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A/N: Who else is nervous? I know I am! Please vote and enjoy this chapter, lovelies. 💋


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Showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence.

  It's been two days since I told Elliott I loved him. Making that two days I've felt insecure. I don't think I've ever been so self-conscious. After I confessed to being in love with Elliott, the surprised look on his face made me terrified of rejection. So I did the only thing I knew how to do- I ran. I threw clothes on and ran out of the house into the rain. I ran to an abandoned park and sat in the rain for three hours, like a coward.

  I'm still trying to get over the fact that two people were killed right in front of me. It still haunts me every time I close my eyes. The day that I ran to the park, I slipped back inside my house and grabbed all the necessary things. I checked myself into a hotel so that I could work things about myself without being a lost cause. It's time I woman up and deal with my problems head-on, starting with dealing with the murder and suicide I was apart of.

  According to Ryan, he and Oliver covered everything up and since Valerie and Noah both had minimal family, it wasn't hard. Especially considering their history with drugs they both got heavy into.

  It's my second day of being in this hotel room without telling anyone where I was going, no one except Daniela. She's currently sitting in the recliner, flipping through Netflix with a coffee cup sitting in her lap. We just got back from the gym where she's been training me to fight and protect myself. Daniela is an underground fighter, she fights for money and that's how she puts herself through college. I admire her for that, for doing what she needs to do in order to achieve her goals.

"Are your muscles still sore?" She asked me as her eyes lit up from a nice movie. I hummed a yes as I continued cooking ramen noodles in the microwave, I don't feel like cooking on a stove.

  "Are you ever going to tell me why you're staying in a hotel?" She asked and I sighed as I hit five minutes on the microwave settings. I walked over to her and flopped in the same recliner, sprawling out across her body. She didn't mind, it's a big piece of furniture. She stroked my hair as she continued searching for a movie or TV show.

  "I... I told Elliott I loved him and then ran... like a coward," I admitted sheepishly and her eyes widened, her gaze fixated on me. Her jaw was slacked open slightly and she sat up further, "You love Ellie?!"

  I nodded, fiddling with my hands to avoid her gaze, "Is that such a bad thing...?"

  She shook her head and thought to herself for a moment, "Dude, everything makes sense now."

"What?" I asked, sitting up slightly against the arm of the chair, my legs swung over the other side, "Elliott won't talk to anyone. He's been really broody lately, upset. He won't even talk to Oli or Ry." I felt my heart clench in guilt from this newfound information. I guess a visible frown etched onto my face because she grabbed my face, forcing me to look at her.

  "I'm going home tonight and I'm telling Elliott where you're staying. I won't tell anyone else but you guys need to work your issues up. And stop being a fucking coward, Cam, you're better than that," she lectured, playfully and lightly tapping my cheek with her hand. I smiled and nodded, scooting off of her so she could stand up.

  Once on her feet, she turned and gave me a hug. She stood just a tad bit shorter than Skye at five foot seven, a little bit taller than me. Daniela is a goddess and I love her confidence.

  "I love you, if you need me then call me, okay?" She said with a kiss to my cheek. I walked her out and decided to eat my ramen noodles. I put the chicken flavoring into the noodles and took a bite. After eating half of it, I started to feel sick. Maybe ramen noodles aren't the best meal to eat after starving for so long. I ran to the bathroom and puked the noodles up around two minutes later.

  I brushed my teeth and sighed, changing into comfier clothes. I changed into a lavender colored shirt with a picture of a cat on the front and white, silky shorts. I pulled my knee-high white socks on just as a knock sounded on the door. I opened it and Elliott stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall. He was dressed in a white shirt with a black pullover and ripped black jeans. He looked so good and the fact that he gave me a small smile made me feel better. His eyes subtly scanned my body and his jaw ticked at my socks, but he kept quiet.

  I moved out of the way, allowing him to enter into the hotel room. I locked the door behind him and walked him into the bedroom. I sat on the foot of the bed with sweaty palms, he's being eerily quiet. Ridden with anxiety, I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

  "Why did you run?" He asked, his head hung low as he leaned against the closed bedroom door. I inhaled sharply... do I just tell him the truth and brace myself for the rejection? Or do I lie and tell him it was just the heat of the moment and I was embarrassed. Lying never goes well and we've never lied to each other... why start now?

"I... I was scared," I admitted, playing with my fingers. I dared to look up at him and his focus was hardened on me, fixated and thorough, "Scared? Of what?"

  "You... my feelings. R-rejection," I stuttered out and wanted to slap myself.

He scoffed, clearly hurt, "You're fucking kidding me, right?"

  I flinched from his words and he pushed himself off of the wall, walking over to me and falling to his knees so he was looking up at me. He wrapped his strong arms around my torso and laid his head on my breasts, hugging me tightly. I tensed up from the unexpected action but quickly reciprocated it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my cheek on his head.

  "Cameron, I've probably been in love with you since I helped you to Danny's house the night I met you. I didn't want to push my feelings onto you, so hearing that you felt the same way I feel about you shocked me," he explained as he pulled away, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"It's only you for me, baby girl," he whispered, kissing the back of my hand softly, "but I would like to see you get better before we... get serious if you catch what I'm saying?"

  He wants me to better my mental health before we divulge into something I could regret later. I'm definitely in love with Elliott King.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now