to the daft cow. The tattoos wrapped around the arms signified that it was Elliott grasping me.

"Even if he raped you, you deserved it! You should've died in that fire!" She yelled and that managed to pump enough adrenaline through my veins to give me the power to jump from Elliott's arms. I screamed in anger as she continued to curse me and lunged at her again. I grabbed her face in my hand and threw her back. She hit her head on the fireplace and fell to the ground, cold and out. Crap, I knocked her out!

"I didn't mean to knock her out..." I said lowly and everyone around me stared at me, gaping. I watched as blood poured from her head and around her body, soaking her white clothes and blonde hair. My eyebrows scrunched together, "El... is that... normal?"

"Fuck," He mumbled as he ran over towards her and Danny gasped. Oli grabbed her shoulder, holding her back. Tears brimmed my eyes, did I hurt her too bad? "What the fuck?" Andy said, scared.

"I-I... I just..." I stuttered but I felt a hand on my back. I looked behind me and Skye was looking at me with a stern look, "It's okay. Just... don't worry about it, Cam, okay?"

"It's- it's fine! We'll fix this... yes! We'll cover it up, she was drunk, right? She hit her head after she tripped. Fuck, her nose was broken... that won't work..." Danny stumbled with her words, her hands shaking. Ryan shook his head as he helped Elliott examine her head, "She's dead, for sure. What do we do, boss?"

"Burn her. Put her in the shed a couple blocks over and light it on fire. We'll do it tonight since our shipment leaves then, too," Elliott ordered sternly, standing up nonchalantly.

Dead? I... I killed her? Boss? Elliott is boss? But... Ryan works on the police department?

"Yes, boss," Oliver said as he picked Mia's body up and placed her in a tarp that Skye had brought.

Oli works in mechanics? How is Elliott both Ryan and Oliver's boss?

"I- I don't under... what?" I whispered out, confused, overwhelmed and upset. Elliott looked towards me and sighed, "Come with me, love." He put a soft hand on my own and walked me up the stairs to explain whatever the hell is going on.

Just as we reached upstairs, something felt off. The air in the hallway didn't feel right and it made the hairs on my neck stand up. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Elliott pushed me behind him. He grabbed something out of the back of his pants and I realized it to be a gun. My eyes widened as he pointed it at the door and nudged the door open with his foot.My breath got caught in my throat as we came to face Dean's body in the floor. A needle was sticking out of his arm, blood mixed with drugs. A strangled cry came from Elliott's throat as he placed the gun on the floor and ran to his brother's body.

"No, no, no! Dean, come on, stay with me!" He sobbed into his little brother's neck as he slapped his face, trying to get him to come to life.

My feet thought before I could. I ran downstairs and spotted Skye, "Call 911! Dean overdosed!"

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now