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A/N: Where're your heads at with the whole Salvatore/Elliott situation? Thank you so much for reading up to this point guys! I would've updated earlier today but I was in the midst of being crowded into a tiny tornado shelter with my family. A huge F-4 tornado hit the surrounding towns around me and it was super scary. Thankful to be alive! Please vote and please enjoy this chapter, fuckers!💋



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Scope for freedom of action or thought.

  "Oh my God, you're stunning," I said with my mouth dropped as Elise laughed and did a dramatic three-sixty spin. She was dressed up to go to a finalization meeting for her sleepwear clothing line, she looked absolutely fantastic, "You really think so? I'm so nervous, Cammie!"

  "I don't know what for! Your clothes are bloody amazing and they're going to be a huge hit," I complimented her as she bent down to grab her purse, throwing it over her shoulder. She glanced at herself once more in the mirror, smoothing out her bright red cocktail dress, "Okay, okay. I'm going, love you!"

I grinned as she kissed my cheek and I shut the door behind her, sighing as I was now home alone. I walked into my room and changed into a pair of Elise's short black shorts and when I went to the second drawer to pull out a shirt from the back, my heart felt as if it stopped. I pulled out one of Elliott's long-sleeved black shirts and held the material in my hands. I must have accidentally packed it once I left his vacation home and didn't even realize it. I automatically had a flashback...

  *Seven months ago*

  "Rise and shine, mamas," That familiar, husky voice whispered in my ear as he peppered soft, hot kisses all over the crook of my neck and shoulder blade. I smiled and hummed in pleasure as I rolled over onto my back. My eyes fluttered open and I was met with Elliott's handsome face smiling down at me as he hovered over top of me. He was shirtless with a pair of black basketball shorts that he always wears to bed.

"Hey, handsome," I grinned and he kissed both sides of my cheeks, "I love your little dimples. Good morning, beautiful." I blushed at both of his compliments and rose up once he moved out of the way. I kicked my feet over the side of the bed and stood up, only then realizing I didn't have any pants on, just a shirt. I hate sleeping in anything besides underwear and a shirt. I quickly stepped into my grey sweatpants and walked into the bathroom, brushing my teeth.

  I looked at myself in the mirror as I scrubbed my teeth clean with the brush and Elliott walked in behind me. He bent down to wrap his arms around my waist, leaning his chin on my shoulder as he admired me. I giggled once he stuck his tongue out at me in the reflection and he kissed right below my ear. I shivered and spit the toothpaste out. I grabbed the disposable cup on the sink and swished the water around in my mouth before spitting the residue out.

  Elliott's hands spun me around as he grinned down at me, "Now I can finally kiss you."

"Who says?" I asked sarcastically as I began to walk out of the room but his hand on my bicep stopped me from walking any further, "Please?"

   I couldn't say no to that pretty face so I giggled instead once I stood up on my tip-toes to kiss him. He breathed into the kiss as his large hands cupped my face. I smiled as he deepened the kiss and he pulled away breathlessly, resting his forehead on my own.

  "I'm starving. Wanna go get breakfast with me?" He asked and as if on cue, my belly started rumbling. I sheepishly looked up at him and he gave me a lopsided grin, "Awesome. Let me grab my shirt and we can go."

I nodded as I stepped into my slippers and he threw a long-sleeved black shirt over his head. He spritzed on some cologne as I did the same with my perfume and deodorant. He looked immaculate in that shirt and before I know it I hear him calling my name, "Cam? What are you looking at?"

   "S-Sorry," I blushed and he smirked, "What? Cat got your tongue?"

  "You just... look really attractive in that shirt... I didn't mean to stare," I mumbled softly as I felt my cheeks heating like an oven. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead, "Stare all you want, mamas, I'm all yours."

*The end*

   I didn't even notice I was crying until I felt a wetness drop onto my hand. I breathed in sharply and wiped my face as I threw the shirt on over my head. It covered the fact I had shorts on and completely swallowed me whole, I couldn't care less though. It still smelled like him. Maybe this is a bad idea but I don't care. I miss him. I love him still...

  "Cammie, Elise?! Where are you guys?" I heard Salvatore call from the living room and I walked out of my bedroom, "I'm here. Elise had a meeting so she won't be back for another hour or two."

"Is she finally closing the deal?" He asked with excitement fishing around in his eyes and I nodded with a smile, "Yep! Tonight is the done deal. She's super nervous."

   "I'm ordering her favorite, Thai. You want the usual?" He asked and I nodded. He winked and I smiled back as I walked into the living room, turning on the TV and fishing through channels to find a movie. Once I spotted Dirty Dancing playing, I didn't hesitate to click it. I plopped down on the couch and brought the blanket over me. I covered up with it and about ten minutes later, Salv was handing me a plate of Thai food. I began eating, trying to ignore the fact that I smell like Elliott.

  "Is that... men's cologne?" Salvatore asked as he sniffed next to my shirt and I stiffened, "Yeah, I must've... grabbed the wrong shampoo."

He chuckled and nodded, eating his food, "Smells good so it's okay."

   After about thirty minutes with a comfortable silence, we finished our food and the movie. I was searching for another one when I heard Salvatore sigh from beside me, "Are we ever going to talk about it?"

  I side-eyed him and furrowed my brows, avoiding what he obviously meant, "Talk about what?"

"The fact that I told you I liked you and then we kissed? Or was it that forgettable?" He asked, hurt lacing his tone. I cleared my throat and shook my head, "It was definitely... not forgettable, Salv. I promise."

   "Then why are you acting like it was such a wrong thing to do? Do you not like me back? You can tell me, Cammie. I promise I can handle it," he said softly and I felt a pang in my heart. He's so vulnerable right now.

  "I like you too, Salvatore, and I liked the kiss, but... I'm still getting over Elliott and I don't want to hurt you while I heal," I admitted and his eyebrows furrowed, "Elliott. That's the guy who you broke up with all those months ago?" I nodded in response and heard him inhale sharply.

"You won't hurt me. Give me a chance, please? If it doesn't work then we can continue being friends," he pleaded and I smiled at him softly whilst nodding, "Okay."

   "Really?" He asked, shocked; he obviously wasn't expecting me to give in so easily. I nodded and laughed at his reaction.

  "Okay... I didn't even think of where we'd go for our first date. Shit," he said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his neck and an idea popped in my head.

"How about a wedding?"

   "Woah, Cammie, are you proposing?" He teased and I playfully slapped his shoulder, "No, arsehole, my sister is getting married in two days and Elise can't make it. I have to be a bridesmaid to whomever she partnered me up with but will you accompany me?"

  "Of course, Cammie."

Dynamite Touch (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now