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A/N: Are you guys finally ready for her story? The moment we've all been waiting for? Just a heads up, italics in this chapter will typically mean a flashback! Please vote and enjoy, birdies. 💋



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Defeat thoroughly.

"Are you sure? You don't have to if you're not ready, Cam," Elliott's deep voice penetrated my thoughts. I nodded, my face still buried in his chest. I'm too scared to move, too scared to talk, too scared to do anything. I just want to sit here and soak up the fact that I'm actually doing it. I'm actually letting someone in. I'm actually letting someone know my story.

Scout started talking, her grip on my hand not faltering, "We should probably start from the beginning... Cameron's junior year of high school." Elliott sucked in a deep breath and I started mentally preparing for the worst time of my entire life to be spoken out loud. He continued stroking my hair as Scout divulged into the story- as she witnessed my life turn to a living hell.

"Cameron was a straight-A student, never missed a day of school her entire life. She was in multiple smart people clubs, as I like to call it," Scout said and Skye chuckled, "She was friendly so everyone wanted to be friends with her. But then we got the new kid, an American transfer."

I shivered, not completely ready for his name to be brought up. Elliott's hand slipped from my hair onto my back, rubbing soft and sensual circles to calm me down as he soaked in my sister's words.


"Class, this is Noah Abelson, our American transfer!" Mr. Collins, our English teacher, announced to the class. I didn't even look up, I'm too busy writing extra notes for my study session tonight. This first quarter test is worth seventy percent of our grade, I can't fail.

"My Lord is he hot!" My friend Valerie whispered from beside me and I snorted quietly at her crude comment.

"You can take a seat right behind Ms. Moore. Cameron, will you raise your hand for him?" Mr. Collins asked, but I wasn't paying attention. I continued writing down the extra notes from my textbook when I felt Valerie tap on my shoulder at the same time Mr. Collins spoke, "Cameron, raise your hand, please."

My mouth formed an 'O' shape as I raised my arm, embarrassingly. My eyes locked with the transfer and to say he was cute was not doing it justice. His sculpted face turned into a smug grin when he caught me ogling him. He winked as he scanned me up and down. He made his way behind me and sat down as Mr. Collins continued his lesson on Shakespeare.

"Oh. My. God!" Valerie mouthed to me with a grin and I bit my lip in excitement. Our school wasn't easy on the eyes when it came to the boys. They were either too up their arse in the sports rivalry or too into their studies to talk up.

"Okay! So get into your pairs, opposite sex! I want your poems to have both boy and girl sides of your story!" Mr. Collins announced, clapping his hands for extra dramatics. I groaned as I looked at Valerie, "Grow a dick, please."

  She laughed as everyone stood up to find their partners, "You know I would if I could-"

  "Wanna be my partner?" A husky voice asked from behind me and I whipped my head around to match a face to the foreign voice. It was the new student, Noah. He grinned at me and winked. I glanced at Valerie and she nodded, encouraging me as she walked to the other side of the class to get to her cousin. She shot me a thumbs up and I rolled my eyes, blushing, "Sure..."

  "Forgive me for being so forward, Cameron, but you're fucking beautiful," he said as I turned my desk to face his. My mouth dropped slightly, I've never received a compliment like that from any boy!

  "T-thank you," I stuttered, already wanting to bash my head in my desk for looking like a fool. He leaned back in his seat, admiring me with a playful glint in his charming, bright blue eyes, "Wanna get out of here?"

  My eyebrows met in confusion, "What?"

  He moved to lean on the desk, his first supporting his face, "Oh, I get it. You're the good girl. All A's, super smart? Teacher's pet?" My palms began to get clammy under his fixation on me, "No... I've made B's in my lifetime."

  "Let me guess, you've never skipped school either?" He said, playfully rolling his eyes. I kept quiet and he grinned, grabbing my hand to stand me up, "Let's go."

  "Noah!" I squealed quietly, "We can't just leave! It's not even noon yet!" He laughed at my statement as he cockily waved bye to the teacher and dragged me out of the class and into the hallway. I giggled at how reckless and ruthless he was being to have just gotten here. Not even 10 minutes of meeting him and he's already gotten me into trouble.

"My uncle is throwing a housewarming party for me tonight, wanna come?" He asked and I happily obliged. I feel dangerous.


  "Wait, so this Noah guy was the root of all your problems?" Elliott asked after Scout told him about me ditching class to go to his housewarming party. I looked over at my sister and her girlfriend. Skye nodded, looking at me with a small smile, "I witnessed it with Scout. I was the second American transfer, my parents thought sending me to school in a different country would force the gay out of me."

  I winced, Skye's parents disowned her for liking women. Little did they know that sending their daughter to England would lead her to finding the love of her life in a woman.

  "He was bad. He had all the girls drooling over him and all the boys wishing they were him or friends with him, as cliche as it sounds," Scout added and Skye nodded, "We just didn't know how bad."

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now