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A/N: How do you think everyone's going to react to seeing Cameron again... what about meeting Salvatore? Keep reading to find out! Vote and enjoy, pretty people! 💋



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Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.

  "I'm nervous," I admitted to Salvatore as we climbed out of the taxi that had just picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at the old house that I shared with Scout, Skye, Danny, Oli, Ry, and Elliott. I haven't talked to anyone besides Ryan and Elliott since I left that day. After Ryan went back home to tell Elliott he couldn't find me, that was the last I heard from him. After Elliott and I ended things indefinitely and he left, that was the last I heard from him.

  "Don't be. It's your sister's big day and she'll be ecstatic to see you," Salvatore said with a smile and rubbed my back for reassurance as I stood on the sidewalk, procrastinating on going in the house. I felt Salvatore's hand on my shoulder and I looked behind me at him, "It's going to be okay. I'll be with you the whole time, I promise." I sighed a breath of relief and nodded as we began walking up to the screen door. The main door was already opened since it felt nice outside, letting a cool breeze in through the house like we used to do all the time.

I opened the door and walked through with Salvatore hot on my heels. I had my overnight bags in hand, Salvatore too. It took a long time to get here- even with an airplane so we decided to stay overnight, maybe even two days. I heard chatter in the living room so once I rounded the corner, I heard an ear-piercing scream. I dropped my bags and jumped backwards, knocking into Salv out of fright. I saw Scout sprinting towards me and I braced myself for contact.

   "Oh my God! I missed you so bloody much, I can't believe you actually came! I'm so excited this is officially the best day of my life!!" She exclaimed as she clasped onto me, hugging me tightly. I laughed out of excitement and reciprocated her tight hug, squeezing the life out of her just as she was doing to me. She let go after a few minutes and stepped back, examining me, "Holy shit, Cammie, you look hot! What's different about you?"

  "That would be better clothes and an abundant amount of confidence," I heard that familiar Russian accent and a bright grin graced my cheeks as my eyes fixated on Oliver. He chuckled once I ran towards him and jumped up, latching my legs around his torso. He hugged back with a significant amount of strength and swayed us back and forth. Oliver and I used to be super close before I left and I missed him a lot. "Good to see you too, Moore," he said with a thick emotion lacing his voice. I pulled my head back and noticed, just like me, he had tears brimming his eyes. I kissed his cheek and climbed off of him, "Don't cry, we have a little while to catch up!"

"Good," he grinned and then I saw Ryan. He beamed at me, "Nice to see you, Cammie, how have you been?" I hugged him tightly and pulled away, "I've been really good. How have things been around here?"

   "Plain without your dumbass," I heard a raspy female voice and I already knew who it was. I turned around and seen Skye smirking.

  "You cut your hair!" I exclaimed. Her hair was now shaved on the sides with a slight fade and the hair in the middle was still, as you probably guessed, purple. She chuckled, "I got tired of fucking with it. It's great to see you, little Moore. You look beautiful as always."

I smiled softly and hugged her tall frame, "I'm sorry for not telling you I was leaving. I just-"

   "You don't have to apologize to me, Cameron. I understand," she said in a hushed voice so Salvatore couldn't hear. "Want to introduce everyone to this man you've brought with you?" Ryan asked in a tense voice and I nodded, smiling, "Everyone, this is Salvatore. Salvatore, this is my family."

  "Yeah, but we're way cooler than the Brady Bunch," Oli chimed in and Salvatore chuckled as he shook hands with everyone, conversing with the boys right away. "Where's Danny?" I asked Scout and she checked her watch, "They should be back any minute now."

"They?" I asked but was ignored as Ryan accidentally knocked off a vase of flowers on the table. He hissed in pain as his barefoot accidentally stepped on one of the glass pieces and Salvatore and Oliver immediately started helping him. A black car pulled up outside and squeaked as it slowed down. Oliver groaned, "She fucked my brake pads already?!"

   "Quit your bitching. They literally took it to go get groceries twenty minutes ago, Danny didn't have time to fuck it up," Skye said with a laugh and Oli flipped her off, "She's lucky I love her enough to take it anyways, that car is my baby."

  "She's your baby too, shithead," Ryan laughed then groaned as Salvatore pulled the glass shard out of his foot and my eyebrows scrunched together, Daniela and Oliver are together now? That's so amazing! I'm so happy for them.

"Wanna come help me get groceries?" Scout asked and I nodded as I walked with her outside of the house, just as Daniela crawled out of the driver's seat. She glanced at me and kept on her voyage to the trunk when she suddenly did a double-take, "Holy fuck!"

   She ran towards me and squealed as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around me. I immediately began to fall backwards while I laughed but Scout cushioned my fall as the three of us landed on the ground with an 'oof' sound. We all were thrown into an uncontrollable fit of laughter before we stood up and brushed the dirt off of us.

  "Holy shit dude, you look hot as fuck," Danny complimented me and I grinned, "So do you!"

I continued brushing dirt off of me. I was wearing tight, high-waisted black jeans with a subtle Gucci belt, an off-the-shoulder black, long-sleeved shirt that had pink roses printed on it, accentuating my skin tone. My makeup was subtle with small fake eyelashes, blush, a little bit of highlight, and a nude gloss. My nails were manicured to perfection and my hair looked as it always does with natural curly ringlets everywhere. Once I was sure I had no more dirt covering me, I walked over to the trunk of Oliver's car and helped grab the bags of groceries out of it. The sun beating down on us plus the cool breeze made it the perfect day. My hair was sweeping in the direction of the wind and I heard a car pull up beside us. I glanced over and didn't recognize the vehicle. I brushed it off thinking it was one of their friends coming to help with the wedding and began walking to the door to bring the bags inside.

  My heart felt as if it stopped beating when I neared the driver's door and it opened. Elliott climbed out looking as handsome as ever and he turned to look at me.

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now