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A/N: Elliott is finally gone from Cameron's life... or is he? Please vote and enjoy, fuckbrains!💋

 or is he? Please vote and enjoy, fuckbrains!💋~*~

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Serenely free of interruption or disturbance.

  It's been six months since the home invasion and the Elliott situation. It's been a long while since anything other than calmness has happened to me. It's a nice feeling, feeling sure of myself. My life is amazing. A lot of things have happened since I started respecting myself.

  I moved out of my flat a month after everything happened and bought a three-bedroom and three-bathroom penthouse. Elise and Salvatore moved in with me and we split everything together; bills, food, personal services.

  My job with Elise got 'promoted' if you will. I've been getting interviewed with Elise by a bunch of high-end people such as Vogue Magazine and the Cosmopolitan fashion magazine issues. I've officially become Elise's top model and she's in the midst of designing men's wear. Salvatore already agreed to model for her as well as many others!

  Elise dropped a sleepwear line recently and I'm currently modeling those clothes for photoshoots. In about a month everything will be released but as of now, only teaser pictures are being released onto social media.

  After Elliott walked out of my life all of those months ago, it hurt like hell. For the first week, I didn't even talk to Elise or Salv, I just existed. I put on a pretty smile for the camera and went back to bed. The second week, I told myself I would never find love again and that Elliott was it for me. I stopped eating and had to talk myself out of calling him numerous times. The third week, I forced myself from the bed, looked myself in the mirror and told myself I would be okay. I put on a fake smile for everyone and eventually started believing myself. By the fourth week, I gave myself a complete makeover with the help of my friends. And from there I began living my life again.

  Sure, sometimes I'll think about Elliott, my sister and all of my old friends. Sometimes it hurts and I like to fantasize about what my life would be like if I never left. Sometimes I'll think about it and smile, realizing it was never meant to be but I had fun while it lasted. That's when I know I'll be okay. I'm okay because I don't cry anymore. I'm okay because I no longer feel that pull on my heart when I think of everything. I'm okay because I smile when I think of everyone and everything.

  "Cameron, you're on in five!" Elise said as her head poked in my dressing room. I smiled and nodded, blotting my lipstick and fixing my blouse. I walked outside of the dressing room where Salvatore stood, holding his jacket over his arm. He glanced at me and grinned, kissing my cheek, "Don't sweat it. It's your what? Thirty-seventh big-time interview? You got this, gorgeous."

  I blushed and gave him a soft smile, "Thanks, Salvatore. How do I look?" I spun dramatically and he chuckled, "You look like the most beautiful woman in the building. Now shoo, don't be late. Cosmo won't be waiting!"

  I giggled and nodded, speed-walking towards the interview set. A man and a woman sat on a couch and she shook hands with me as the man grabbed a pen, ready to write.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Moore. Are you ready for the rapid-fire questions? The only rule is don't think, just speak." She stated and I smiled, "Yes ma'am."

  "Okay, question number one. What are you most enchanted by in a man?"

"Intelligence," I said without thinking and the man beside her began ferociously writing on the paper.

 "Number one thing women shouldn't be ashamed of?"

 "Our bodies and brains."

  "First celebrity crush?"

  "I'm pretty sure it was John Travolta from Grease," I giggled and she smiled, approving, "What's your favorite alcoholic beverage?"

  "My good friend, Elise Lavigne's, signature cherry vodka."

  "Mmm, that sounds delicious. What is an important life lesson for someone to learn?" She asked and I hesitated before answering, "Be undeniably you because at the end of the day everyone is going to have an opinion about you but the only person's opinion that matters is your own."

  "Very wise," she commented with a grin before questioning again, "How is your love life?"

  "Private," I said and she chuckled, "What is a fashion trend you would pay to see disappear?"

  "Most definitely low rise jeans and sneaker heels."

  "Fully agree with you on that, what's your guilty pleasure in turn-ons?"

  "Hands and tattoos," I winked but then remembered Elliott and frowned.

  "Turn offs?"

  "Innocence," I giggled and she laughed, "Amazing answers so far, Ms. Moore. One last one and I'll relieve you, what do you first notice about someone when you meet them?"

  "Their vibes. If they are even worthy of my time," I said softly and she grinned, standing up to shake hands with me.

  "Thank you so much for your time, Cameron. Hopefully, we can chat again soon. Have a good day," she bid her farewell and I let out a breath of relief once I walked towards the dressing room.

  "You did amazing, girlfriend," Elise gushed and kissed my cheek as she began taking my makeup off. She knows how much I hate wearing makeup for long periods of time. Once she made my face feel five pounds lighter, she pulled my hair into a messy bun and kissed my cheek, "Beautiful as always. See you home?"

  "You know it," I winked and began undressing, putting my casual leggings and t-shirt back on. I looked in the mirror and noticed I was actually wearing one of Salv's band tees on accident.

  "You look much better in that than I do," I heard his voice come from behind me and I turned around, smiling as I stepped into my vans, "Thank you. I'm so ready to go home and lay dowwwwwnnn."

  "That makes both of us. Oh, before I forget," he said as he pulled a small envelope from his jacket pocket, "this came for you during the interview."

  I grabbed it and read the front of it, instantly feeling nostalgic. The front read my sister's name in big print and I rushed to open it, hoping everything was okay. Once my eyes quickly scanned the inner contents, my heart was bursting with all kinds of emotion but the number one emotion I was feeling was joy.

  Scout and Skye are getting married!

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