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A/N: How do you think everything between Cameron and Elliott is going to go down? Will it even go down? Please continue voting and enjoy our FIFTIETH CHAPTER!! 💋



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Confused and disconcerted.

  We locked eyes with each other for what felt like ages before I heard my name being called from behind me. I whipped around and seen Scout struggling to hold a big package of waters. I walked over to her and helped her despite all of the bags in my hands and we walked inside of the house as I completely and obviously ignored Elliott's presence. I don't know why it didn't register that since Skye and Scout are getting married that he would be here. Of course, he would be here and I'm just completely ignorant.

  "That was painful," Scout chuckled lightly and I rolled my eyes at her pettiness, "Shush. I need to like... not be around him since I'm with Salvatore. It's just going to make things even more obviously tense. We didn't really end on a good note, Scout."

"He stays in your room, you know? We've offered him many other places. Danny and Oli even offered to trade him rooms and he refused. He still sleeps in the recliner in your room every single night. Not even the bed," she whispered and I felt a pang in my chest as I nodded, "I think I'm going to check into a hotel tonight for me and Salvatore."

"Don't be silly, take our room. We're leaving on a honeymoon as soon as the reception's over," she giggled as we dropped the groceries onto the kitchen island counters. I shook my head, "I don't feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed as him. We just recently got together."

   She nodded her head in understanding and looked at the time, "It's one. We should start getting ready."

  I nodded as I spotted Danny conversing with Ryan as she made margaritas, "Starting with liquid courage. Danny! Can the bride-to-be have one... and maybe one for her sister?"

"Sure thing, gorgeous," Danny said with a grin and nodded her head towards the already done drinks. I thanked her quickly and handed Scout one as I took one for myself, "Don't get drunk on your wedding day, please. Skye will kill me." Scout giggled as she took a large gulp from her cup and I rolled my eyes her defiance once she walked away. I took a couple of large drinks from my own and scoffed at myself once I had finished it. I'm definitely going to regret that later.

   "Babe!" I heard Salvatore's voice from the living room. I cringed at the nickname and I popped my head in as he walked over to me, "We're leaving for the wedding place thing with Skye and them. See you soon, babe." I tried not to make a face at the pet name for me once again and fake smiled as he kissed my cheek, walking away with the rest of the boys.

  "He doesn't know you hate those pet names, does he?" I heard that familiar voice behind me and I froze in my place. I didn't even expect to see him today, let alone converse with him alone.

"U-Uhm... we haven't gotten that far yet," I said as I turned around to meet his intensifying look. He looked down at me and I saw an unknown emotion swimming around in his bright green irises that I couldn't decipher.

   "You look-"

  "I should probably get going," I chuckled nervously and placed a strand of hair behind my ear. His face softened at my obvious anxious posture and his hand reached up to my face, putting yet another strand behind my hair, "You don't have to run from me, Cam. We used to be comfortable around each other, remember?"

"That was before I knew you killed people," I stated bluntly and he flinched from my tone, dropping his hand from my face, "You know that's not how it is, Cameron. And if I'm not mistaken you killed Mia and that guy at your apartment, no?"

   "That's not the same and you know it," I gritted through my teeth and he scoffed, "You did what you had to do and I do the exact same thing. Tell me, mamas, how do we differ?" I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't think of anything so I froze. He nodded in victory and walked out of the room as he spoke, "Nice to see you, Cameron." Once he was gone I felt a pain in the palm of my hands. My eyebrows furrowed until I saw droplets of blood hitting the ground from me digging my nails into the palms of my hands too harshly. I blew out a breath of relief and headed to get changed into my dress.


  "Are you guys ready to get with your partners?" The wedding planner asked and we girls nodded. It was Danny, me, and Skye's teen cousin, Erica. None of us know who we're partnered with until everything is about to start which is right now. "Okay, positions, please! Erica, you are upfront with Ryan, Daniela you are behind them with Oliver, and Cameron you are up right behind them with Elliott-"

"What?" I blinked a couple of times and Daniela made an awkward face, "Ah, shit. Sorry, Cammie. You can go with Oliver if you want-"

   "She's fine with me," I heard Elliott's voice from beside me and I huffed immaturely. I looked to the opposite side of me and smiled at all of our reflections. The bridesmaid's dresses were undeniably beautiful; each one was a deep, royal purple glittery and soft fabric. It was a princess style with an off-the-shoulder sleeve set that would probably make Elise have a 'fashion-gasm' as she calls it. It hugs your bust and butt area but flows everywhere else which really compliments everyone's body type. We were wearing black heels and holding white flowers.

  All the men were dressed in black tuxes with a matching purple tie and flower, seriously complimenting everything. The black and purple themed wedding was perfect for the couple getting married. Soon, the music started up and I had to link arms with Elliott. Even touching him was sending flames of heat up my arms and into my belly. I inhaled sharply and heard Elliott's voice whisper to me lowly so that no one else could hear the conversation, "You make that dress look like a million bucks."

"Elliott, I'm with Salvatore," I warned him quietly, not even looking his direction and he chuckled, "That's ironic considering you're walking down the aisle with someone you actually love instead of him."

   I felt heat trail my face as Erica and Ryan slowly made their debut down the aisle, "Stop it. Stop flirting with me. You and I are over, we established this a long time ago."

  "Yet your heart races every time I touch you and you get goosebumps every time I call you mamas. I'll bet when you kiss poor Salvatore you think of me, don't you?" He asked and I know I'm as red as a tomato because everything he is saying is right. I cleared my throat as Danny and Oli made their debut down the aisle slowly as well and I brushed the hair out of my face, "I told him I would give him a chance. Please allow me to do so."

"Not going to happen, sweetheart. I've done everything you've wanted since forever, it's my turn. "

   Then we walked down the aisle to enjoy being witnesses to my beautiful sister and her wife-to-be join together in holy matrimony.

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