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A/N: How do we think movie night is going to go after the drama that happened last time when they were all together? Read and find out! Please vote for this chapter and enjoy, fuckers!💛

A/N: How do we think movie night is going to go after the drama that happened last time when they were all together? Read and find out! Please vote for this chapter and enjoy, fuckers!💛~*~

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Feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.

  "Finally! How do you guys feel about the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street?" Daniela asked as she took a hit off of her spliff. Dean and I had just walked through the doors and I shrugged, "It sounds fun."

  I walked in my room to change into my grey pajama shorts as well as my white tank top. After discarding my dirty clothes, I walked back into the living room.

  Everyone had already taken their seats and it looks like everybody is in pajamas. Carter was lying in the beanbag chair beside the love seat where Mia, Andy, and Daniela were residing. Andy and Danny were passing back and forth the not-so-subtle smelling spliff and Mia was painting her toenails a pretty shade of pastel pink. Scout was cuddled up next to Skye who was currently searching for the movie. Next to Scout is where Dean took his place, grabbing a box of Chinese that we seem to have to eat for tonight. Elliott was held up in the same spot as last time, the beanbag beside my empty recliner. I took my seat and noticed that Skye had dug out our old futon for Oli and Ryan to get comfortable on.  The bean bag was fairly tall so Elliott and I were about level and he smiled at me.

  I grabbed the blanket off the back of the chair and placed it over me, my legs were freezing.

  "Have fun on your date?" He whispered but there was a hint of emotion I couldn't decipher swimming around in his beautiful irises. I smiled slightly and nodded, "Not a date, but I had fun. He told me everything."

  He nodded, lost in thought, "I'm glad, secrets are no fun and I have a feeling you're holding in a big one."

  My heart felt as if it skipped a couple of beats and my palms became instantly clammy. How does he know? What does he know? Why is he bringing this up to me? Why does he want me to know that he knows I'm hiding something?

  "What?" I whispered back, my eyes fixated on the television as the movie buffered and he chuckled lightly. Everyone else was lost in their own chatter and conversation to pay attention to us, thankfully.

  "It doesn't take a genius to realize that there's a lot more than meets the eye about you, Cameron," he responded nonchalantly. I felt his eyes burning a hole in my skull. His eyes fixated on me was enough to feel my legs turn to mush, thank God I'm sitting criss-cross in a chair.

  I hummed in response, not feeding into his accusations. For all he knows, he just has theories. Nothing that proves anything. Nothing set and stone. To everyone except Skye and Scout, I'm just a regular girl who transferred from England to this fairly large city in America. I'm just a regular girl who wanted to travel for her studies. No one has to know the truth. No one has to know my past or the things I went through in order to survive.

  America is supposed to be my clean slate. A place to start over without people's pitied and sympathetic eyes landing on me throughout every turned corner. It was necessary to let England and my past go, simply for the reason they were too heavy. The burdens, the guilt, the torture, everything. It's too heavy. I can't look back and I can't have gateway things in my life just for me to spiral again. I can't and I won't. I refuse. I had to rise up in order to survive. I survived but now I want to live.

  I want to live; simply live. I want to sit on a park bench drinking hot coffee that has way too much sugar and creamer for my health while I watch the birds getting fed by passerby's. I want to buy a big house with a wrap-around porch and adopt a dog with long ears to howl on my front porch. I want to fall hopelessly and madly in love after getting a degree in business. I want to get married to a man with a beautiful soul and take baths together after eating gross Americanized chicken nuggets. I want to grow old and tell my great-grandchildren stories about how I got drunk with their great aunt Scout and her wife in college. I want to live, boundless and infinite.

  "You okay?" Elliott's teasing whisper broke me from my thoughts just as someone died brutally on the show. I felt sick watching the blood. And I jumped when the girl was tossed to the ceiling. Elliott placed his hand on my thigh under the blanket and I couldn't help but feel immediate warmth once his hand touched the skin of my thigh. His touch was hidden from everyone and it felt too intimate. Too wrong. Too forbidden.

  Why am I feeling this way about both him and his brother? I don't need to be feeling this way about anyone, much less two people. I bit the inner corner of my cheek as my heart started palpitating, his hand was slowly traveling further up my thigh in a teasing manner. My skin started tingling from his hot touch and I felt a lump form in my throat.

  I felt a blush cover my face, neck, and chest as everyone slightly jumped from a jump-scare in the movie I wasn't even paying attention to. Elliott's fingers were trailing ever-so-slowly up my thigh. They dipped down into my inner thigh, rubbing soft and sensual circles with the pads of his calloused fingers. His hands are big and manly, working man hands. I bit my tongue, why am I letting him do this? Why am I not stopping him? Why does it feel so good?

  I bit down harder on my tongue as I felt heat spread to my bundle of nerves between my legs. I glanced at him subtly and he was smirking, his eyes fixated on the movie. His fingers dipped under the fabric of my shorts and the breath in my throat audibly hitched.

  Dean looked over at me and raised an eyebrow and I smiled nervously while pointing to the movie, insinuating that I was getting scared. He winked at me and Scout glanced at me. Her eyebrows furrowed at my nervous state, but she didn't say anything. I smiled and almost sighed a breath of relief once she turned, but then Skye's eyes narrowed at me.

  She focused on my face before her eyes drifted to the covers. Her eyes widened when she looked at Elliott and she laughed but then covered it up with a cough. I don't know if my face could turn anymore red. I can't handle this. I shrugged the cover off of me and walked into the kitchen, closing the door behind me as I cooled off.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now