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A/N: What's going to happen on this vacation? Please vote and enjoy, fuckers! 💋



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Wild excitement or ecstasy.

After a refreshing nap against the freezing cold window, while Elliott slept in my lap, we finally arrived at our destination around two o'clock in the afternoon. We pulled up to a massive house, it had to have been at least two stories tall but it was long. It was sitting right on a lake and with the sun casting down on the lake, it was gorgeous. Trees were scattering the landscape, all different colors which made it all the more glorious.

"We're here!" I heard my sister's voice shout from behind the car as everyone stepped out of the vehicles.

"No shit," Skye said with a chuckle and Scout nudged her in the ribs with her elbow playfully. The breeze was nice, it blew my hair as the sun beat on my face. I feel amazing.

  Elliott and Oliver grabbed our bags from the trunk and we all made our way inside. To say the inside was just as gorgeous as the outside was the understatement of the century. It was jaw-droppingly amazing. The decor in every single room was beautifully and professionally placed, making even the finest architecture in England seem like lego buildings. That may be a stretch though.

After claiming our rooms, Skye ended up rooming with Scout, Oli with Danny, Ryan is rooming in the single room downstairs whilst Elliott and I take Elliott's master room. The day passed on as we all settled down, taking showers and eating dinner. Eventually, it was eight o'clock in the evening and Danny is bringing out the drinks for a drinking game that she won't explain yet. She left for the living room and forbade us to step foot in there until she was done.

"We're definitely getting blackout drunk tonight, there's no way around it," Ryan spoke up and Skye nodded in agreement, "With Danny in charge? Hell yeah." I pouted at that, I have a feeling I know what's going to happen. They're going to make me go first because of my birthday passing- as punishment for not telling them sooner. Elliott was scouring the fridge for a bottle of water and damn does he look good doing it.

I leaned against the wall as everyone talked amongst themselves, waiting on Daniela to finish setting up. I kept my eyes focused on Elliott as he laughed at something Oli said. Ryan rolled his eyes and chuckled at whatever was said and Elliott's jaw ticked. Only two things make his jaw do that, being horny or being angry. So why is his jaw ticking? I trailed my eyes from his jaw to his eyes and realized he was looking at me. I felt a blush creep up my neck and I awkwardly looked away just as Danny busted through the kitchen door dramatically. Saved by the redhead, thank God.

"Ready? You're up first, Cammie." Called it.

I sighed and nodded as everyone walked into the living room where the very long table was filled with red solo cups. I eyed the cups warily, what was this game and why do they all look the same?

"What is this game, Danny?" Ryan asked.

  "It's the question game. You answer said question correctly and you don't get to drink, you answer wrong and you drink. But here's the catch. Not all of these drinks are alcohol. Some are water, the rest are vodka. Drink with a straight face, no matter what it is and once finished you say mmm, water. If anybody is convinced you're lying, you have to drink again. The drunkest loses," she said with an evil grin. I'm the worst bloody liar ever, no way I'm going to be sober.

"That's not fair! You filled the cups!" Ryan pointed out and we all nodded. Daniela rolled her eyes, "Scout, rearrange them please." Scout nodded and quickly rearranged all of the cups so that no one knew what was filled with that. Danny motioned for me to step up.

  I groaned and stepped up to the table. She looked around the room and pointed at Skye, "Ask her a question." Skye laughed and nodded, thinking for a moment.

"What's my favorite color?" She asked and I smiled, that's easy. "Easy, purple." She smirked and shook her head, "Just because my hair is always purple doesn't make it my favorite color. It's actually green."

  I whined playfully and grabbed the first cup. Definitely, vodka, fuck. I tried my hardest not to cringe as my belly burned and I spoke, "Mmm, water." Everyone studied my face and Elliott smirked. Fuck! Fuck!

  "Lyingggg," He sang cockily and I glared at him as everyone agreed. They bought it until he said something! I sighed and grabbed another cup. Another bloody vodka! I coughed on accident and they laughed as I tried to say mmm, water, anyways. I pouted, already feeling a buzz because Daniela poured more than just a shot into the cups. I grabbed another cup and tossed it back, another bloody vodka!

"Mmm, water," I said, feeling my belly burn and they nodded, letting me off the hook. But the smirk etched onto Elliott's face proves that he knows better. I stumbled over to Danny as Oliver was up next. She pointed to Ryan and he thought for a moment, "What's my middle name?"

  "Shit," Oliver said as he grabbed a cup and threw it back quickly, "Mmm, not fucking water." We all laughed loudly as his face scrunched up in disgust. He grabbed another cup and threw it back, "Mmm, water." Nothing indicated towards a lie so he was free to go and he picked Scout to go next. I grinned as my sister stepped up to the table and innocently eyed the cups.

  Danny looked at Elliott and he thought for a moment, "What's my favorite thing in the world?" Definitely his motorcycle. He treats it like his baby. "Your motorcycle, duh," Scout said proudly and he shook his head, "Your sister took that title. Drink up."

  My mouth fell open and everyone stopped what they were doing to gape at him. Elliott doesn't show emotions very well so for him to blatantly say that comes as a surprise. "Dude, good for you," Oli said, patting his back and Scout smiled at me sweetly before cringing as she drank her drink. Certainly vodka.


  "Drink up," I said and she giggled while flipping me the bird. She drank again, easily this time.

  "Mmm, water."

"Obviously," Skye teased her and kissed her forehead before stepping up to the table and everyone played until we were all eventually tipsy. I was a goner though.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now