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A/N: that last chapter was flowing with bad tension, amiright? Please vote on this chapter and I hope you enjoy it!💛

A/N: that last chapter was flowing with bad tension, amiright? Please vote on this chapter and I hope you enjoy it!💛~*~

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  A close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.

It's Monday and my classes are dragging by, I've already taken two tests and have gotten so many assignments to have finished by the end of the week. I groaned as I put the necessary books into my book bag and maneuvered my way through the crowd of twenty-year-olds scattering to get their things for their next class. My classes are cut early on Mondays, Thursdays are my long days.

"Hey, sistaaa," Scout sang as she slid beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

Her frame isn't much shorter than mine. I'm a solid five foot four while she stands at a good five foot two. The height difference between her and Skye is cute, it's perfect, really. Our height isn't our only difference, though. While Scout and I looked similar, our voices are different. My English accent is very strong whereas hers has become significantly more Americanized since being in America longer than me.

"Hi," I greeted her and she smiled.

"Skye wanted us to take you to dinner tonight, just us, Danny, and Oli because Mia and Andy are busy."

I thought about it for a moment and nodded as walked to the parking lot together, "Casual?" She grinned, "Yeah, we're leaving now though so go ahead and-"

A black-tinted out car sped up. It purred so beautifully and I bit back a smile. The passenger window rolled down and revealed Oliver in the driver's seat. To say I was shocked that he owned such a beauty was an understatement. He noticed my expression and chuckled before asking, "You ladies getting in or what?"


"If you guys need anything else just let me know!" Our kind waitress said as she sat the last food plate on the table. We thanked her with a smile and Daniela squealed in excitement at her cherry cheesecake sitting in front of her. Oli looked at her weirdly as she started eating it, "That's desert, Danny."

She rolled her eyes and threw a sugar packet at his face as he took a bite of his burger, "I eat desert first. Always. Don't judge me, Russian."

"Russian?" I asked curiously as I picked apart my chips, dipping them in ranch.

"My grandparents were Russian," Oli concludes and a hint of a smile graced my lips, "That's awesome, actually."

"These chips are soooo good," I said to Scout and Skye chuckled, "Fries, Cam, they're French fries."

I rolled my eyes playfully as Scout giggled at her, "They're not French!"

Just as Skye was about to hit her with her wit, the diner door opened and the bell rang as Ryan stepped in. He was dressed in a police uniform which confused me. He spotted us and smiled as he walked over to us, sliding in next to me in the big booth.

"Police?" I asked and he nodded, "At your service, m'lady." I smiled and took a bite of my chicken sandwich as the waitress came by and took his order. Ryan was an attractive male with his dark, chocolate-covered skin and pretty brown eyes. He had the slightest chin dimple which made him all the more adorable. Pretty much everyone in this town is attractive, which sucks for me because I have to focus on my school and not boys.

"Arrest another crackhead?" Oli asked with amusement and Ryan pursed his lips as he glanced at the table, "Actually... I just left the frat house..."

Oliver's eyebrow lifted and he sat back, eating an onion ring off of his plate, "Oh?"

Ryan sighed and glanced at me, "I don't want to seem like I'm hiding things from you, but after last night it's pretty clear you don't want to even hear the word."

My eyebrows furrowed, "Drugs?"

He nodded and glanced back at Oliver, "Drug deal. Andy."

I looked over at Daniela who's face was hard, she seemed to be in serious thought. I decided to speak up, "I thought Mia was with Andy?"

Skye all but growled her answer, "She is. Andy promised not to bring her in that environment anymore but apparently, he doesn't care whether or not his girlfriend is in a situation like that." My eyebrows shot up in understanding as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I reached down to grab it and unlocked my phone. The message was from an unknown number and read, "Can you meet me? I need to explain."

I texted back, "Who's this?"

"It's Dean. Mia gave me your number yesterday."

I felt my heart hammer in my chest. I don't want to put myself around a drug addict but I need to at least hear him out before I cut him off for good. I feel like I owe him that after how rudely I acted last night upon hearing the information. I quickly texted back, "Where?"

"My house. Ask Oli to give you the address, come now, please."

I blew out a breath before finishing my chicken sandwich in silence and getting the address from Oliver.


"Hey... thank you for coming," Dean said quietly as he opened the door to his huge house. I nodded and sent him a small smile as I walked in. The house was as gorgeous on the inside as it was on the outside. It was beautifully and elegantly decorated to perfection, a stairway that ascended upwards in fashion caught the most attention as it leads up to a large chandelier. I gaped at my surroundings as he leads me to what I assume was the living room.

"You can sit anywhere you'd like," he mumbled and I nodded as I sat across from him in a chair next to an already lit fireplace. The warmth spread across my skin and reminded me of when- Cameron, you have to stop thinking about it. Dean isn't the same.

"I want to explain to you what everyone was talking about last night. I'm not the same person anymore as I was last year."

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now