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A/N: That last chapter hurt my soul, honestly. Did it make you guys feel any type of way? Vote and enjoy this chapter, fuckers! 💋



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Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.

I woke up feeling okay. My eyes fluttered open and focused on Elliott's tattooed chest, the room filled with the bright sun rays. I lifted my arm from around his toned torso and began tracing the tattoos on his chest. I felt him stir under my touch and stopped, only to hear his deep, leathery voice fill the room shortly after, "Don't stop..."

I smiled lightly and began tracing his tattoos again with the pads of my fingertips. He shivered in pleasure under my touch and I watched as goosebumps appeared in their wake. I felt something hard against my knee and my eyes widened once I realized what it was. He muttered an apology before adjusting himself and letting me go back to my mesmerizing tracing. I began to think about him... sexually.

After my past experiences with sexual encounters, I swore off sex. I rendered it disgusting and a horrible thing. But every time I'm around Elliott, he makes heat and wetness travel to my sex. He makes my hormones fly through the roof. All I want to do is kiss him and make him take me to bed in a sexual way. When he kissed me in the club, I didn't want to stop. I wanted him to dominate me even though I've never fathomed it. After how careful and genuine he was last night, the need for him only grew. And now, being in bed with him whilst naked, I want nothing more than him to change my mind about sex.

Sex doesn't have to be bad.

I continued tracing with my fingers, his breathing quickening and goosebumps growing immensely on his skin. While I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't think about how low my tracing was going. I was right on his V-line right now and I blushed but didn't stop as I continued tracing horizontally on his toned, intricately tattooed skin.  I could hear his heart palpitating, his breathing was uneven and he was as turned on as I was right now.

Maybe I need this? Maybe I need help getting things off of my mind? Elliott has been so perfect with me, knowing exactly what I need all the time. If he doesn't think this is right, he'll tell me.

"Cameron," his husky, sultry voice penetrated my thoughts and I hummed in response, my fingers dipping dangerously low, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I nodded softly, not thinking too much about it. His hand lifted from around me and he brought his index finger and thumb to my chin, lifting my head to meet his gaze. His eyes were dark with lust, but also understanding. He was biting his inner cheek, suppressing pleasurable sounds as I traced the skin beside his hardened member. From what I can tell, he's huge. That scares and intrigues me even more.

He bent down and kissed my lips, moving so that he was hovering over me and only holding himself up with one arm. His other hand rested on my hip, his calloused thumb padding the skin and making me shiver. How can one do such a little action and have me at his mercy? His lips were so soft, so sensual, so genuine. His kiss was igniting a fire in my face and in between my thighs. His tongue slipped across my bottom lip and I slightly opened my mouth, granting him access. My hands reached up and rested on his back, my nails slightly digging into his skin in pleasure as he barely tugged my bottom lip with his teeth.

He let go of my lip and dipped his head down to the crook of my neck, kissing around with soft, open-mouthed kisses until he found my sweet spot right under my jaw bone. A spot that has never been discovered before. A small moan slipped from my lips and I felt him tense around me. He's so turned on right now, but he's trying his best to not scare or hurt me. The way he was handling me with such care along with last night makes me want to be with him forever. The way he makes me feel scares me, my hands are slightly shaking at the feeling I'm getting.

I opened my eyes as he kissed down my neck onto the tops of my breasts. He looked up at me, silently asking for permission before going any further. I nodded slightly and he closed his eyes as he kissed around the large swells of my breasts. I whimpered and bit my lip. My heart is pounding in my chest. I've never felt this way before. I've never been kissed so well that my skin is left with flames in the kiss's wake. I felt tears well up in my eyes as realization hits me like a bloody truck.

Elliott's lips wrap around my nipple sensually, carefully pleasing me and teasing me simultaneously. A tear slips from the corner of my eye down to my temple on either side. I look up towards the ceiling, his teeth tugging at my nipples softly. He let my nipple go and began kissing down my chest bone to my navel. Hot tears were spilling from my eyes at an ungodly rate, my thoughts were spinning. I don't want it to be true but it is. I don't want to feel this way but I do. I'm terrified, completely scared. I don't know what to do with all of these emotions and I'm quite sure they're stronger than ever before. Maybe last time was under false pretenses and this time it's real.

His tongue kissed around my sex and I mewled out, tears still slipping from my eyes. I looked back down at Elliott who's tongue was slowly tracing my slit. His eyes fluttered up and met mine. He noticed my tears and climbed back up to me, cradling me immediately.

  "What's wrong, mamas?"

"I-I... I think I love you..."

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now