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A/N: What the hell is happening with Noah right now? Who else is scared to read further? Please comment on your thoughts as well as vote on this chapter and enjoy it, fuckers! 💋



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A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

"If I have to repeat myself one more time I will start shooting with my eyes closed, everyone be damned," he threatened lowly and I heard Valerie's shaky breath beside me, "Baby, please calm down. She's not worth it, it's me and you, Noah."

He glared at her, "She is too worth it, you're just a fill-in. I've told you that numerous times!" I heard her whimper in pain, what he said took a dig at her heart. I feel bad for her although she isn't a mate. This whole situation makes me gutted. It's emotionally and physically draining; the only thing I want to do is go to sleep in Elliott's arms. I want to wake up from this nightmare and have Elliott kiss me on the forehead before I go downstairs to see all of my friends playing video games together whilst the girls gossip.

"No, Noah, it's me and you. She's nothing, she will never be anything," She said harshly and he growled a warning at her. I winced from her words and his threatening sounds, but she didn't stop, "She's a nuisance, nothing but a parasite infecting our lives. We're better off without her. Just be with me-"

Then a loud sound blasted through the room, leaving my ears with an annoying ringing as I watched my former best friend fall backward onto the bed, a bullet hole pierced in between her eyes. I screamed, but I couldn't hear myself through the ringing in my ears. I reached over and vomited onto the floor, screaming my sobs as a dead body lay beside me. I looked up to Noah who looked anything but bemused. His face held no indication that he was affected by his actions whatsoever. The ringing died down and all I heard were my cries.

"Baby, it's okay! It's just me and you now, baby. We can be together forever!" He said, excitedly as he rushed over to me, his manky hands on the tops of my thighs.

"N-No! Get off o-of me," I screamed, trying to shove him away. At this point, I would want to be in Valerie's position rather than have him touch me!

"Don't you remember that night, Halloween?" He asked, a smile gracing his sickening face. A breath hitched in my throat as he continued to speak, "Don't you remember how I felt inside of you? How it felt to have my kiss all over your body?"

  I can't move, I'm paralyzed as he lays me down on the bed. It's too real. Please, God, let me wake up. He sat the gun down on the bed beside my head and Valerie's dead body. Valerie's blood was soaking the bed beside us, covering my skin. I gagged at the fact that her blood was washing my skin whilst his hands slipped into my tank top, playing with my bare breasts.

"Doesn't it feel good again? God, your tits have always been massive," He groaned as he ground his hardened, average-sized erection into my thigh. I whimpered, I just want to move from his touch. He'll kill me. He'll kill me or hurt me and I want to live.

"That's it, baby, moan for me," he encouraged me as his sloppy kisses trailed over my bare mid-drift. I shook my head in protest as he slipped my silky shorts to the side, his finger trailing in the crook of my sex. I choked on a fearful sob and he stopped, backing away from me with a glare in his eyes, "Has another man touched you since me?"

I finally was able to sit up as I crossed my arms protectively over myself. I didn't answer him. I won't tell him that Elliott has touched me and I loved it whereas I hated it when Noah touched me. He pointed the gun at me once again, "Another man has, hasn't he?! I've lost you?! Who was it? Tell me, baby!"

  I jumped back in fear as he pointed the gun to my chest. I heard shuffling outside of the door behind Noah's consistent screams. The door was cracked and once Noah continued his screaming rant about another man touching me, I noticed someone holding a gun outside of the door. I can't make out who it is but something tells me they're not here to hurt me. I don't want Noah hurt, I just want him to get help.

"Noah, no one has... touched me, i-it's fine!" I reassured him, stuttering slightly from fear and anxiety. He growled lowly at me, the pistol still pointed towards me, "You're fucking lying to my face right now! Was it that man I seen you with at the club?" His voice was cracking, tears streaming down his face as they dripped onto the concrete floor. He's genuinely afraid and manic right now. Anything I say could set him off. He knows I'm lying. I'm so bloody scared. I'm so, so, so scared.


"I love you!" He wailed as he scrambled to me, crouching eye level with me. I can't say it back, I have feelings for another man.

"Noah, please..." I pleaded, tears clouding my vision. He stripped my shirt off of me and slapped his hand on the scarring of my back. I shrieked in fear and pain, scarred or not, it will always be sensitive. I scrambled to put my shirt back on, feeling immediately better.

"I loved you enough to kill you with me so we could be together forever!" He screamed, pointing the gun at me and then in a swift moment, he pointed the gun at his temple, "I love you, Cammie, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you-"

Then he pulled the trigger and his blood splattered all over my face just as the door busted open. My jaw dropped in a horror-stricken state. My hands are held slightly up, holding pieces of skin and blood from the once-before alive man in front of me. White static pierced my ears as my heart thumped rapidly, my body was shaking and I could feel myself screaming, but that's all I remember as Elliott's familiar and comforting face was the last thing I seen before everything went black.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now