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A/N: We stan a respectful, loving king such as Elliott, right? Right! Please comment on your thoughts and vote! Enjoy, shitbrains! 💋



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An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.

I've finished all of my final exams and managed to stay on top of my class throughout this whole semester. It's winter break and we've all decided to take a winter vacation somewhere. It's perfect, honestly.

Skye and Ryan both managed to take off with their numerous built-up vacation days. Oliver runs his own mechanic shop business so he was able to handle that. Danny's income is from underground fighting so she's set. Mia is staying home because Andy and Dean are set to be discharged sometime during our vacation. Scout and I are fine on money from our absentee parents. I'm not honestly sure what Elliott does but apparently he's good to go as well. Carter hasn't really been hanging around all that much. I'm pretty sure the only reason he tolerated us for as long as he did was for Andy and Dean.

  My mother hasn't talked to me at all, even with Scout telling her what happened. My biological father died in a car crash before I was born and my step-father is always too up my mother's arse to begin a relationship with either Scout and me. I still call him father, though. No hard feelings, though. I was never really a family person, Scout either. We prefer creating our own little family... and we have.

Ryan is our family. Oliver is our family, the same for Skye, Mia, Daniela, Dean, Andy, Elliott. Scout and I are content; completely content.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked as Danny helped me pack my bags and she shrugged, "No idea. Elliott mentioned something about to Oli about his dad's house down south somewhere. All I know is it's a long ride." I nodded, not really knowing how to react. I've never been on vacation. Coming to America for school after rehab is the closest thing I've gotten to one.

"You girls ready?" Oliver asked, leaning against my doorframe. Our heads perked up and a smile graced Danny's face. She nodded and walked over to him. He kissed her and threw an arm around her shoulders lazily, "We're riding in my car. You, me, Cam, and Ellie."

That's new. I figured we'd be riding in Elliott's car if anything. I nodded with a smile and Ryan walked into my bedroom with casual clothes on. I normally don't see him with anything except his uniform in the day. My house is basically the frat house minus all the parties. Elliott basically lives here except a few occasions that he goes home. I don't even know where anyone lives. Ryan and Oliver crash here every night, playing video games and cooking dinner for all of us. Mia stays here on the weekends and Danny like... lives here now.

  Skye and Scout share a room. Elliott sleeps in the recliner in my room after I'm already long asleep. Oli and Danny share the guest room. Ryan sleeps on the futon because of his back problems, according to him, the harder the surface the better the rest. When Mia stays she usually crashes on the couch. I wouldn't have it any different, though. Everyone pulls their own weight around here. Everyone chips in for all the bills, we even rotate chores.

The guys either cook or order dinner on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays; whereas the girls do it on the opposing days. If the guys cook, girls clean up afterward and vice versa. It's a nice system and helps everyone out tremendously.
After bidding their goodbyes, Oli and Danny left downstairs, Scout appearing in their place shortly after. She eyed my suitcase and helped me zip it up, "So, since we didn't celebrate your birthday..."

"No, Scout," I huffed playfully and she rolled her eyes, laughing, "Party pooper!"

"No, you just want an excuse to party. If you want to party, do it. Just minus the birthday cake and birthday candles-"

"It's your birthday?!" Ryan yelled loudly as his head poked in from the hallway, "Sorry, Skye wanted me to grab her extra Xbox controller in her room and I overheard." I turned red from the sudden attention and tucked a piece of hair behind my ears, "No, it already passed."

"We're partying when we get there, don't worry," Scout told me with a wink and hopped off of my bed, sauntering downstairs in triumph. I rolled my eyes at her but couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. I grabbed my suitcase off of the bed and rolled it with me downstairs and out of the house. It was freezing so I pulled my sweater over me tighter. It's five o'clock in the morning and I'm exhausted. I was dressed in a sleep sweater and sweat pants, I intent on sleeping more on this car ride. I placed my bag into the trunk and kept it open for whoever needed their things in there as well.

From what I was seeing, Ryan, Scout, and Skye are driving there in Skye's truck. Oliver was taking his car, Danny riding shotgun as Elliott and I were supposed to ride in the back. Elliott was nowhere to be found as everyone started saying bye to each other. I walked over to group hug Skye and Scout, them both squeezing me tight. Scout kissed my cheek and Skye told us to be careful. After telling them the same, they left.

"I'm going to call him, he was supposed to be here ten minutes ago," Danny huffed and Oli agreed. Somehow I knew everything was okay though. Just as she clicked on his contact, his car came roaring up the hilled driveway and he parked it inside of the empty garage. He stepped out of the vehicle in sweats, a duffel bag, and a box. My eyebrows furrowed as he grinned and flipped his sunglasses on top of his head.

"Breakfast?" He asked, showing us the donuts. Danny's mouth started watering at the sight and Oli fist-bumped him, "Fuck yes."

"Let's gooooo," I said as Elliott tossed his bag into the trunk and slammed it shut.

"Vacayyyy," Danny yelled in excitement and we all laughed.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now