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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I've had writer's block. :/ I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please vote! <3



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Powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive.

Dean King is in my living room. He's in the house that I share with my sister and Skye. He's been helping me study, making time pass faster in comfortable silence. We've been studying for about two hours when he finally shut his notebook and groaned.

  "Break?" He asked with hopeful eyes and I nodded with a smile, shutting the power off to my small laptop. I stood up from the carpeted floor and stretched my legs, Dean reciprocated my actions as he made a dramatic stretching sound. I chuckled lightly and he looked at me, amused.

  "Do you like pizza?" He asked and I nodded, "Daniela showed me pepperoni pizza a couple of weeks ago, I find that it's rather good."

  He chuckled and fished his phone out of his pocket, calling someone. I decided to give him some privacy as I gathered my mess up, putting papers back in textbooks and stacking them on top of each other. I grabbed the stack and walked upstairs- into my room- placing them on my desk.I heard him talking and he was so loud it was difficult to not overhear his conversation.

  "Yes, a large pepperoni pizza... mhm," His voice was clear, definitely not as deep as his brothers which I find weird considering Scout and I's voices are very similar to one another.

  Wait- he was ordering pizza for us? I felt a hint of a smile on my face and then internally slapped myself for feeling happy about it. We can only be friends. Friends, that's it. Nothing more, anything less. No relationships, it's the rules. I went into the walk-in closet that I share with Scout and grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and a black cropped tank-top that bares my midriff. I snuck out of my day clothes and tossed them into the laundry basket, climbing into my casual lounging clothes, immediately feeling one-hundred times more comfortable. I closed the door to my closet and walked into the bathroom across the hall.

  I pulled my hair from the messy bun and used my pick to comb through the tight curls and ringlets. I splashed cold water on my face and then tap dried it with a hand towel sitting on the marble vanity countertop. I slid my feet in my soft slippers and walked back into the living room where Dean was sitting on the couch comfortably, scrolling through his phone. He smiled at something before he looked up, noticing my appearance in his peripheral vision, obviously.

 "You look much comfier now," He teased and I rolled my eyes playfully, "I'd offer you something but this house is full of girls. Skye is more your height if you're interested? How tall are you?"

  He chuckled and I walked over to the recliner, sitting in it with my legs crossed, "I'm six foot even."

 I nodded," Skye is five foot nine, do you think the inches would matter?"

  He smirked at me and I felt my cheeks redden when I realized the hidden innuendo that popped from my mouth, "You are proper gross!"

  He sat back and laughed as the front door opened, a group of people filling in, my sister and her girlfriend leading the crowd. Dean's laughter died down when he noticed what my eyes were fixated on. I remembered them from the diner and they were all chatting away, making friends with one another. There were also two men I didn't recognize.

 "Studying, hm?" Scout asked with an accusing eyebrow and Daniela smirked, stifling a chuckle as everyone made themselves at home in the living room.

  "We just took a break, Jonesy," I retorted, using her middle name against her since I know she hates it. She stuck her tongue out at me and I giggled.

  Everyone took seats in either each others' laps or on the open-spaced furniture. Scout was sitting in Skye's lap on the couch next to the recliner I was sitting in. Dean was in the middle and right next to his friend Andy who had his girlfriend, Mia, sitting on the arm of the couch. A man who I remembered as Carter was sitting on the loveseat with a man who looked similar next to him, only older, not by much though. The other man I didn't recognize was sitting on my fluffy bean-bag, grabbing the PS4 controller that I just recently had customized for Skye on her twenty-first birthday. I had it customized a bright lavender purple which was her favorite color with sporadic bat silhouettes on top of the purple color. She absolutely adored it which made me feel good about my choice. 

  "Dean, introduce your brother's friends to your girlfriend," Mia said deviously and I hardened my eyes on her. I shouldn't be angry at her since she doesn't know my story, but I can't help but feel as if she's invading my privacy and teasing for no reason whatsoever.

  Scout notices my hard look and covers for me, "Mia, chill, they're not together. They literally just met like five minutes ago." 

  I sigh in relief but Mia continues egging me on, "Everyone knows a lot can happen in five minutes!"

  Skye glares at her, "Mia, shut the fuck up or get out."

 My eyes widened at her bluntness, I should be used to how forward she is by now since knowing her for two years, but I'm not. Mia's face seems to be shocked and her boyfriend rolls his eyes as the man sitting on my beanbag speaks up, "Enough with the drama, fucks sake! My name is Oliver Johnson and Carter's cousin is Ryan Smith. We're friends with Elliott, but every now and then we like to stop in and bug Skye and Dean."

  My eyebrows raised in confusion as the doorbell rang, "You know Skye?"

  Skye nodded as she fixated her eyes on the TV screen where Oliver was loading up her Grand-Theft-whatever-name-it-is game, "Yeah, Oliver and Ryan met me through GTA but when we realized I go to school with their best friend's little brother, they decided I was cool enough for their little group. As if me kicking their asses in all kinds of games wasn't enough evidence."

  Ryan rolled his eyes playfully as Dean went to go check the door, "In my defense, I'm at work too much to brush up on my once professional gamer skills. Oli here has no excuse, he's just ass."

  I think I like America way better than the UK.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now