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A/N: Who are we shipping? Personally, I ship Scout and Skye.😂 We're almost in the double digits of chapters, guys! Thanks for reading this far and continue to vote and enjoy, gorgeous shitheads! 💋



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A feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad.

    I sighed as I rested my head against the freezer door. The stainless steel did well to cool down my blush, not so much the racing hormones though. I took a few minutes to readjust until the kitchen door swung open. I whipped around only to be faced with Elliott. He towered over me at least by a foot. His aura screamed dominance- it was bloody suffocating, honestly. My back was against the fridge and his long legs took one stride before he was right in front of me.

"Uhm, c-can I help you?" I asked, mentally cursing myself for the slight stutter. To say I'm slightly intimidated by this man is the understatement of the century. He gave me a lopsided grin that made him look even more gorgeous if that was possible. Is the entire town beautiful and I didn't get the memo or what? This is seriously unfair.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a teasing manner, making me instantly blush once more. I slid out from in between the fridge and his intense fixation as I grabbed a vanilla pudding cup. Scout is obsessed with them so we never run out. I hopped up on the counter and crossed my legs as I opened the top and he handed me a spoon from the clean sink. I took a bit on the spoon and put it in my mouth. It's so good, no wonder she loves these things so much.

"You never answered my question," he stated lowly and I cleared my throat as I decided to make a decision. I have to choose to exit myself from this awkward, cliche situation before the tension gets any worse and I spill my guts.

"I know what you're doing," I said, pointing my spoon at him and he cocked a curious eyebrow, "Is that so?"

I nodded as I spooned more pudding into my mouth and straightened my back, "You're trying to intimidate me, make me spill my secrets. I have none so your psychology-ridden methods won't work on me."

"I don't buy it," he grinned mischievously and I shrugged, "There's not a price."

He walked towards me and placed his hands on either side of me on the counter, leaning in so almost our noses were touching. I cleared my throat and shook my head, "Elliott, you have to stop." A smile graced his plump lips as humor danced in his eyes, "And why's that?"

I wriggled out of his stance and hopped off of the counter, eating another spoonful of the delicious goodness, "I want to see where things go with Dean. He's your brother so why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" He asked, knowingly. He asks so many questions.

"That thing you do. That smile. Your touches. The way you look at me, Elliott, please," I all but begged and the kitchen door opened, revealing Dean. A concerned look dressed his face and I smiled softly, holding up my pudding cup as Elliott grinned at his brother, "I was just getting the dirty deets about your date, brother. Nice work on the park."

Confusion. That's all I felt once those words left his lips. How did Elliott know about the park and why does Dean look so mad? Dean sucked in a sharp breath as he glanced at me, "Want to get some air?"

I nodded and discarded my pudding cup, putting the spoon in the sink as I brushed past Elliott. Dean smiled at me as I grabbed the blanket from the recliner. Everyone was way too engrossed into the weird movie to realize that I was leaving the room once again. I lead Dean outside into the backyard where I spotted my white painted wooden bench-swing. It's my favorite spot ever, I usually do my reading there. I sat down, crisscrossing my legs as usual and he took the seat beside me.

"So, I need to tell you something," he started nervously and I glanced at him with my eyebrows furrowed as I wrapped the blanket over my bare legs. There was a slight breeze that caused me to shiver as I waited for him to tell me whatever was bothering him.

"I... I kind of lied to you, earlier," he admitted, shamefully as his head hung low. The way he was going with this is causing me proper dubiety. I'm on edge as he takes his precious time opening up me, though I refuse to rush him as that would be of bad manners.

"You can tell me, it's okay," I reassured his wandering mind and he nodded, not looking me in the eyes, "When I told you I have absolutely nothing to do with drugs anymore, that was... a stretch."

My heart felt as if it dropped to my stomach, he still uses drugs? I... can't do this. I uncrossed my legs and placed my feet on the ground as I stared at him, impatiently waiting for him to elaborate before I kick him from my house and never speak to him again. I have to do this for me, as much as I like Dean and see a potential strong friendship here, I can't allow myself to go back down this path. As I said before, I refuse.

"You still... use?" I asked myself more than him.

"Weed. I smoke weed every now and then," He said and I immediately sighed a breath of relief as I giggled, "You scared me! I thought you meant bad drugs, you knob head!"

He looked at me with a shocked expression as I continued to giggle, "You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad if you smoke a spliff every now and then? Scout does it all the time with Skye whenever her anxiety acts up," I say with a shrug and he nodded in understanding, "Thank God, I kind of freaked out earlier when I told you I didn't have anything to do with drugs because I thought if you knew that I smoke you wouldn't want to hang around me anymore. But then I felt bad and had to come clean, I'm sorry."

I smiled at his honesty, "Thank you for telling me."

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now